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is shakespeare dead-第18章

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ratford in Shakespeare's time; would she have forgotten him?  Yes。  For he was never famous during his lifetime; he was utterly obscure in Stratford; and there wouldn't be any occasion to remember him after he had been dead a week。

〃Injun Joe;〃 〃Jimmy Finn;〃 and 〃General Gaines〃 were prominent and very intemperate ne'er…do…weels in Hannibal two generations ago。 Plenty of gray…heads there remember them to this day; and can tell you about them。  Isn't it curious that two 〃town…drunkards〃 and one half…breed loafer should leave behind them; in a remote Missourian village; a fame a hundred times greater and several hundred times more particularized in the matter of definite facts than Shakespeare left behind him in the village where he had lived the half of his lifetime?



{1}  Four fathomstwenty…four feet。

{2}  From chapter XIII of 〃The Shakespeare Problem Restated。〃

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