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the writings-6-第28章

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article shall be dismissed from the service。

SEC。 2。  And be it further enacted; That this act shall take effect

from and after its passage。〃

Also to the ninth and tenth sections of an act entitled 〃An act to

suppress insurrection; to punish treason and rebellion; to seize and

confiscate the property of rebels; and for other purposes;〃 approved

July 17; 1862; and which sections are in the words and figures


〃SEC。 9。  And be it further enacted; That all slaves of persons who

shall hereafter be engaged in rebellion against the Government of the

United States; or who shall in any way give aid or comfort thereto;

escaping from such persons and taking refuge within the lines of the

army; and all slaves captured from such persons or deserted by them

and coming under the control of the Government of the United States;

and all slaves of such persons found on (or) being within any place

occupied by rebel forces and afterwards occupied by the forces of the

United States; shall be deemed captives of war and shall be forever

free of their servitude and not again held as slaves。

〃SEC。 9。  And be it further enacted; That no slave escaping into any

State; Territory; or the District of Columbia from any other State

shall be delivered up or in any way impeded or hindered of his

liberty; except for crime; or some offence against the laws; unless

the person claiming said fugitive shall first make oath that the

person to whom the labor or service of such fugitive is alleged to be

due is his lawful owner; and has not borne arms against the United

States in the present rebellion; nor in any way given aid and comfort

thereto; and no person engaged in the military or naval service of

the United States shall; under any pretense whatever; assume to

decide on the validity of the claim of any person to the service or

labor of any other person; or surrender up any such person to the

claimant; on pain of being dismissed from the service。〃

And I do hereby enjoin upon and order all persons engaged in the

military and naval service of the United States to observe; obey; and

enforce; within their respective spheres of service; the act and

sections above recited。

And the Executive will in due time recommend that all citizens of the

United States who shall have remained loyal thereto throughout the

rebellion shall (upon the restoration of the constitutional relation

between the United States and their respective States and people; if

that relation shall have been suspended or disturbed) be compensated

for all losses by acts of the United States; including the loss of


In witness whereof; I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal

of the United States to be affixed。

Done at the City of Washington; this twenty…second day of September;

in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty…two; and

of the independence of the United States the eighty…seventh。


By the President:

WILLIAM H。 SEWARD; Secretary of State。




A Proclamation

Whereas it has become necessary to call into service not only

volunteers; but also portions of the militia of the States by draft;

in order to suppress the insurrection existing in the United States;

and disloyal persons are not adequately restrained by the ordinary

processes of law from hindering this measure; and from giving aid and

comfort in various ways to the insurrection:

Now; therefore; be it ordered

First。  That during the existing insurrection; and as a necessary

measure for suppressing the same; all rebels and insurgents; their

aiders and abettors within the United States; and all persons

discouraging volunteer enlistments; resisting militia drafts; or

guilty of any disloyal practice affording aid and comfort to rebels

against the authority of the United States; shall be subject to

martial law; and liable to trial and punishment by courts…martial or

military commissions。

Second。   That the writ of habeas corpus is suspended in respect to

all persons arrested; or who are now; or hereafter during the

rebellion shall be; imprisoned in any fort camp; arsenal; military

prison or other place of confinement by any military authority or by

the sentence of any court…martial or military commission。

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of

the United States to be affixed。

Done at the city of WASHINGTON; this twenty…fourth day of September。

A。D。 eighteen hundred and sixty…two; and of the independence of the

United States the eighty…seventh。


By the President:

WILLIAM H。 SEWARD; Secretary of State。


I appear before you to do little more than acknowledge the courtesy

you pay me; and to thank you for it。  I have not been distinctly

informed why it is that on this occasion you appear to do me this

honor; though I suppose it is because of the proclamation。  What I

did; I did after a very full deliberation; and under a very heavy and

solemn sense of responsibility。  I can only trust in God I have made

no mistake。  I shall make no attempt on this occasion to sustain what

I have done or said by any comment。  It is now for the country and

the world to pass judgment and; maybe; take action upon it。

I will say no more upon this subject。  In my position I am environed

with difficulties。  Yet they are scarcely so great as the

difficulties of those who upon the battle…field are endeavoring to

purchase with their blood and their lives the future happiness and

prosperity of this country。  Let us never forget them。  On the

fourteenth and seventeenth days of this present month there have been

battles bravely; skillfully; and successfully fought。  We do not yet

know the particulars。  Let us be sure that; in giving praise to

certain individuals; we do no injustice to others。  I only ask you;

at the conclusion of these few remarks; to give three hearty cheers

for all good and brave officers and men who fought those successful





September 26; 1862。


I am informed that; in answer to the question; 〃Why was not the rebel

army bagged immediately after the battle near Sharpsburg?〃 propounded

to you by Major Levi C。 Turner; Judge Advocate; etc。; you said:

〃That is not the game。  The object is; that neither army shall get

much advantage of the other; that both shall be kept in the field

till they are exhausted; when we will make a compromise and save


I shall be very happy if you will; within twenty…four hours from the

receipt of this; prove to me by Major Turner tha
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