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the writings-6-第47章

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MAJOR…GENERAL DIX; Fort Monroe; Va。:

Do Richmond papers of 6th say nothing about Vicksburg; or if

anything; what?




January 7; 1863。


MY DEAR SIR:What think you of forming a reserve cavalry corps of;

say; 6000 for the Army of the Potomac?  Might not such a corps be

constituted from the cavalry of Sigel's and Slocum's corps; with

scraps we could pick up here and there?

Yours truly;



WASHINGTON; D。 C。; January 7; 1863。 5。30 P。M。

HON。 B。 GRATZ BROWN; Jefferson City; Mo。:

Yours of to…day just received。 The administration takes no part

between its friends in Missouri; of whom I; at least; consider you

one; and I have never before had an intimation that appointees there

were interfering; or were inclined to interfere。



JANUARY 8; 1863。


January 5; 1863。


Since my return to the army I have become more than ever convinced

that the general officers of this command are almost unanimously

opposed to another crossing of the river; but I am still of the

opinion that the; crossing should be attempted; and I have

accordingly issued orders to the engineers and artillery to prepare

for it。  There is much hazard in it; as there always is in the

majority of military movements; and I cannot begin the movement

without ;giving you notice of it; particularly as I know so little of

the effect that it may have upon other movements of distant armies。

The influence of your telegram the other day is still upon me; and

has impressed me with the idea that there are many parts of the

problem which influence you that are not known to me。

In order to relieve you from all embarrassment in my case; I inclose

with this my resignation of my commission as major…general of

volunteers; which you can have accepted if my movement is not in

accordance with the views of yourself and your military advisers。

I have taken the liberty to write to you personally upon this

subject; because it was necessary; as I learned from General Halleck;

for you to approve of my general plan; written at Warrenton; before I

could commence the movement; and I think it quite as necessary that

you should know of the important movement I am about to make;

particularly as it will have to be made in opposition to the views of

nearly all my general officers; and after the receipt of a despatch

from you informing me of the opinion of some of them who had visited


In conversation with you on New Year's morning I was led to express

some opinions which I afterward felt it my duty to place on paper;

and to express them verbally to the gentleman of whom we were

speaking; which I did in your presence; after handing you the letter。

You were not disposed then; as I saw; to retain the letter; and I

took it back; but I now return it to you for record。 if you wish it。

I beg leave to say that my resignation is not sent in in any spirit

of insubordination; but; as I before said; simply to relieve you from

any embarrassment in changing commanders where lack of confidence may

have rendered it necessary。

The bearer of this will bring me any answer; or I should be glad to

hear from you by telegraph in cipher。

I have the honor to be; very respectfully; your obedient servant; 。


Major…General; Commanding Army of the Potomac。


January 7; 1863。

MAJOR…GENERAL BURNSIDE; Commanding; etc。; Falmouth:

GENERAL:Your communication of the 5th was delivered to me by your

aide…de…camp at 12 M。 to…day。

In all my communications and interviews with you since you took

command of the Army of the Potomac I have advised a forward movement

across the Rappahannock。  At our interview at Warrenton I urged that

you should cross by the fords above Fredericksburg rather than to

fall down to that place; and when I left you at Warrenton it was

understood that at least a considerable part of your army would cross

by the fords; and I so represented to the President。  It was this

modification of the plan proposed by you that I telegraphed you had

received his approval。  When the attempt at Fredericksburg was

abandoned; I advised you to renew the attempt at some other point;

either in whole or in part; to turn the enemy's works; or to threaten

their wings or communications; in other words; to keep the enemy

occupied till a favorable opportunity offered to strike a decisive

blow。 I particularly advised you to use your cavalry and light

artillery upon his communications; and attempt to cut off his

supplies and engage him at an advantage。

In all our interviews I have urged that our first object was; not

Richmond; but the defeat or scattering of Lee's army; which

threatened Washington and the line of the upper Potomac。  I now recur

to these things simply to remind you of the general views which I

have expressed; and which I still hold。

The circumstances of the case; however; have somewhat changed since

the early part of November。  The chances of an extended line of

operations are now; on account of the advanced season; much less than

then。  But the chances are still in our favor to meet and defeat the

enemy on the Rappahannock; if we can effect a crossing in a position

where we can meet the enemy on favorable or even equal terms。

I therefore still advise a movement against him。  The character of

that movement; however; must depend upon circumstances which may

change any day and almost any hour。  If the enemy should concentrate

his forces at the place you have selected for a crossing; make it a

feint and try another place。  Again; the circumstances at the time

may be such as to render an attempt to cross the entire army not

advisable。  In that case; theory suggests that; while the enemy

concentrates at that point; advantages can be gained by crossing

smaller forces at other points to cut off his lines; destroy his

communication; and capture his rear…guards; outposts; etc。  The great

object is to occupy the enemy to prevent his making large detachments

or distant raids; and to injure him all you can with the least injury

to yourself。  If this can be best accomplished by feints of a general

crossing and detached real crossings; take that course; if by an

actual general crossing; with feints on other points; adopt that

course。  There seem to me to be many reasons why a crossing at some

point should be attempted。  It will not do to keep your large army

inactive。  As you yourself admit; it devolves on you to decide upon

the time; place; and character of the crossing which you 
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