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the iliad(伊利亚特)-第43章

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their watches。〃
  They all held their peace; but there was among the Trojans a certain
man named Dolon; son of Eumedes; the famous herald… a man rich in gold
and bronze。 He was ill…favoured; but a good runner; and was an only
son among five sisters。 He it was that now addressed the Trojans。
〃I; Hector;〃 said he; 〃Will to the ships and will exploit them。 But
first hold up your sceptre and swear that you will give me the
chariot; bedight with bronze; and the horses that now carry the
noble son of Peleus。 I will make you a good scout; and will not fail
you。 I will go through the host from one end to the other till I
come to the ship of Agamemnon; where I take it the princes of the
Achaeans are now consulting whether they shall fight or fly。〃
  When he had done speaking Hector held up his sceptre; and swore
him his oath saying; 〃May Jove the thundering husband of Juno bear
witness that no other Trojan but yourself shall mount those steeds;
and that you shall have your will with them for ever。〃
  The oath he swore was bootless; but it made Dolon more keen on
going。 He hung his bow over his shoulder; and as an overall he wore
the skin of a grey wolf; while on his head he set a cap of ferret
skin。 Then he took a pointed javelin; and left the camp for the ships;
but he was not to return with any news for Hector。 When he had left
the horses and the troops behind him; he made all speed on his way;
but Ulysses perceived his coming and said to Diomed; 〃Diomed; here
is some one from the camp; I am not sure whether he is a spy; or
whether it is some thief who would plunder the bodies of the dead; let
him get a little past us; we can then spring upon him and take him。
If; however; he is too quick for us; go after him with your spear
and hem him in towards the ships away from the Trojan camp; to prevent
his getting back to the town。〃
  With this they turned out of their way and lay down among the
corpses。 Dolon suspected nothing and soon passed them; but when he had
got about as far as the distance by which a mule…plowed furrow exceeds
one that has been ploughed by oxen (for mules can plow fallow land
quicker than oxen) they ran after him; and when he heard their
footsteps he stood still; for he made sure they were friends from
the Trojan camp come by Hector's orders to bid him return; when;
however; they were only a spear's cast; or less away form him; he
saw that they were enemies as fast as his legs could take him。 The
others gave chase at once; and as a couple of well…trained hounds
press forward after a doe or hare that runs screaming in front of
them; even so did the son of Tydeus and Ulysses pursue Dolon and cut
him off from his own people。 But when he had fled so far towards the
ships that he would soon have fallen in with the outposts; Minerva
infused fresh strength into the son of Tydeus for fear some other of
the Achaeans might have the glory of being first to hit him; and he
might himself be only second; he therefore sprang forward with his
spear and said; 〃Stand; or I shall throw my spear; and in that case
I shall soon make an end of you。〃
  He threw as he spoke; but missed his aim on purpose。 The dart flew
over the man's right shoulder; and then stuck in the ground。 He
stood stock still; trembling and in great fear; his teeth chattered;
and he turned pale with fear。 The two came breathless up to him and
seized his hands; whereon he began to weep and said; 〃Take me alive; I
will ransom myself; we have great store of gold; bronze; and wrought
iron; and from this my father will satisfy you with a very large
ransom; should he hear of my being alive at the ships of the
  〃Fear not;〃 replied Ulysses; 〃let no thought of death be in your
mind; but tell me; and tell me true; why are you thus going about
alone in the dead of night away from your camp and towards the
ships; while other men are sleeping? Is it to plunder the bodies of
the slain; or did Hector send you to spy out what was going on at
the ships? Or did you come here of your own mere notion?〃
  Dolon answered; his limbs trembling beneath him: 〃Hector; with his
vain flattering promises; lured me from my better judgement。 He said
he would give me the horses of the noble son of Peleus and his
bronze…bedizened chariot; he bade me go through the darkness of the
flying night; get close to the enemy; and find out whether the ships
are still guarded as heretofore; or whether; now that we have beaten
them; the Achaeans design to fly; and through sheer exhaustion are
neglecting to keep their watches。〃
  Ulysses smiled at him and answered; 〃You had indeed set your heart
upon a great reward; but the horses of the descendant of Aeacus are
hardly to be kept in hand or driven by any other mortal man than
Achilles himself; whose mother was an immortal。 But tell me; and
tell me true; where did you leave Hector when you started? Where
lies his armour and his horses? How; too; are the watches and
sleeping…ground of the Trojans ordered? What are their plans? Will
they stay here by the ships and away from the city; or now that they
have worsted the Achaeans; will they retire within their walls?〃
  And Dolon answered; 〃I will tell you truly all。 Hector and the other
councillors are now holding conference by the monument of great
Ilus; away from the general tumult; as for the guards about which
you ask me; there is no chosen watch to keep guard over the host。
The Trojans have their watchfires; for they are bound to have them;
they; therefore; are awake and keep each other to their duty as
sentinels; but the allies who have come from other places are asleep
and leave it to the Trojans to keep guard; for their wives and
children are not here。〃
  Ulysses then said; 〃Now tell me; are they sleeping among the
Trojan troops; or do they lie apart? Explain this that I may
understand it。〃
  〃I will tell you truly all;〃 replied Dolon。 〃To the seaward lie
the Carians; the Paeonian bowmen; the Leleges; the Cauconians; and the
noble Pelasgi。 The Lysians and proud Mysians; with the Phrygians and
Meonians; have their place on the side towards Thymbra; but why ask
about an this? If you want to find your way into the host of the
Trojans; there are the Thracians; who have lately come here and lie
apart from the others at the far end of the camp; and they have Rhesus
son of Eioneus for their king。 His horses are the finest and strongest
that I have ever seen; they are whiter than snow and fleeter than
any wind that blows。 His chariot is bedight with silver and gold;
and he has brought his marvellous golden armour; of the rarest
workmanship… too splendid for any mortal man to carry; and meet only
for the gods。 Now; therefore; take me to the ships or bind me securely
here; until you come back and have proved my words whether they be
false or true。〃
  Diomed looked sternly at him and answered; 〃Think not; Dolon; for
all the good information you have given us; that you shall escape
now you are in our hands; for if we ransom you or let you go; you will
come some second time to the ships of the Achaeans either as a spy
or as an open enemy; but if I kill you and an end of you; you will
give no more trouble。〃
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