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the writings-6-第40章

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It also provides for compensation; and generally the mode of making

it。  This; it would seem; must further mitigate the dissatisfaction

of those who favor perpetual slavery; and especially of those who are

to receive the compensation。  Doubtless some of those who are to pay

and not to receive will object。  Yet the measure is both just and

economical。  In a certain sense the liberation of slaves is the

destruction of propertyproperty acquired by descent or by purchase;

the same as any other property。  It is no less true for having been

often said that the people of the South are not more responsible for

the original introduction of this property than are the people of the

North; and when it is remembered how unhesitatingly we all use cotton

and sugar and share the profits of dealing in them; it may not be

quite safe to say that the South has been more responsible than the

North for its continuance。  If; then; for a common object this

property is to be sacrificed; is it not just that it be done at a

common charge?

And if with less money; or money more easily paid; we can preserve

the benefits of the Union by this means than we can by the war alone;

is it not also economical to do it?  Let us consider it; then。  Let

us ascertain the sum we have expended in the war Since compensated

emancipation was proposed last March; and consider whether if that

measure had been promptly accepted by even some of the slave States

the same sum would not have done more to close the war than has been

otherwise done。  If so; the measure would save money; and in that

view would be a prudent and economical measure。  Certainly it is not

so easy to pay something as it is to pay nothing; but it is easier to

pay a large sum than it is to pay a larger one。  And it is easier to

pay any sum when we are able than it is to pay it before we are able。

The war requires large sums; and requires them at once。  The

aggregate sum necessary for compensated emancipation of course would

be large。  But it would require no ready cash; nor the bonds even any

faster than the emancipation progresses。  This might not; and

probably would not; close before the end of the thirty…seven years。

At that time we shall probably have a hundred millions of people to

share the burden; instead of thirty…one millions as now。  And not

only so; but the increase of our population may be expected to

continue for a long time after that period as rapidly as before;

because our territory will not have become full。  I do not state this

inconsiderately。  At the same ratio of increase which we have

maintained; on an average; from our first national census; in 1790;

until that of 186o; we should in 1900 have a population of

103;208;415。  And why may we not continue that ratio far beyond that

period?  Our abundant room; our broad national homestead; is our

ample resource。  Were our territory as limited as are the British

Isles; very certainly our population could not expand as stated。

Instead of receiving the foreign born as now; we should be compelled

to send part of the native born away。  But such is not our condition。

We have 2;963;000 square miles。  Europe has 3;800;000; with a

population averaging 73 persons to the square mile。  Why may not our

country at some time average as many?  Is it less fertile?  Has it

more waste surface by mountains; rivers; lakes; deserts; or other

causes?  Is it inferior to Europe in any natural advantage?  If;

then; we are at some time to be as populous as Europe; how soon?  As

to when this may be; we can judge by the past and the present; as to

when it will be; if ever; depends much on whether we maintain the


'a page of tables of projected statistics'

These figures show that our country may be as populous as Europe now

is at some point between 1920 and 1930; say about 1925our

territory; at 73 persons to the square mile; being of capacity to

contain 217;186;000。

And we will reach this; too; if we do not ourselves relinquish the

chance by the folly and evils of disunion or by long and exhausting

war springing from the only great element of national discord among

us。  While it cannot be foreseen exactly how much one huge example of

secession; breeding lesser ones indefinitely; would retard

population; civilization; and prosperity; no one can doubt that the

extent of it would be very great and injurious。

The proposed emancipation would shorten the war; perpetuate peace;

insure this increase of population; and proportionately the wealth of

the country。  With these we should pay all the emancipation would

cost; together with our other debt; easier than we should pay our

other debt without it。  If we had allowed our old national debt to

run at six per cent。 per annum; simple interest; from the end of our

revolutionary struggle until to…day; without paying anything on

either principal or interest; each man of us would owe less upon that

debt now than each man owed upon it then; and this because our

increase of men through the whole period has been greater than six

per cent。has run faster than the interest upon the debt。  Thus time

alone relieves a debtor nation; so long as its population increases

faster than unpaid interest accumulates on its debt。

This fact would be no excuse for delaying payment of what is justly

due; but it shows the great importance of time in this connection

the great advantage of a policy by which we shall not have to pay

until we number 100;000;000 what by a different policy we would have

to pay now; when we number but 31;000;000。  In a word; it shows that

a dollar will be much harder to pay for the war than will be a dollar

for emancipation on the proposed plan。   And then the latter will

cost no blood; no precious life。  It will be a saving of both。

As to the second article; I think it would be impracticable to return

to bondage the class of persons therein contemplated。  Some of them;

doubtless; in the property sense belong to loyal owners; and hence

Provision is made in this article for compensating such。

The third article relates to the future of the freed people。  It does

not oblige; but merely authorizes Congress to aid in colonizing such

as may consent。  This ought nut to be regarded as objectionable on

the one hand or on the other; insomuch as it comes to nothing unless

by the mutual consent of the people to be deported and the American

voters through their representatives in Congress。

I cannot make it better known than it already is that I strongly

favor colonization; and yet I wish to say there is an objection urged

against free colored persons remaining in the country which is

largely imaginary; if not sometimes malicious。

It is insisted that their presence would injure and displace white

labor and white laborers。  If there ever could be a proper time for

mere catch arguments that time surely is not now。  In times like the

present men should utter nothing for which the
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