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the iliad(伊利亚特)-第112章

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and took him by the hand; saying; 〃Whither; father; are you thus
driving your mules and horses in the dead of night when other men
are asleep? Are you not afraid of the fierce Achaeans who are hard
by you; so cruel and relentless? Should some one of them see you
bearing so much treasure through the darkness of the flying night;
what would not your state then be? You are no longer young; and he who
is with you is too old to protect you from those who would attack you。
For myself; I will do you no harm; and I will defend you from any
one else; for you remind me of my own father。〃
  And Priam answered; 〃It is indeed as you say; my dear son;
nevertheless some god has held his hand over me; in that he has sent
such a wayfarer as yourself to meet me so Opportunely; you are so
comely in mien and figure; and your judgement is so excellent that you
must come of blessed parents。〃
  Then said the slayer of Argus; guide and guardian; 〃Sir; all that
you have said is right; but tell me and tell me true; are you taking
this rich treasure to send it to a foreign people where it may be
safe; or are you all leaving strong Ilius in dismay now that your
son has fallen who was the bravest man among you and was never lacking
in battle with the Achaeans?〃
  And Priam said; 〃Wo are you; my friend; and who are your parents;
that you speak so truly about the fate of my unhappy son?〃
  The slayer of Argus; guide and guardian; answered him; 〃Sir; you
would prove me; that you question me about noble Hector。 Many a time
have I set eyes upon him in battle when he was driving the Argives
to their ships and putting them to the sword。 We stood still and
marvelled; for Achilles in his anger with the son of Atreus suffered
us not to fight。 I am his squire; and came with him in the same
ship。 I am a Myrmidon; and my father's name is Polyctor: he is a
rich man and about as old as you are; he has six sons besides
myself; and I am the seventh。 We cast lots; and it fell upon me to
sail hither with Achilles。 I am now come from the ships on to the
plain; for with daybreak the Achaeans will set battle in array about
the city。 They chafe at doing nothing; and are so eager that their
princes cannot hold them back。〃
  Then answered Priam; 〃If you are indeed the squire of Achilles son
of Peleus; tell me now the Whole truth。 Is my son still at the
ships; or has Achilles hewn him limb from limb; and given him to his
  〃Sir;〃 replied the slayer of Argus; guide and guardian; 〃neither
hounds nor vultures have yet devoured him; he is still just lying at
the tents by the ship of Achilles; and though it is now twelve days
that he has lain there; his flesh is not wasted nor have the worms
eaten him although they feed on warriors。 At daybreak Achilles drags
him cruelly round the sepulchre of his dear comrade; but it does him
no hurt。 You should come yourself and see how he lies fresh as dew;
with the blood all washed away; and his wounds every one of them
closed though many pierced him with their spears。 Such care have the
blessed gods taken of your brave son; for he was dear to them beyond
all measure。〃
  The old man was comforted as he heard him and said; 〃My son; see
what a good thing it is to have made due offerings to the immortals;
for as sure as that he was born my son never forgot the gods that hold
Olympus; and now they requite it to him even in death。 Accept
therefore at my hands this goodly chalice; guard me and with
heaven's help guide me till I come to the tent of the son of Peleus。〃
  Then answered the slayer of Argus; guide and guardian; 〃Sir; you are
tempting me and playing upon my youth; but you shall not move me;
for you are offering me presents without the knowledge of Achilles
whom I fear and hold it great guiltless to defraud; lest some evil
presently befall me; but as your guide I would go with you even to
Argos itself; and would guard you so carefully whether by sea or land;
that no one should attack you through making light of him who was with
  The bringer of good luck then sprang on to the chariot; and
seizing the whip and reins he breathed fresh spirit into the mules and
horses。 When they reached the trench and the wall that was before
the ships; those who were on guard had just been getting their
suppers; and the slayer of Argus threw them all into a deep sleep。
Then he drew back the bolts to open the gates; and took Priam inside
with the treasure he had upon his waggon。 Ere long they came to the
lofty dwelling of the son of Peleus for which the Myrmidons had cut
pine and which they had built for their king; when they had built it
they thatched it with coarse tussock…grass which they had mown out
on the plain; and all round it they made a large courtyard; which
was fenced with stakes set close together。 The gate was barred with
a single bolt of pine which it took three men to force into its place;
and three to draw back so as to open the gate; but Achilles could draw
it by himself。 Mercury opened the gate for the old man; and brought in
the treasure that he was taking with him for the son of Peleus。 Then
he sprang from the chariot on to the ground and said; 〃Sir; it is I;
immortal Mercury; that am come with you; for my father sent me to
escort you。 I will now leave you; and will not enter into the presence
of Achilles; for it might anger him that a god should befriend
mortal men thus openly。 Go you within; and embrace the knees of the
son of Peleus: beseech him by his father; his lovely mother; and his
son; thus you may move him。〃
  With these words Mercury went back to high Olympus。 Priam sprang
from his chariot to the ground; leaving Idaeus where he was; in charge
of the mules and horses。 The old man went straight into the house
where Achilles; loved of the gods; was sitting。 There he found him
with his men seated at a distance from him: only two; the hero
Automedon; and Alcimus of the race of Mars; were busy in attendance
about his person; for he had but just done eating and drinking; and
the table was still there。 King Priam entered without their seeing
him; and going right up to Achilles he clasped his knees and kissed
the dread murderous hands that had slain so many of his sons。
  As when some cruel spite has befallen a man that he should have
killed some one in his own country; and must fly to a great man's
protection in a land of strangers; and all marvel who see him; even so
did Achilles marvel as he beheld Priam。 The others looked one to
another and marvelled also; but Priam besought Achilles saying; 〃Think
of your father; O Achilles like unto the gods; who is such even as I
am; on the sad threshold of old age。 It may be that those who dwell
near him harass him; and there is none to keep war and ruin from
him。 Yet when he hears of you being still alive; he is glad; and his
days are full of hope that he shall see his dear son come home to
him from Troy; but I; wretched man that I am; had the bravest in all
Troy for my sons; and there is not one of them left。 I had fifty
sons when the Achaeans came here; nineteen of them were from a
single womb; and the others were borne to me by the women of my
household。 The greater part of th
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