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the iliad(伊利亚特)-第36章

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Danaans and said that I was a coward and no soldier。 The Argives young
and old know that you did so。 But the son of scheming Saturn endowed
you by halves only。 He gave you honour as the chief ruler over us; but
valour; which is the highest both right and might he did not give you。
Sir; think you that the sons of the Achaeans are indeed as unwarlike
and cowardly as you say they are? If your own mind is set upon going
home… go… the way is open to you; the many ships that followed you
from Mycene stand ranged upon the seashore; but the rest of us stay
here till we have sacked Troy。 Nay though these too should turn
homeward with their ships; Sthenelus and myself will still fight on
till we reach the goal of Ilius; for for heaven was with us when we
  The sons of the Achaeans shouted applause at the words of Diomed;
and presently Nestor rose to speak。 〃Son of Tydeus;〃 said he; 〃in
war your prowess is beyond question; and in council you excel all
who are of your own years; no one of the Achaeans can make light of
what you say nor gainsay it; but you have not yet come to the end of
the whole matter。 You are still young… you might be the youngest of my
own children… still you have spoken wisely and have counselled the
chief of the Achaeans not without discretion; nevertheless I am
older than you and I will tell you every〃 thing; therefore let no man;
not even King Agamemnon; disregard my saying; for he that foments
civil discord is a clanless; hearthless outlaw。
  〃Now; however; let us obey the behests of night and get our suppers;
but let the sentinels every man of them camp by the trench that is
without the wall。 I am giving these instructions to the young men;
when they have been attended to; do you; son of Atreus; give your
orders; for you are the most royal among us all。 Prepare a feast for
your councillors; it is right and reasonable that you should do so;
there is abundance of wine in your tents; which the ships of the
Achaeans bring from Thrace daily。 You have everything at your disposal
wherewith to entertain guests; and you have many subjects。 When many
are got together; you can be guided by him whose counsel is wisest…
and sorely do we need shrewd and prudent counsel; for the foe has
lit his watchfires hard by our ships。 Who can be other than
dismayed? This night will either be the ruin of our host; or save it。〃
  Thus did he speak; and they did even as he had said。 The sentinels
went out in their armour under command of Nestor's son Thrasymedes;
a captain of the host; and of the bold warriors Ascalaphus and
Ialmenus: there were also Meriones; Aphareus and Deipyrus; and the son
of Creion; noble Lycomedes。 There were seven captains of the
sentinels; and with each there went a hundred youths armed with long
spears: they took their places midway between the trench and the wall;
and when they had done so they lit their fires and got every man his
  The son of Atreus then bade many councillors of the Achaeans to
his quarters prepared a great feast in their honour。 They laid their
hands on the good things that were before them; and as soon as they
had enough to eat and drink; old Nestor; whose counsel was ever
truest; was the first to lay his mind before them。 He; therefore; with
all sincerity and goodwill addressed them thus。
  〃With yourself; most noble son of Atreus; king of men; Agamemnon;
will I both begin my speech and end it; for you are king over much
people。 Jove; moreover; has vouchsafed you to wield the sceptre and to
uphold righteousness; that you may take thought for your people
under you; therefore it behooves you above all others both to speak
and to give ear; and to out the counsel of another who shall have been
minded to speak wisely。 All turns on you and on your commands;
therefore I will say what I think will be best。 No man will be of a
truer mind than that which has been mine from the hour when you;
sir; angered Achilles by taking the girl Briseis from his tent against
my judgment。 I urged you not to do so; but you yielded to your own
pride; and dishonoured a hero whom heaven itself had honoured… for you
still hold the prize that had been awarded to him。 Now; however; let
us think how we may appease him; both with presents and fair
speeches that may conciliate him。〃
  And King Agamemnon answered; 〃Sir; you have reproved my folly
justly。 I was wrong。 I own it。 One whom heaven befriends is in himself
a host; and Jove has shown that he befriends this man by destroying
much people of the Achaeans。 I was blinded with passion and yielded to
my worser mind; therefore I will make amends; and will give him
great gifts by way of atonement。 I will tell them in the presence of
you all。 I will give him seven tripods that have never yet been on the
fire; and ten talents of gold。 I will give him twenty iron cauldrons
and twelve strong horses that have won races and carried off prizes。
Rich; indeed; both in land and gold is he that has as many prizes as
my horses have won me。 I will give him seven excellent workwomen;
Lesbians; whom I chose for myself when he took Lesbos… all of
surpassing beauty。 I will give him these; and with them her whom I
erewhile took from him; the daughter of Briseus; and I swear a great
oath that I never went up into her couch; nor have been with her after
the manner of men and women。
  〃All these things will I give him now down; and if hereafter the
gods vouchsafe me to sack the city of Priam; let him come when we
Achaeans are dividing the spoil; and load his ship with gold and
bronze to his liking; furthermore let him take twenty Trojan women;
the loveliest after Helen herself。 Then; when we reach Achaean
Argos; wealthiest of all lands; he shall be my son…in…law and I will
show him like honour with my own dear son Orestes; who is being
nurtured in all abundance。 I have three daughters; Chrysothemis;
Laodice; and lphianassa; let him take the one of his choice; freely
and without gifts of wooing; to the house of Peleus; I will add such
dower to boot as no man ever yet gave his daughter; and will give
him seven well established cities; Cardamyle; Enope; and Hire; where
there is grass; holy Pherae and the rich meadows of Anthea; Aepea
also; and the vine…clad slopes of Pedasus; all near the sea; and on
the borders of sandy Pylos。 The men that dwell there are rich in
cattle and sheep; they will honour him with gifts as though he were
a god; and be obedient to his comfortable ordinances。 All this will
I do if he will now forgo his anger。 Let him then yieldit is only
Hades who is utterly ruthless and unyielding… and hence he is of all
gods the one most hateful to mankind。 Moreover I am older and more
royal than himself。 Therefore; let him now obey me。〃
  Then Nestor answered; 〃Most noble son of Atreus; king of men;
Agamemnon。 The gifts you offer are no small ones; let us then send
chosen messengers; who may go to the tent of Achilles son of Peleus
without delay。 Let those go whom I shall name。 Let Phoenix; dear to
Jove; lead the way; let Ajax and Ulysses follow; and let the heralds
Odius and Eurybates go with them。 Now bring water for our hands; and
bid all keep silence while we pray to 
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