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the iliad(伊利亚特)-第25章

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city along with the others in full flight; but Adrestus rolled out;
and fell in the dust flat on his face by the wheel of his chariot;
Menelaus came up to him spear in hand; but Adrestus caught him by
the knees begging for his life。 〃Take me alive;〃 he cried; 〃son of
Atreus; and you shall have a full ransom for me: my father is rich and
has much treasure of gold; bronze; and wrought iron laid by in his
house。 From this store he will give you a large ransom should he
hear of my being alive and at the ships of the Achaeans。〃
  Thus did he plead; and Menelaus was for yielding and giving him to a
squire to take to the ships of the Achaeans; but Agamemnon came
running up to him and rebuked him。 〃My good Menelaus;〃 said he;
〃this is no time for giving quarter。 Has; then; your house fared so
well at the hands of the Trojans? Let us not spare a single one of
them… not even the child unborn and in its mother's womb; let not a
man of them be left alive; but let all in Ilius perish; unheeded and
  Thus did he speak; and his brother was persuaded by him; for his
words were just。 Menelaus; therefore; thrust Adrestus from him;
whereon King Agamemnon struck him in the flank; and he fell: then
the son of Atreus planted his foot upon his breast to draw his spear
from the body。
  Meanwhile Nestor shouted to the Argives; saying; 〃My friends; Danaan
warriors; servants of Mars; let no man lag that he may spoil the dead;
and bring back much booty to the ships。 Let us kill as many as we can;
the bodies will lie upon the plain; and you can despoil them later
at your leisure。〃
  With these words he put heart and soul into them all。 And now the
Trojans would have been routed and driven back into Ilius; had not
Priam's son Helenus; wisest of augurs; said to Hector and Aeneas;
〃Hector and Aeneas; you two are the mainstays of the Trojans and
Lycians; for you are foremost at all times; alike in fight and
counsel; hold your ground here; and go about among the host to rally
them in front of the gates; or they will fling themselves into the
arms of their wives; to the great joy of our foes。 Then; when you have
put heart into all our companies; we will stand firm here and fight
the Danaans however hard they press us; for there is nothing else to
be done。 Meanwhile do you; Hector; go to the city and tell our
mother what is happening。 Tell her to bid the matrons gather at the
temple of Minerva in the acropolis; let her then take her key and open
the doors of the sacred building; there; upon the knees of Minerva;
let her lay the largest; fairest robe she has in her house… the one
she sets most store by; let her; moreover; promise to sacrifice twelve
yearling heifers that have never yet felt the goad; in the temple of
the goddess; if she will take pity on the town; with the wives and
little ones of the Trojans; and keep the son of Tydeus from falling on
the goodly city of Ilius; for he fights with fury and fills men's
souls with panic。 I hold him mightiest of them all; we did not fear
even their great champion Achilles; son of a goddess though he be;
as we do this man: his rage is beyond all bounds; and there is none
can vie with him in prowess〃
  Hector did as his brother bade him。 He sprang from his chariot;
and went about everywhere among the host; brandishing his spears;
urging the men on to fight; and raising the dread cry of battle。
Thereon they rallied and again faced the Achaeans; who gave ground and
ceased their murderous onset; for they deemed that some one of the
immortals had come down from starry heaven to help the Trojans; so
strangely had they rallied。 And Hector shouted to the Trojans;
〃Trojans and allies; be men; my friends; and fight with might and
main; while I go to Ilius and tell the old men of our council and
our wives to pray to the gods and vow hecatombs in their honour。〃
  With this he went his way; and the black rim of hide that went round
his shield beat against his neck and his ancles。
  Then Glaucus son of Hippolochus; and the son of Tydeus went into the
open space between the hosts to fight in single combat。 When they were
close up to one another Diomed of the loud war…cry was the first to
speak。 〃Who; my good sir;〃 said he; 〃who are you among men? I have
never seen you in battle until now; but you are daring beyond all
others if you abide my onset。 Woe to those fathers whose sons face
my might。 If; however; you are one of the immortals and have come down
from heaven; I will not fight you; for even valiant Lycurgus; son of
Dryas; did not live long when he took to fighting with the gods。 He it
was that drove the nursing women who were in charge of frenzied
Bacchus through the land of Nysa; and they flung their thyrsi on the
ground as murderous Lycurgus beat them with his oxgoad。 Bacchus
himself plunged terror…stricken into the sea; and Thetis took him to
her bosom to comfort him; for he was scared by the fury with which the
man reviled him。 Thereon the gods who live at ease were angry with
Lycurgus and the son of Saturn struck him blind; nor did he live
much longer after he had become hateful to the immortals。 Therefore
I will not fight with the blessed gods; but if you are of them that
eat the fruit of the ground; draw near and meet your doom。〃
  And the son of Hippolochus answered; son of Tydeus; why ask me of my
lineage? Men come and go as leaves year by year upon the trees。
Those of autumn the wind sheds upon the ground; but when spring
returns the forest buds forth with fresh vines。 Even so is it with the
generations of mankind; the new spring up as the old are passing away。
If; then; you would learn my descent; it is one that is well known
to many。 There is a city in the heart of Argos; pasture land of
horses; called Ephyra; where Sisyphus lived; who was the craftiest
of all mankind。 He was the son of Aeolus; and had a son named Glaucus;
who was father to Bellerophon; whom heaven endowed with the most
surpassing comeliness and beauty。 But Proetus devised his ruin; and
being stronger than he; drove him from the land of the Argives; over
which Jove had made him ruler。 For Antea; wife of Proetus; lusted
after him; and would have had him lie with her in secret; but
Bellerophon was an honourable man and would not; so she told lies
about him to Proteus。 'Proetus;' said she; 'kill Bellerophon or die;
for he would have had converse with me against my will。' The king
was angered; but shrank from killing Bellerophon; so he sent him to
Lycia with lying letters of introduction; written on a folded
tablet; and containing much ill against the bearer。 He bade
Bellerophon show these letters to his father…in…law; to the end that
he might thus perish; Bellerophon therefore went to Lycia; and the
gods convoyed him safely。
  〃When he reached the river Xanthus; which is in Lycia; the king
received him with all goodwill; feasted him nine days; and killed nine
heifers in his honour; but when rosy…fingered morning appeared upon
the tenth day; he questioned him and desired to see the letter from
his son…in…law Proetus。 When he had received the wicked letter he
first commanded Bellerophon to kill that savage monster; the Chimaera;
who was 
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