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the iliad(伊利亚特)-第40章

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taken; she reminded him how the men are slain; and the city is given
over to the flames; while the women and children are carried into
captivity; when he heard all this; his heart was touched; and he
donned his armour to go forth。 Thus of his own inward motion he
saved the city of the Aetolians; but they now gave him nothing of
those rich rewards that they had offered earlier; and though he
saved the city he took nothing by it。 Be not then; my son; thus
minded; let not heaven lure you into any such course。 When the ships
are burning it will be a harder matter to save them。 Take the gifts;
and go; for the Achaeans will then honour you as a god; whereas if you
fight without taking them; you may beat the battle back; but you
will not be held in like honour。〃
  And Achilles answered; 〃Phoenix; old friend and father; I have no
need of such honour。 I have honour from Jove himself; which will abide
with me at my ships while I have breath in my body; and my limbs are
strong。 I say further… and lay my saying to your heart… vex me no more
with this weeping and lamentation; all in the cause of the son of
Atreus。 Love him so well; and you may lose the love I bear you。 You
ought to help me rather in troubling those that trouble me; be king as
much as I am; and share like honour with myself; the others shall take
my answer; stay here yourself and sleep comfortably in your bed; at
daybreak we will consider whether to remain or go。〃
  On this she nodded quietly to Patroclus as a sign that he was to
prepare a bed for Phoenix; and that the others should take their
leave。 Ajax son of Telamon then said; 〃Ulysses; noble son of
Laertes; let us be gone; for I see that our journey is vain。 We must
now take our answer; unwelcome though it be; to the Danaans who are
waiting to receive it。 Achilles is savage and remorseless; he is
cruel; and cares nothing for the love his comrades lavished upon him
more than on all the others。 He is implacable… and yet if a man's
brother or son has been slain he will accept a fine by way of amends
from him that killed him; and the wrong…doer having paid in full
remains in peace among his own people; but as for you; Achilles; the
gods have put a wicked unforgiving spirit in your heart; and this; all
about one single girl; whereas we now offer you the seven best we
have; and much else into the bargain。 Be then of a more gracious mind;
respect the hospitality of your own roof。 We are with you as
messengers from the host of the Danaans; and would fain he held
nearest and dearest to yourself of all the Achaeans。〃
  〃Ajax;〃 replied Achilles; 〃noble son of Telamon; you have spoken
much to my liking; but my blood boils when I think it all over; and
remember how the son of Atreus treated me with contumely as though I
were some vile tramp; and that too in the presence of the Argives。 Go;
then; and deliver your message; say that I will have no concern with
fighting till Hector; son of noble Priam; reaches the tents of the
Myrmidons in his murderous course; and flings fire upon their ships。
For all his lust of battle; I take it he will be held in check when he
is at my own tent and ship。〃
  On this they took every man his double cup; made their
drink…offerings; and went back to the ships; Ulysses leading the
way。 But Patroclus told his men and the maid…servants to make ready
a comfortable bed for Phoenix; they therefore did so with
sheepskins; a rug; and a sheet of fine linen。 The old man then laid
himself down and waited till morning came。 But Achilles slept in an
inner room; and beside him the daughter of Phorbas lovely Diomede;
whom he had carried off from Lesbos。 Patroclus lay on the other side
of the room; and with him fair Iphis whom Achilles had given him
when he took Scyros the city of Enyeus。
  When the envoys reached the tents of the son of Atreus; the Achaeans
rose; pledged them in cups of gold; and began to question them。 King
Agamemnon was the first to do so。 Tell me; Ulysses;〃 said he; 〃will he
save the ships from burning; or did be refuse; and is he still
  Ulysses answered; 〃Most noble son of Atreus; king of men; Agamemnon;
Achilles will not be calmed; but is more fiercely angry than ever; and
spurns both you and your gifts。 He bids you take counsel with the
Achaeans to save the ships and host as you best may; as for himself;
he said that at daybreak he should draw his ships into the water。 He
said further that he should advise every one to sail home likewise;
for that you will not reach the goal of Ilius。 'Jove;' he said; 'has
laid his hand over the city to protect it; and the people have taken
heart。' This is what he said; and the others who were with me can tell
you the same story… Ajax and the two heralds; men; both of them; who
may be trusted。 The old man Phoenix stayed where he was to sleep;
for so Achilles would have it; that he might go home with him in the
morning if he so would; but he will not take him by force。〃
  They all held their peace; sitting for a long time silent and
dejected; by reason of the sternness with which Achilles had refused
them; till presently Diomed said; 〃Most noble son of Atreus; king of
men; Agamemnon; you ought not to have sued the son of Peleus nor
offered him gifts。 He is proud enough as it is; and you have
encouraged him in his pride am further。 Let him stay or go as he will。
He will fight later when he is in the humour; and heaven puts it in
his mind to do so。 Now; therefore; let us all do as I say; we have
eaten and drunk our fill; let us then take our rest; for in rest there
is both strength and stay。 But when fair rosy…fingered morn appears;
forthwith bring out your host and your horsemen in front of the ships;
urging them on; and yourself fighting among the foremost。〃
  Thus he spoke; and the other chieftains approved his words。 They
then made their drink…offerings and went every man to his own tent;
where they laid down to rest and enjoyed the boon of sleep。

                        BOOK X

  NOW the other princes of the Achaeans slept soundly the whole
night through; but Agamemnon son of Atreus was troubled; so that he
could get no rest。 As when fair Juno's lord flashes his lightning in
token of great rain or hail or snow when the snow…flakes whiten the
ground; or again as a sign that he will open the wide jaws of hungry
war; even so did Agamemnon heave many a heavy sigh; for his soul
trembled within him。 When he looked upon the plain of Troy he
marvelled at the many watchfires burning in front of Ilius; and at the
sound of pipes and flutes and of the hum of men; but when presently he
turned towards the ships and hosts of the Achaeans; he tore his hair
by handfuls before Jove on high; and groaned aloud for the very
disquietness of his soul。 In the end he deemed it best to go at once
to Nestor son of Neleus; and see if between them they could find any
way of the Achaeans from destruction。 He therefore rose; put on his
shirt; bound his sandals about his comely feet; flung the skin of a
huge tawny lion over his shoulders… a skin that reached his feet…
and took his spear in his hand。
  Neither could Menelaus sleep; for he; too; boded ill for the Argives
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