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the iliad(伊利亚特)-第24章

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his father。 Tydeus was a little man; but he could fight; and rushed
madly into the fray even when I told him not to do so。 When he went
all unattended as envoy to the city of Thebes among the Cadmeans; I
bade him feast in their houses and be at peace; but with that high
spirit which was ever present with him; he challenged the youth of the
Cadmeans; and at once beat them in all that he attempted; so
mightily did I help him。 I stand by you too to protect you; and I
bid you be instant in fighting the Trojans; but either you are tired
out; or you are afraid and out of heart; and in that case I say that
you are no true son of Tydeus the son of Oeneus。〃
  Diomed answered; 〃I know you; goddess; daughter of aegis…bearing
Jove; and will hide nothing from you。 I am not afraid nor out of
heart; nor is there any slackness in me。 I am only following your
own instructions; you told me not to fight any of the blessed gods;
but if Jove's daughter Venus came into battle I was to wound her
with my spear。 Therefore I am retreating; and bidding the other
Argives gather in this place; for I know that Mars is now lording it
in the field。〃
  〃Diomed; son of Tydeus;〃 replied Minerva; 〃man after my own heart;
fear neither Mars nor any other of the immortals; for I will
befriend you。 Nay; drive straight at Mars; and smite him in close
combat; fear not this raging madman; villain incarnate; first on one
side and then on the other。 But now he was holding talk with Juno
and myself; saying he would help the Argives and attack the Trojans;
nevertheless he is with the Trojans; and has forgotten the Argives。〃
  With this she caught hold of Sthenelus and lifted him off the
chariot on to the ground。 In a second he was on the ground;
whereupon the goddess mounted the car and placed herself by the side
of Diomed。 The oaken axle groaned aloud under the burden of the
awful goddess and the hero; Pallas Minerva took the whip and reins;
and drove straight at Mars。 He was in the act of stripping huge
Periphas; son of Ochesius and bravest of the Aetolians。 Bloody Mars
was stripping him of his armour; and Minerva donned the helmet of
Hades; that he might not see her; when; therefore; he saw Diomed; he
made straight for him and let Periphas lie where he had fallen。 As
soon as they were at close quarters he let fly with his bronze spear
over the reins and yoke; thinking to take Diomed's life; but Minerva
caught the spear in her hand and made it fly harmlessly over the
chariot。 Diomed then threw; and Pallas Minerva drove the spear into
the pit of Mars's stomach where his under…girdle went round him。 There
Diomed wounded him; tearing his fair flesh and then drawing his
spear out again。 Mars roared as loudly as nine or ten thousand men
in the thick of a fight; and the Achaeans and Trojans were struck with
panic; so terrible was the cry he raised。
  As a dark cloud in the sky when it comes on to blow after heat; even
so did Diomed son of Tydeus see Mars ascend into the broad heavens。
With all speed he reached high Olympus; home of the gods; and in great
pain sat down beside Jove the son of Saturn。 He showed Jove the
immortal blood that was flowing from his wound; and spoke piteously;
saying; 〃Father Jove; are you not angered by such doings? We gods
are continually suffering in the most cruel manner at one another's
hands while helping mortals; and we all owe you a grudge for having
begotten that mad termagant of a daughter; who is always committing
outrage of some kind。 We other gods must all do as you bid us; but her
you neither scold nor punish; you encourage her because the
pestilent creature is your daughter。 See how she has been inciting
proud Diomed to vent his rage on the immortal gods。 First he went up
to the Cyprian and wounded her in the hand near her wrist; and then he
sprang upon me too as though he were a god。 Had I not run for it I
must either have lain there for long enough in torments among the
ghastly corpes; or have been eaten alive with spears till I had no
more strength left in me。〃
  Jove looked angrily at him and said; 〃Do not come whining here;
Sir Facing…bothways。 I hate you worst of all the gods in Olympus;
for you are ever fighting and making mischief。 You have the
intolerable and stubborn spirit of your mother Juno: it is all I can
do to manage her; and it is her doing that you are now in this plight:
still; I cannot let you remain longer in such great pain; you are my
own off…spring; and it was by me that your mother conceived you; if;
however; you had been the son of any other god; you are so destructive
that by this time you should have been lying lower than the Titans。〃
  He then bade Paeeon heal him; whereon Paeeon spread pain…killing
herbs upon his wound and cured him; for he was not of mortal mould。 As
the juice of the fig…tree curdles milk; and thickens it in a moment
though it is liquid; even so instantly did Paeeon cure fierce Mars。
Then Hebe washed him; and clothed him in goodly raiment; and he took
his seat by his father Jove all glorious to behold。
  But Juno of Argos and Minerva of Alalcomene; now that they had put a
stop to the murderous doings of Mars; went back again to the house
of Jove。

                        BOOK VI

  THE fight between Trojans and Achaeans was now left to rage as it
would; and the tide of war surged hither and thither over the plain as
they aimed their bronze…shod spears at one another between the streams
of Simois and Xanthus。
  First; Ajax son of Telamon; tower of strength to the Achaeans; broke
a phalanx of the Trojans; and came to the assistance of his comrades
by killing Acamas son of Eussorus; the best man among the Thracians;
being both brave and of great stature。 The spear struck the projecting
peak of his helmet: its bronze point then went through his forehead
into the brain; and darkness veiled his eyes。
  Then Diomed killed Axylus son of Teuthranus; a rich man who lived in
the strong city of Arisbe; and was beloved by all men; for he had a
house by the roadside; and entertained every one who passed; howbeit
not one of his guests stood before him to save his life; and Diomed
killed both him and his squire Calesius; who was then his
charioteer… so the pair passed beneath the earth。
  Euryalus killed Dresus and Opheltius; and then went in pursuit of
Aesepus and Pedasus; whom the naiad nymph Abarbarea had borne to noble
Bucolion。 Bucolion was eldest son to Laomedon; but he was a bastard。
While tending his sheep he had converse with the nymph; and she
conceived twin sons; these the son of Mecisteus now slew; and he
stripped the armour from their shoulders。 Polypoetes then killed
Astyalus; Ulysses Pidytes of Percote; and Teucer Aretaon。 Ablerus fell
by the spear of Nestor's son Antilochus; and Agamemnon; king of men;
killed Elatus who dwelt in Pedasus by the banks of the river
Satnioeis。 Leitus killed Phylacus as he was flying; and Eurypylus slew
  Then Menelaus of the loud war…cry took Adrestus alive; for his
horses ran into a tamarisk bush; as they were flying wildly over the
plain; and broke the pole from the car; they went on towards the
city along with the others in full flight;
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