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the writings-6-第75章

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day than you had at the battle of Stone's River?  And yet have not

more been furnished you since then than your entire present stock?  I

ask the same questions as to your mounted force。

Do not misunderstand: I am not casting blame upon you; I rather think

by great exertion you can get to East Tennessee; but a very important

question is; Can you stay there?  I make no order in the casethat I

leave to General Halleck and yourself。

And now be assured once more that I think of you in all kindness and

confidence; and that I am not watching you with an evil eye。

Yours very truly;




August 11。1863。


Governor of New York:

Yours of the 8th; with Judge…Advocate…Genera1 Waterbury's report; was

received to…day。

Asking you to remember that I consider time as being very important;

both to the general cause of the country and to the soldiers in the

field; I beg to remind you that I waited; at your request; from the

1st until the 6th inst。; to receive your communication dated the 3d。

In view of its great length; and the known time and apparent care

taken in its preparation; I did not doubt that it contained your full

case as you desired to present it。  It contained the figures for

twelve districts; omitting the other nineteen; as I suppose; because

you found nothing to complain of as to them。  I answered accordingly。

In doing so I laid down the principle to which I purpose adhering;

which is to proceed with the draft; at the same time employing

infallible means to avoid any great wrong。  With the communication

received to…day you send figures for twenty…eight districts;

including the twelve sent before; and still omitting three; for which

I suppose the enrolments are not yet received。  In looking over the

fuller list of twenty…eight districts; I find that the quotas for

sixteen of them are above 2000 and below 2700; while; of the rest;

six are above 2700 and six are below 2000。   Applying the principle

to these new facts; the Fifth and Seventh districts must be added to

the four in which the quotas have already been reduced to 2200 for

the first draft; and with these four others just be added to those to

be re…enrolled。  The correct case will then stand: the quotas of the

Second; Fourth; Fifth; Sixth; Seventh; and Eighth districts fixed at

2200 for the first draft。  The Provost…Marshal…General informs me

that the drawing is already completed in the Sixteenth; Seventeenth;

Eighteenth; Twenty…second; Twenty…fourth; Twenty…sixth; Twenty…

seventh; Twenty…eighth; Twenty…ninth; and Thirtieth districts。   In

the others; except the three outstanding; the drawing will be made

upon the quotas as now fixed。  After the first draft; the Second;

Fourth; Fifth; Sixth; Seventh; Eighth; Sixteenth; Seventeenth;

Twenty…first; Twenty…fifth; Twenty…ninth; and Thirty…first will be

enrolled for the purpose and in the manner stated in my letter of the

7th inst。 The same principle will be applied to the now outstanding

districts when they shall come in。  No part of my former letter is

repudiated by reason of not being restated in this; or for any other


Your obedient servant;




August 12; 1863。


MY DEAR SIR:Our friend William G。 Greene has just presented a kind

letter in regard to yourself; addressed to me by our other friends

Yates; Hatch; and Dubois。

I doubt whether your present position is more painful to you than to

myself。  Grateful for the patriotic stand so early taken by you in

this life…and…death struggle of the nation; I have done whatever has

appeared practicable to advance you and the public interest together。

 No charges; with a view to a trial; have been preferred against you

by any one; nor do I suppose any will be。   All there is; so far as I

have heard; is General Grant's statement of his reasons for relieving

you。  And even this I have not seen or sought to see; because it is a

case; as appears to me; in which I could do nothing without doing

harm。  General Grant and yourself have been conspicuous in our most

important successes; and for me to interfere and thus magnify a

breach between you could not but be of evil effect。  Better leave it

where the law of the case has placed it。  For me to force you back

upon General Grant would be forcing him to resign。  I cannot give you

a new command; because we have no forces except such as already have


I am constantly pressed by those who scold before they think; or

without thinking at all; to give commands respectively to Fremont;

McClellan; Butler; Sigel; Curtis; Hunter; Hooker; and perhaps others;

when; all else out of the way; I have no commands to give them。  This

is now your case; which; as I have said; pains me not less than it

does you。  My belief is that the permanent estimate of what a general

does in the field is fixed by the 〃cloud of witnesses〃 who have been

with him in the field; and that; relying on these; he who has the

right needs not to fear。

Your friend as ever;





Your despatch of this morning is just received; and I fear I do not

perfectly understand it。

My view of the principle is that every soldier obtained voluntarily

leaves one less to be obtained by draft。  The only difficulty is in

applying the principle properly。  Looking to time; as heretofore; I

am unwilling to give up a drafted man now; even for the certainty;

much less for the mere chance; of getting a volunteer hereafter。

Again; after the draft in any district; would it not make trouble to

take any drafted man out and put a volunteer infor how shall it be

determined which drafted man is to have the privilege of thus going

out; to the exclusion of all the others?  And even before the draft

in any district the quota must be fixed; and the draft must be

postponed indefinitely if every time a volunteer is offered the

officers must stop and reconstruct the quota。  At least I fear there

might be this difficulty; but; at all events; let credits for

volunteers be given up to the last moment which will not produce

confusion or delay。  That the principle of giving credits for

volunteers shall be applied by districts seems fair and proper;

though I do not know how far by present statistics it is practicable。

When for any cause a fair credit is not given at one time; it should

be given as soon thereafter as practicable。  My purpose is to be just

and fair; and yet to not lose time。




August 17; 1863。


MY DEAR SIR:Months ago I should hav
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