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the writings-6-第61章

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army; would be ruined。  I think Lee's army; and not Richmond; is your

true objective point。   If he comes towards the upper Potomac; follow

on his flank; and on the inside track; shortening your lines while he

lengthens his。  Fight him; too; when opportunity offers。  If he stay

where he is; fret him and fret him。




MRS。 LINCOLN; Philadelphia:

Your three despatches received。  I am very well and am glad to know

that you and 〃Tad〃 are so。






If you can show me a trial of the incendiary shells on Saturday

night; I will try to join you at 5 P。M。 that day  Answer。




June 12; 1863。


GENTLEMEN:Your letter of May 19; inclosing the resolutions of a

public meeting held at Albany; New York; on the 16th of the same

month; was received several days ago。

The resolutions; as I understand them; are resolvable into two

propositionsfirst; the expression of a purpose to sustain the cause

of the Union; to secure peace through victory; and to support the

administration in every constitutional and lawful measure to suppress

the rebellion; and; secondly; a declaration of censure upon the

administration for supposed unconstitutional action; such as the

making of military arrests。  And from the two propositions a third is

deduced; which is that the gentlemen composing the meeting are

resolved on doing their part to maintain our common government and

country; despite the folly or wickedness; as they may conceive; of

any administration。  This position is eminently patriotic; and as

such I thank the meeting; and congratulate the nation for it。  My own

purpose is the same; so that the meeting and myself have a common

object; and can have no difference; except in the choice of means or

measures for effecting that object。

And here I ought to close this paper; and would close it; if there

were no apprehension that more injurious consequences than any merely

personal to myself might follow the censures systematically cast upon

me for doing what; in my view of duty; I could not forbear。  The

resolutions promise to support me in every constitutional and lawful

measure to suppress the rebellion; and I have not knowingly employed;

nor shall knowingly employ; any other。  But the meeting; by their

resolutions; assert and argue that certain military arrests; and

proceedings following them; for which I am ultimately responsible;

are unconstitutional。  I think they are not。  The resolutions quote

from the Constitution the definition of treason; and also the

limiting safeguards and guarantees therein provided for the citizen

on trial for treason; and on his being held to answer for capital or

otherwise infamous crimes; and in criminal prosecutions his right to

a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury。  They proceed to

resolve 〃that these safeguards of the rights of the citizen against

the pretensions of arbitrary power were intended more especially for

his protection in times of civil commotion。〃 And; apparently to

demonstrate the proposition; the resolutions proceed: 〃They were

secured substantially to the English people after years of protracted

civil war; and were adopted into our Constitution at the close of the

Revolution。〃 Would not the demonstration have been better if it could

have been truly said that these safeguards had been adopted and

applied during the civil wars and during our Revolution; instead of

after the one and at the close of the other?   I too am devotedly for

them after civil war; and before Civil war; and at all times; 〃except

when; in cases of rebellion or invasion; the public safety may

require〃 their suspension。  The resolutions proceed to tell us that

these safeguards 〃have stood the test of seventy…six years of trial

under our republican system; under circumstances which show that;

while they constitute the foundation of all free government; they are

the elements of the enduring stability of the republic。〃 No one

denies that they have so stood the test up to the beginning of the

present rebellion; if we except a certain occurrence at New Orleans

hereafter to be mentioned; nor does any one question that they will

stand the same test much longer after the rebellion closes。  But

these provisions of the Constitution have no application to the case

we have in hand; because the arrests complained of were not made for

treasonthat is; not for the treason defined in the Constitution;

and upon the conviction of which the punishment is deathnor yet

were they made to hold persons to answer for any capital or otherwise

infamous crimes; nor were the proceedings following; in any

constitutional or legal sense; 〃criminal prosecutions。〃 The arrests

were made on totally different grounds; and the proceedings following

accorded with the grounds of the arrests。  Let us consider the real

case with which we are dealing; and apply to it the parts of the

Constitution plainly made for such cases。

Prior to my installation here it had been inculcated that any State

had a lawful right to secede from the national Union; and that it

would be expedient to exercise the right whenever the devotees of the

doctrine should fail to elect a president to their own liking。  I was

elected contrary to their liking; and accordingly; so far as it was

legally possible; they had taken seven States out of the Union; had

seized many of the United States forts; and had fired upon the United

States flag; all before I was inaugurated; and; of course; before I

had done any official act whatever。  The rebellion thus begun soon

ran into the present civil war; and; in certain respects; it began on

very unequal terms between the parties。  The insurgents had been

preparing for it more than thirty years; while the government had

taken no steps to resist them。  The former had carefully considered

all the means which could be turned to their account。  It undoubtedly

was a well…pondered reliance with them that in their own unrestricted

effort to destroy Union; Constitution and law; all together; the

government would; in great degree; be restrained by the same

Constitution and law from arresting their progress。  Their

sympathizers invaded all departments of the government and nearly all

communities of the people。  From this material; under cover of

〃liberty of speech;〃 〃liberty of the press;〃 and 〃habeas corpus;〃

they hoped to keep on foot amongst us a most efficient corps of

spies; informers; suppliers; and aiders and abettors of their cause

in a thousand ways。  They knew that in times such as they were

inaugurating; by the Constitution itself the 〃habeas corpus〃 might b
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