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the iliad(伊利亚特)-第48章

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odds; but it will be worse if I am left alone and taken prisoner;
for the son of Saturn has struck the rest of the Danaans with panic。
But why talk to myself in this way? Well do I know that though cowards
quit the field; a hero; whether he wound or be wounded; must stand
firm and hold his own。〃
  While he was thus in two minds; the ranks of the Trojans advanced
and hemmed him in; and bitterly did they come to me it。 As hounds
and lusty youths set upon a wild boar that sallies from his lair
whetting his white tusks… they attack him from every side and can hear
the gnashing of his jaws; but for all his fierceness they still hold
their ground… even so furiously did the Trojans attack Ulysses。
First he sprang spear in hand upon Deiopites and wounded him on the
shoulder with a downward blow; then he killed Thoon and Ennomus。 After
these he struck Chersidamas in the loins under his shield as he had
just sprung down from his chariot; so he fell in the dust and clutched
the earth in the hollow of his hand。 These he let lie; and went on
to wound Charops son of Hippasus own brother to noble Socus。 Socus;
hero that he was; made all speed to help him; and when he was close to
Ulysses he said; 〃Far…famed Ulysses; insatiable of craft and toil;
this day you shall either boast of having killed both the sons of
Hippasus and stripped them of their armour; or you shall fall before
my spear。〃
  With these words he struck the shield of Ulysses。 The spear went
through the shield and passed on through his richly wrought cuirass;
tearing the flesh from his side; but Pallas Minerva did not suffer
it to pierce the entrails of the hero。 Ulysses knew that his hour
was not yet come; but he gave ground and said to Socus; 〃Wretch; you
shall now surely die。 You have stayed me from fighting further with
the Trojans; but you shall now fall by my spear; yielding glory to
myself; and your soul to Hades of the noble steeds。〃
  Socus had turned in flight; but as he did so; the spear struck him
in the back midway between the shoulders; and went right through his
chest。 He fell heavily to the ground and Ulysses vaunted over him
saying; 〃O Socus; son of Hippasus tamer of horses; death has been
too quick for you and you have not escaped him: poor wretch; not
even in death shall your father and mother close your eyes; but the
ravening vultures shall enshroud you with the flapping of their dark
wings and devour you。 Whereas even though I fall the Achaeans will
give me my due rites of burial。〃
  So saying he drew Socus's heavy spear out of his flesh and from
his shield; and the blood welled forth when the spear was withdrawn so
that he was much dismayed。 When the Trojans saw that Ulysses was
bleeding they raised a great shout and came on in a body towards
him; he therefore gave ground; and called his comrades to come and
help him。 Thrice did he cry as loudly as man can cry; and thrice did
brave Menelaus hear him; he turned; therefore; to Ajax who was close
beside him and said; 〃Ajax; noble son of Telamon; captain of your
people; the cry of Ulysses rings in my ears; as though the Trojans had
cut him off and were worsting him while he is single…handed。 Let us
make our way through the throng; it will be well that we defend him; I
fear he may come to harm for all his valour if he be left without
support; and the Danaans would miss him sorely。〃
  He led the way and mighty Ajax went with him。 The Trojans had
gathered round Ulysses like ravenous mountain jackals round the
carcase of some homed stag that has been hit with an arrow… the stag
has fled at full speed so long as his blood was warm and his
strength has lasted; but when the arrow has overcome him; the savage
jackals devour him in the shady glades of the forest。 Then heaven
sends a fierce lion thither; whereon the jackals fly in terror and the
lion robs them of their prey… even so did Trojans many and brave
gather round crafty Ulysses; but the hero stood at bay and kept them
off with his spear。 Ajax then came up with his shield before him
like a wall; and stood hard by; whereon the Trojans fled in all
directions。 Menelaus took Ulysses by the hand; and led him out of
the press while his squire brought up his chariot; but Ajax rushed
furiously on the Trojans and killed Doryclus; a bastard son of
Priam; then he wounded Pandocus; Lysandrus; Pyrasus; and Pylartes;
as some swollen torrent comes rushing in full flood from the mountains
on to the plain; big with the rain of heaven… many a dry oak and
many a pine does it engulf; and much mud does it bring down and cast
into the sea… even so did brave Ajax chase the foe furiously over
the plain; slaying both men and horses。
  Hector did not yet know what Ajax was doing; for he was fighting
on the extreme left of the battle by the banks of the river Scamander;
where the carnage was thickest and the war…cry loudest round Nestor
and brave Idomeneus。 Among these Hector was making great slaughter
with his spear and furious driving; and was destroying the ranks
that were opposed to him; still the Achaeans would have given no
ground; had not Alexandrus husband of lovely Helen stayed the
prowess of Machaon shepherd of his people; by wounding him in the
right shoulder with a triple…barbed arrow。 The Achaeans were in
great fear that as the fight had turned against them the Trojans might
take him prisoner; and Idomeneus said to Nestor; 〃Nestor son of
Neleus; honour to the Achaean name; mount your chariot at once; take
Machaon with you and drive your horses to the ships as fast as you
can。 A physician is worth more than several other men put together;
for he can cut out arrows and spread healing herbs。〃
  Nestor knight of Gerene did as Idomeneus had counselled; he at
once mounted his chariot; and Machaon son of the famed physician
Aesculapius went with him。 He lashed his horses and they flew onward
nothing loth towards the ships; as though of their own free will。
  Then Cebriones seeing the Trojans in confusion said to Hector from
his place beside him; 〃Hector; here are we two fighting on the extreme
wing of the battle; while the other Trojans are in pell…mell rout;
they and their horses。 Ajax son of Telamon is driving them before him;
I know him by the breadth of his shield: let us turn our chariot and
horses thither; where horse and foot are fighting most desperately;
and where the cry of battle is loudest。〃
  With this he lashed his goodly steeds; and when they felt the whip
they drew the chariot full speed among the Achaeans and Trojans;
over the bodies and shields of those that had fallen: the axle was
bespattered with blood; and the rail round the car was covered with
splashes both from the horses' hoofs and from the tyres of the wheels。
Hector tore his way through and flung himself into the thick of the
fight; and his presence threw the Danaans into confusion; for his
spear was not long idle; nevertheless though he went among the ranks
with sword and spear; and throwing great stones; he avoided Ajax son
of Telamon; for Jove would have been angry with him if he had fought a
better man than himself。
  Then father Jove from his high throne struck fear into the heart
of Ajax; so that
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