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the haunted bookshop(闹鬼的书店)-第62章

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eavesdropping in alleys; and accusing people of pro…germanism。 Business; 

Aubrey   said   to   himself;   is   built   upon   Confidence;   and   what   confidence 

could Mr。 Chapman have in such vagabond and romantic doings? Still; he 

felt that he had done nothing to be ashamed of。 

     〃I'm sorry; sir;〃 he said。      〃We have tried to give you service。 I assure 

you   that   I've   spent   by   far   the   larger   part   of   my   time   at   the   office   in 

working up plans for your campaigns。〃 

     He could not bear to look at Titania; ashamed that she should be the 

witness of his humiliation。 

     〃That's   exactly  it;〃 said   Mr。  Chapman。        〃I   don't   want   just   the   larger 

part of your time。       I want all of it。     I want you to accept the position of 

assistant advertising manager of the Daintybits Corporation。〃 

     They all cheered; and for the third time that evening Aubrey felt more 

overwhelmed   than   any   good   advertising   man   is   accustomed   to   feel。   He 

tried to express his delight; and then added: 

     〃I think it's my turn to propose a toast。           I give you the health of Mr。 

and Mrs。 Mifflin; and their Haunted Bookshop; the place where I firstI 


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                                  THE HAUNTED BOOKSHOP 


     His courage failed him; and he concluded; 〃First learned the meaning 

of literature。〃 

     〃Suppose   we   adjourn   to   the   den;〃   said   Helen。     〃We   have   so   many 

delightful things to talk over; and I know Roger wants to tell you all about 

the improvements he is planning for the shop。〃 

     Aubrey lingered to be the last; and it is to be conjectured that Titania 

did not drop her handkerchief merely by accident。 The others had already 

crossed the hall into the sitting room。 

     Their eyes met; and Aubrey could feel himself drowned in her steady; 

honest gaze。      He was tortured by the bliss of being so near her; and alone。 

The rest of the world seemed to shred away and leave them standing in 

that little island of light where the tablecloth gleamed under the lamp。 

     In   his hand he   clutched  the  precious   book。        Out of   all   the  thousand 

things he thought; there was only one he dared to say。 

     〃Will you write my name in it?〃 

     〃I'd   love   to;〃   she   said;   a   little   shakily;   for   she;   too;   was   strangely 

alarmed at certain throbbings。 

     He gave her his pen; and she sat down at the table。 She wrote quickly 

     For Aubrey Gilbert        From Titania Chapman With much gr 

       She paused。 

     〃Oh;〃 she said quickly。         〃Do I have to finish it now?〃 She looked up 

at   him;   with   the   lamplight   shining   on   her   vivid   face。 Aubrey   felt   oddly 

stupefied;     and   was    thinking    only   of  the   little  golden    sparkle   of   her 

eyelashes。      This time her eyes were the first to turn away。 

     〃You see;〃 she said with a funny little quaver; 〃I might want to change 

the wording。〃       And she ran from the room。 

     As she entered the den; her father was speaking。              〃You know;〃 he said; 

〃I'm rather glad she wants to stay in the book business。〃 Roger looked up 

at her。 

     〃Well;〃 he said; 〃I believe it agrees with her!             You know; the beauty 

of living in a place like this is that you get so absorbed in the books you 

don't   have   any   temptation   to   worry   about   anything   else。   The   people   in 


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                             THE HAUNTED BOOKSHOP 

books become more real to you than any one in actual life。〃 Titania; sitting 

on the arm of Mrs。 Mifflin's chair; took Helen's hand; unobserved by the 

others。   They smiled at each other slyly。 


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