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the iliad(伊利亚特)-第50章

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with them。 All these did we drive by night to Pylus the city of
Neleus; taking them within the city; and the heart of Neleus was
glad in that I had taken so much; though it was the first time I had
ever been in the field。 At daybreak the heralds went round crying that
all in Elis to whom there was a debt owing should come; and the
leading Pylians assembled to divide the spoils。 There were many to
whom the Epeans owed chattels; for we men of Pylus were few and had
been oppressed with wrong; in former years Hercules had come; and
had laid his hand heavy upon us; so that all our best men had
perished。 Neleus had had twelve sons; but I alone was left; the others
had all been killed。 The Epeans presuming upon all this had looked
down upon us and had done us much evil。 My father chose a herd of
cattle and a great flock of sheep… three hundred in all… and he took
their shepherds with him; for there was a great debt due to him in
Elis; to wit four horses; winners of prizes。 They and their chariots
with them had gone to the games and were to run for a tripod; but King
Augeas took them; and sent back their driver grieving for the loss
of his horses。 Neleus was angered by what he had both said and done;
and took great value in return; but he divided the rest; that no man
might have less than his full share。
  〃Thus did we order all things; and offer sacrifices to the gods
throughout the city; but three days afterwards the Epeans came in a
body; many in number; they and their chariots; in full array; and with
them the two Moliones in their armour; though they were still lads and
unused to fighting。 Now there is a certain town; Thryoessa; perched
upon a rock on the river Alpheus; the border city Pylus; this they
would destroy; and pitched their camp about it; but when they had
crossed their whole plain; Minerva darted down by night from Olympus
and bade us set ourselves in array; and she found willing soldiers
in Pylos; for the men meant fighting。 Neleus would not let me arm; and
hid my horses; for he said that as yet I could know nothing about war;
nevertheless Minerva so ordered the fight that; all on foot as I
was; I fought among our mounted forces and vied with the foremost of
them。 There is a river Minyeius that falls into the sea near Arene;
and there they that were mounted (and I with them) waited till
morning; when the companies of foot soldiers came up with us in force。
Thence in full panoply and equipment we came towards noon to the
sacred waters of the Alpheus; and there we offered victims to almighty
Jove; with a bull to Alpheus; another to Neptune; and a herd…heifer to
Minerva。 After this we took supper in our companies; and laid us
down to rest each in his armour by the river。
  〃The Epeans were beleaguering the city and were determined to take
it; but ere this might be there was a desperate fight in store for
them。 When the sun's rays began to fall upon the earth we joined
battle; praying to Jove and to Minerva; and when the fight had
begun; I was the first to kill my man and take his horses… to wit
the warrior Mulius。 He was son…in…law to Augeas; having married his
eldest daughter; golden…haired Agamede; who knew the virtues of
every herb which grows upon the face of the earth。 I speared him as he
was coming towards me; and when he fell headlong in the dust; I sprang
upon his chariot and took my place in the front ranks。 The Epeans fled
in all directions when they saw the captain of their horsemen (the
best man they had) laid low; and I swept down on them like a
whirlwind; taking fifty chariots… and in each of them two men bit
the dust; slain by my spear。 I should have even killed the two
Moliones sons of Actor; unless their real father; Neptune lord of
the earthquake; had hidden them in a thick mist and borne them out
of the fight。 Thereon Jove vouchsafed the Pylians a great victory; for
we chased them far over the plain; killing the men and bringing in
their armour; till we had brought our horses to Buprasium rich in
wheat and to the Olenian rock; with the hill that is called Alision;
at which point Minerva turned the people back。 There I slew the last
man and left him; then the Achaeans drove their horses back from
Buprasium to Pylos and gave thanks to Jove among the gods; and among
mortal men to Nestor。
  〃Such was I among my peers; as surely as ever was; but Achilles is
for keeping all his valour for himself; bitterly will he rue it
hereafter when the host is being cut to pieces。 My good friend; did
not Menoetius charge you thus; on the day when he sent you from Phthia
to Agamemnon? Ulysses and I were in the house; inside; and heard all
that he said to you; for we came to the fair house of Peleus while
beating up recruits throughout all Achaea; and when we got there we
found Menoetius and yourself; and Achilles with you。 The old knight
Peleus was in the outer court; roasting the fat thigh…bones of a
heifer to Jove the lord of thunder; and he held a gold chalice in
his hand from which he poured drink…offerings of wine over the burning
sacrifice。 You two were busy cutting up the heifer; and at that moment
we stood at the gates; whereon Achilles sprang to his feet; led us
by the hand into the house; placed us at table; and set before us such
hospitable entertainment as guests expect。 When we had satisfied
ourselves with meat and drink; I said my say and urged both of you
to join us。 You were ready enough to do so; and the two old men
charged you much and straitly。 Old Peleus bade his son Achilles
fight ever among the foremost and outvie his peers; while Menoetius
the son of Actor spoke thus to you: 'My son;' said he; 'Achilles is of
nobler birth than you are; but you are older than he; though he is far
the better man of the two。 Counsel him wisely; guide him in the
right way; and he will follow you to his own profit。' Thus did your
father charge you; but you have forgotten; nevertheless; even now; say
all this to Achilles if he will listen to you。 Who knows but with
heaven's help you may talk him over; for it is good to take a friend's
advice。 If; however; he is fearful about some oracle; or if his mother
has told him something from Jove; then let him send you; and let the
rest of the Myrmidons follow with you; if perchance you may bring
light and saving to the Danaans。 And let him send you into battle clad
in his own armour; that the Trojans may mistake you for him and
leave off fighting; the sons of the Achaeans may thus have time to get
their breath; for they are hard pressed and there is little
breathing time in battle。 You; who are fresh; might easily drive a
tired enemy back to his walls and away from the tents and ships。〃
  With these words he moved the heart of Patroclus; who set off
running by the line of the ships to Achilles; descendant of Aeacus。
When he had got as far as the ships of Ulysses; where was their
place of assembly and court of justice; with their altars dedicated to
the gods; Eurypylus son of Euaemon met him; wounded in the thigh
with an arrow; and limping out of the fight。 Sweat rained from his
head and shoulders; and black blood welled from his cruel wound; but
his mind did not wander。 The son 
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