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the price she paid-第3章

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ry eyes; or a mouth that seems to draw a man like a magnet; or it is the allure of a peculiar smile or of a figure whose sinuosities as she moves seem to cause a corresponding wave…disturbance in masculine nerves。  Further; the possession of one of these signal charms usually causes all her charms to have more than ordinary potency。  The sight of the man is so bewitched by the one potent charm that he sees the whole woman under a spell。

Mildred Gower; of the medium height and of a slender and well…formed figure; had a face of the kind that is called lovely; and her smile; sweet; dreamy; revealing white and even teeth; gave her loveliness delicate animation。  She had an abundance of hair; neither light nor dark; she had a fine clear skin。  Her eyes; gray and rather serious and well set under long straight brows; gave her a look of honesty and intelligence。 But the charm that won men; her charm of charms; was her mouthmobile; slightly pouted; not too narrow; of a wonderful; vividly healthy and vital red。  She had beauty; she had intelligence。  But it was impossible for a man to think of either; once his glance had been caught by those expressive; inviting lips of hers; so young; so fresh; with their ever…changing; ever… fascinating line expressing in a thousand ways the passion and poetry of the kiss。

Of all the men who had admired her and had edged away because they feared she would bewitch them into forgetting what the world calls ‘‘good common sense'' of all those men only one had suspected the real reason for her physical power over men。  All but Stanley Baird had thought themselves attracted because she was so pretty or so stylish or so clever and amusing to talk with。  Baird had lived intelligently enough to learn that feminine charm is never general; is always specific。  He knew it was Mildred Gower's lips that haunted; that frightened ambitious men away; that sent men who knew they hadn't a ghost of a chance with her discontentedly back to the second…choice women who alone were available for them。  Fortunately for Mildred; Stanley Baird; too wise to flatter a woman discriminatingly; did not tell her the secret of her fascination。  If he had told her; she would no doubt have tried to train and to use itand so would inevitably have lost it。

To go on with that important conference in the sitting…room in the handsome; roomy house of the Gowers at Hanging Rock; Frank Gower eagerly seized upon his wife's subtly nasty remark。  ‘‘I don't see why in thunder you haven't married; Milly;'' said he。  ‘‘You've had every chance; these last four or five years。''

‘‘And it'll be harder now;'' moaned her mother。 ‘‘For it looks as though we were going to be wretchedly poor。  And poverty is so repulsive。''

‘‘Do you think;'' said Mildred; ‘‘that giving me the idea that I must marry right away will make it easier for me to marry?  Everyone who knows us knows our circumstances。''  She looked significantly at Frank's wife; who had been wailing through Hanging Rock the woeful plight of her dead father…in…law's family。 The young Mrs。 Gower blushed and glanced away。 ‘‘And;'' Mildred went on; ‘‘everyone is saying that I must marry at oncethat there's nothing else for me to do。''  She smiled bitterly。  ‘‘When I go into the street again I shall see nothing but flying men。  And no man would come to call unless he brought a chaperon and a witness with him。''

‘‘How can you be so frivolous?'' reproached her mother。

Mildred was used to being misunderstood by her mother; who had long since been made hopelessly dull by the suffocating life she led and by pain from her feet; which never left her at ease for a moment except when she had them soaking in cold water。  Mrs。 Gower had been born with ordinary feet; neither ugly nor pretty and entirely fit for the uses for which nature intended feet。  She had spoiled them by wearing shoes to make them look smaller and slimmer than they were。 In steady weather she was plaintive; in changeable weather she varied between irritable and violent。

Said Mildred to her brother:  ‘‘How muchJUST how much is there?''

‘‘I can't say exactly;'' replied her brother; who had not yet solved to his satisfaction the moral problem of how much of the estate he ought to allow his mother and sister and how much he ought to claim for himself in such a way that the claim could not be disputed。

Mildred looked fixedly at him。  He showed his uneasiness not by glancing away; but by the appearance of a certain hard defiance in his eyes。  Said she:

‘‘What is the very most we can hope for?''

A silence。  Her mother broke it。  ‘‘Mildred; how CAN you talk of those thingsalready?''

‘‘I don't know;'' replied Mildred。  ‘‘Perhaps because it's got to be done。''

This seemed to them alland to herselfa lame excuse for such apparent hardness of heart。  Her father had always been SENDER…HEARTEDHAD NEVER SPOKEN OF MONEY; OR ENCOURAGED HIS FAMILY IN SPEAKING OF IT。


‘‘YOU'RE SURE; Frank; there's NO insurance?''

‘‘Father always said that you disliked the idea;'' replied her son; ‘‘that you thought insurance looked like your calculating on his death。''

Under her husband's adroit prompting Mrs。 Gower had discovered such a view of insurance in her brain。 She now recalled expressing itand regretted。  But she was silenced。  She tried to take her mind of the sub… ject of money。  But; like Mildred; she could not。  The thought of imminent poverty was nagging at them like toothache。  ‘‘There'll be enough for a year or so?'' she said; timidly interrogative。

‘‘I hope so;'' said Frank。

Mildred was eying him fixedly again。  Said she: ‘‘Have you found anything at all?''

‘‘He had about eight thousand dollars in bank;'' said Frank。  ‘‘But most of it will go for the pressing debts。''

‘‘But how did HE expect to live?'' urged Mildred。

‘‘Yes; there must have been SOMETHING;'' said her mother。

‘‘Of course; there's his share of the unsettled and unfinished business of the firm;'' admitted Frank。

‘‘How much will that be?'' persisted Mildred。

‘‘I can't tell; offhand;'' said Frank; with virtuous reproach。  ‘‘My mind's been onother things。''

Henry Gower's widow was not without her share of instinctive shrewdness。  Neither had she; unobservant though she was; been within sight of her son's character for twenty…eight years without having unconfessed; unformed misgivings concerning it。 ‘‘You mustn't bother about these things now; Frank dear;'' said she。  ‘‘I'll get my brother to look into it。''

‘‘That won't be necessary;'' hastily said Frank。  ‘‘I don't want any rival lawyer peeping into our firm's affairs。''

‘‘My brother Wharton is the soul of honor;'' said Mrs。 Gower; the elder; with dignity。  ‘‘You are too young to take all the responsibility of settling the estate。  Yes; I'll send for Wharton to…morrow。''

‘‘It'll look as though you didn't trust me;'' said Frank sourly。

‘‘We mustn't do anything to start the gossips in this town;'' said his wife; assisting。

‘‘Then send for him yourself; Frank;'' said Mildred; ‘‘and give him charge of the whole matter。''

Frank eyed her furiously。  ‘‘How ashamed father would be!'' exclaimed he。

But this solemn 
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