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the iliad(伊利亚特)-第78章

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we might only save the body of Patroclus for Achilles son of Peleus。
This; of many evils would be the least。〃
  While he was thus in two minds; the Trojans came up to him with
Hector at their head; he therefore drew back and left the body;
turning about like some bearded lion who is being chased by dogs and
men from a stockyard with spears and hue and cry; whereon he is
daunted and slinks sulkily off… even so did Menelaus son of Atreus
turn and leave the body of Patroclus。 When among the body of his
men; he looked around for mighty Ajax son of Telamon; and presently
saw him on the extreme left of the fight; cheering on his men and
exhorting them to keep on fighting; for Phoebus Apollo had spread a
great panic among them。 He ran up to him and said; 〃Ajax; my good
friend; come with me at once to dead Patroclus; if so be that we may
take the body to Achilles… as for his armour; Hector already has it。〃
  These words stirred the heart of Ajax; and he made his way among the
front ranks; Menelaus going with him。 Hector had stripped Patroclus of
his armour; and was dragging him away to cut off his head and take the
body to fling before the dogs of Troy。 But Ajax came up with his
shield like wall before him; on which Hector withdrew under shelter of
his men; and sprang on to his chariot; giving the armour over to the
Trojans to take to the city; as a great trophy for himself; Ajax;
therefore; covered the body of Patroclus with his broad shield and
bestrode him; as a lion stands over his whelps if hunters have come
upon him in a forest when he is with his little ones… in the pride and
fierceness of his strength he draws his knit brows down till they
cover his eyes… even so did Ajax bestride the body of Patroclus; and
by his side stood Menelaus son of Atreus; nursing great sorrow in
his heart。
  Then Glaucus son of Hippolochus looked fiercely at Hector and
rebuked him sternly。 〃Hector;〃 said he; 〃you make a brave show; but in
fight you are sadly wanting。 A runaway like yourself has no claim to
so great a reputation。 Think how you may now save your town and
citadel by the hands of your own people born in Ilius; for you will
get no Lycians to fight for you; seeing what thanks they have had
for their incessant hardships。 Are you likely; sir; to do anything
to help a man of less note; after leaving Sarpedon; who was at once
your guest and comrade in arms; to be the spoil and prey of the
Danaans? So long as he lived he did good service both to your city and
yourself; yet you had no stomach to save his body from the dogs。 If
the Lycians will listen to me; they will go home and leave Troy to its
fate。 If the Trojans had any of that daring fearless spirit which lays
hold of men who are fighting for their country and harassing those who
would attack it; we should soon bear off Patroclus into Ilius。 Could
we get this dead man away and bring him into the city of Priam; the
Argives would readily give up the armour of Sarpedon; and we should
get his body to boot。 For he whose squire has been now killed is the
foremost man at the ships of the Achaeans… he and his close…fighting
followers。 Nevertheless you dared not make a stand against Ajax; nor
face him; eye to eye; with battle all round you; for he is a braver
man than you are。〃
  Hector scowled at him and answered; 〃Glaucus; you should know
better。 I have held you so far as a man of more understanding than any
in all Lycia; but now I despise you for saying that I am afraid of
Ajax。 I fear neither battle nor the din of chariots; but Jove's will
is stronger than ours; Jove at one time makes even a strong man draw
back and snatches victory from his grasp; while at another he will set
him on to fight。 Come hither then; my friend; stand by me and see
indeed whether I shall play the coward the whole day through as you
say; or whether I shall not stay some even of the boldest Danaans from
fighting round the body of Patroclus。〃
  As he spoke he called loudly on the Trojans saying; 〃Trojans;
Lycians; and Dardanians; fighters in close combat; be men; my friends;
and fight might and main; while I put on the goodly armour of
Achilles; which I took when I killed Patroclus。〃
  With this Hector left the fight; and ran full speed after his men
who were taking the armour of Achilles to Troy; but had not yet got
far。 Standing for a while apart from the woeful fight; he changed
his armour。 His own he sent to the strong city of Ilius and to the
Trojans; while he put on the immortal armour of the son of Peleus;
which the gods had given to Peleus; who in his age gave it to his son;
but the son did not grow old in his father's armour。
  When Jove; lord of the storm…cloud; saw Hector standing aloof and
arming himself in the armour of the son of Peleus; he wagged his
head and muttered to himself saying; 〃A! poor wretch; you arm in the
armour of a hero; before whom many another trembles; and you reck
nothing of the doom that is already close upon you。 You have killed
his comrade so brave and strong; but it was not well that you should
strip the armour from his head and shoulders。 I do indeed endow you
with great might now; but as against this you shall not return from
battle to lay the armour of the son of Peleus before Andromache。〃
  The son of Saturn bowed his portentous brows; and Hector fitted
the armour to his body; while terrible Mars entered into him; and
filled his whole body with might and valour。 With a shout he strode in
among the allies; and his armour flashed about him so that he seemed
to all of them like the great son of Peleus himself。 He went about
among them and cheered them on… Mesthles; Glaucus; Medon;
Thersilochus; Asteropaeus; Deisenor and Hippothous; Phorcys;
Chromius and Ennomus the augur。 All these did he exhort saying;
〃Hear me; allies from other cities who are here in your thousands;
it was not in order to have a crowd about me that I called you
hither each from his several city; but that with heart and soul you
might defend the wives and little ones of the Trojans from the
fierce Achaeans。 For this do I oppress my people with your food and
the presents that make you rich。 Therefore turn; and charge at the
foe; to stand or fall as is the game of war; whoever shall bring
Patroclus; dead though he be; into the hands of the Trojans; and shall
make Ajax give way before him; I will give him one half of the
spoils while I keep the other。 He will thus share like honour with
  When he had thus spoken they charged full weight upon the Danaans
with their spears held out before them; and the hopes of each ran high
that he should force Ajax son of Telamon to yield up the body… fools
that they were; for he was about to take the lives of many。 Then
Ajax said to Menelaus; 〃My good friend Menelaus; you and I shall
hardly come out of this fight alive。 I am less concerned for the
body of Patroclus; who will shortly become meat for the dogs and
vultures of Troy; than for the safety of my own head and yours。 Hector
has wrapped us round in a storm of battle from every quarter; and
our destruction seems now certain。 Call then upon the princes of the
Danaans if there is any who can hear us。〃
  Menelaus did 
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