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the iliad(伊利亚特)-第27章

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storehouse; and courtyard near those of Priam and Hector on the
acropolis。 Here Hector entered; with a spear eleven cubits long in his
hand; the bronze point gleamed in front of him; and was fastened to
the shaft of the spear by a ring of gold。 He found Alexandrus within
the house; busied about his armour; his shield and cuirass; and
handling his curved bow; there; too; sat Argive Helen with her
women; setting them their several tasks; and as Hector saw him he
rebuked him with words of scorn。 〃Sir;〃 said he; 〃you do ill to
nurse this rancour; the people perish fighting round this our town;
you would yourself chide one whom you saw shirking his part in the
combat。 Up then; or ere long the city will be in a blaze。〃
  And Alexandrus answered; 〃Hector; your rebuke is just; listen
therefore; and believe me when I tell you that I am not here so much
through rancour or ill…will towards the Trojans; as from a desire to
indulge my grief。 My wife was even now gently urging me to battle; and
I hold it better that I should go; for victory is ever fickle。 Wait;
then; while I put on my armour; or go first and I will follow。 I shall
be sure to overtake you。〃
  Hector made no answer; but Helen tried to soothe him。 〃Brother;〃
said she; 〃to my abhorred and sinful self; would that a whirlwind
had caught me up on the day my mother brought me forth; and had
borne me to some mountain or to the waves of the roaring sea that
should have swept me away ere this mischief had come about。 But; since
the gods have devised these evils; would; at any rate; that I had been
wife to a better man… to one who could smart under dishonour and men's
evil speeches。 This fellow was never yet to be depended upon; nor
never will be; and he will surely reap what he has sown。 Still;
brother; come in and rest upon this seat; for it is you who bear the
brunt of that toil that has been caused by my hateful self and by
the sin of Alexandrus… both of whom Jove has doomed to be a theme of
song among those that shall be born hereafter。〃
  And Hector answered; 〃Bid me not be seated; Helen; for all the
goodwill you bear me。 I cannot stay。 I am in haste to help the
Trojans; who miss me greatly when I am not among them; but urge your
husband; and of his own self also let him make haste to overtake me
before I am out of the city。 I must go home to see my household; my
wife and my little son; for I know not whether I shall ever again
return to them; or whether the gods will cause me to fill by the hands
of the Achaeans。〃
  Then Hector left her; and forthwith was at his own house。 He did not
find Andromache; for she was on the wall with her child and one of her
maids; weeping bitterly。 Seeing; then; that she was not within; he
stood on the threshold of the women's rooms and said; 〃Women; tell me;
and tell me true; where did Andromache go when she left the house? Was
it to my sisters; or to my brothers' wives? or is she at the temple of
Minerva where the other women are propitiating the awful goddess?〃
  His good housekeeper answered; 〃Hector; since you bid me tell you
truly; she did not go to your sisters nor to your brothers' wives; nor
yet to the temple of Minerva; where the other women are propitiating
the awful goddess; but she is on the high wall of Ilius; for she had
heard the Trojans were being hard pressed; and that the Achaeans
were in great force: she went to the wall in frenzied haste; and the
nurse went with her carrying the child。〃
  Hector hurried from the house when she had done speaking; and went
down the streets by the same way that he had come。 When he had gone
through the city and had reached the Scaean gates through which he
would go out on to the plain; his wife came running towards him;
Andromache; daughter of great Eetion who ruled in Thebe under the
wooded slopes of Mt。 Placus; and was king of the Cilicians。 His
daughter had married Hector; and now came to meet him with a nurse who
carried his little child in her bosom… a mere babe。 Hector's darling
son; and lovely as a star。 Hector had named him Scamandrius; but the
people called him Astyanax; for his father stood alone as chief
guardian of Ilius。 Hector smiled as he looked upon the boy; but he did
not speak; and Andromache stood by him weeping and taking his hand
in her own。 〃Dear husband;〃 said she; 〃your valour will bring you to
destruction; think on your infant son; and on my hapless self who
ere long shall be your widow… for the Achaeans will set upon you in
a body and kill you。 It would be better for me; should I lose you;
to lie dead and buried; for I shall have nothing left to comfort me
when you are gone; save only sorrow。 I have neither father nor
mother now。 Achilles slew my father when he sacked Thebe the goodly
city of the Cilicians。 He slew him; but did not for very shame despoil
him; when he had burned him in his wondrous armour; he raised a barrow
over his ashes and the mountain nymphs; daughters of aegis…bearing
Jove; planted a grove of elms about his tomb。 I had seven brothers
in my father's house; but on the same day they all went within the
house of Hades。 Achilles killed them as they were with their sheep and
cattle。 My mother… her who had been queen of all the land under Mt。
Placus… he brought hither with the spoil; and freed her for a great
sum; but the archer… queen Diana took her in the house of your father。
Nay… Hector… you who to me are father; mother; brother; and dear
husband… have mercy upon me; stay here upon this wall; make not your
child fatherless; and your wife a widow; as for the host; place them
near the fig…tree; where the city can be best scaled; and the wall
is weakest。 Thrice have the bravest of them come thither and
assailed it; under the two Ajaxes; Idomeneus; the sons of Atreus;
and the brave son of Tydeus; either of their own bidding; or because
some soothsayer had told them。〃
  And Hector answered; 〃Wife; I too have thought upon all this; but
with what face should I look upon the Trojans; men or women; if I
shirked battle like a coward? I cannot do so: I know nothing save to
fight bravely in the forefront of the Trojan host and win renown alike
for my father and myself。 Well do I know that the day will surely come
when mighty Ilius shall be destroyed with Priam and Priam's people;
but I grieve for none of these… not even for Hecuba; nor King Priam;
nor for my brothers many and brave who may fall in the dust before
their foes… for none of these do I grieve as for yourself when the day
shall come on which some one of the Achaeans shall rob you for ever of
your freedom; and bear you weeping away。 It may be that you will
have to ply the loom in Argos at the bidding of a mistress; or to
fetch water from the springs Messeis or Hypereia; treated brutally
by some cruel task…master; then will one say who sees you weeping;
'She was wife to Hector; the bravest warrior among the Trojans
during the war before Ilius。' On this your tears will break forth anew
for him who would have put away the day of captivity from you。 May I
lie dead under the barrow that is heaped over my body ere I hear
your cry as they carry you into bondage。〃
  He stretched his arms towards his child; but 
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