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the iliad(伊利亚特)-第11章

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  Priam's son; great Hector of the gleaming helmet; commanded the
Trojans; and with him were arrayed by far the greater number and
most valiant of those who were longing for the fray。
  The Dardanians were led by brave Aeneas; whom Venus bore to
Anchises; when she; goddess though she was; had lain with him upon the
mountain slopes of Ida。 He was not alone; for with him were the two
sons of Antenor; Archilochus and Acamas; both skilled in all the
arts of war。
  They that dwelt in Telea under the lowest spurs of Mt。 Ida; men of
substance; who drink the limpid waters of the Aesepus; and are of
Trojan blood… these were led by Pandarus son of Lycaon; whom Apollo
had taught to use the bow。
  They that held Adresteia and the land of Apaesus; with Pityeia;
and the high mountain of Tereia… these were led by Adrestus and
Amphius; whose breastplate was of linen。 These were the sons of Merops
of Percote; who excelled in all kinds of divination。 He told them
not to take part in the war; but they gave him no heed; for fate lured
them to destruction。
  They that dwelt about Percote and Practius; with Sestos; Abydos; and
Arisbe… these were led by Asius; son of Hyrtacus; a brave commander…
Asius; the son of Hyrtacus; whom his powerful dark bay steeds; of
the breed that comes from the river Selleis; had brought from Arisbe。
  Hippothous led the tribes of Pelasgian spearsmen; who dwelt in
fertile Larissa… Hippothous; and Pylaeus of the race of Mars; two sons
of the Pelasgian Lethus; son of Teutamus。
  Acamas and the warrior Peirous commanded the Thracians and those
that came from beyond the mighty stream of the Hellespont。
  Euphemus; son of Troezenus; the son of Ceos; was captain of the
Ciconian spearsmen。
  Pyraechmes led the Paeonian archers from distant Amydon; by the
broad waters of the river Axius; the fairest that flow upon the earth。
  The Paphlagonians were commanded by stout…hearted Pylaemanes from
Enetae; where the mules run wild in herds。 These were they that held
Cytorus and the country round Sesamus; with the cities by the river
Parthenius; Cromna; Aegialus; and lofty Erithini。
  Odius and Epistrophus were captains over the Halizoni from distant
Alybe; where there are mines of silver。
  Chromis; and Ennomus the augur; led the Mysians; but his skill in
augury availed not to save him from destruction; for he fell by the
hand of the fleet descendant of Aeacus in the river; where he slew
others also of the Trojans。
  Phorcys; again; and noble Ascanius led the Phrygians from the far
country of Ascania; and both were eager for the fray。
  Mesthles and Antiphus commanded the Meonians; sons of Talaemenes;
born to him of the Gygaean lake。 These led the Meonians; who dwelt
under Mt。 Tmolus。
  Nastes led the Carians; men of a strange speech。 These held
Miletus and the wooded mountain of Phthires; with the water of the
river Maeander and the lofty crests of Mt。 Mycale。 These were
commanded by Nastes and Amphimachus; the brave sons of Nomion。 He came
into the fight with gold about him; like a girl; fool that he was; his
gold was of no avail to save him; for he fell in the river by the hand
of the fleet descendant of Aeacus; and Achilles bore away his gold。
  Sarpedon and Glaucus led the Lycians from their distant land; by the
eddying waters of the Xanthus。

                         BOOK III

  When the companies were thus arrayed; each under its own captain;
the Trojans advanced as a flight of wild fowl or cranes that scream
overhead when rain and winter drive them over the flowing waters of
Oceanus to bring death and destruction on the Pygmies; and they
wrangle in the air as they fly; but the Achaeans marched silently;
in high heart; and minded to stand by one another。
  As when the south wind spreads a curtain of mist upon the mountain
tops; bad for shepherds but better than night for thieves; and a man
can see no further than he can throw a stone; even so rose the dust
from under their feet as they made all speed over the plain。
  When they were close up with one another; Alexandrus came forward as
champion on the Trojan side。 On his shoulders he bore the skin of a
panther; his bow; and his sword; and he brandished two spears shod
with bronze as a challenge to the bravest of the Achaeans to meet
him in single fight。 Menelaus saw him thus stride out before the
ranks; and was glad as a hungry lion that lights on the carcase of
some goat or horned stag; and devours it there and then; though dogs
and youths set upon him。 Even thus was Menelaus glad when his eyes
caught sight of Alexandrus; for he deemed that now he should be
revenged。 He sprang; therefore; from his chariot; clad in his suit
of armour。
  Alexandrus quailed as he saw Menelaus come forward; and shrank in
fear of his life under cover of his men。 As one who starts back
affrighted; trembling and pale; when he comes suddenly upon a
serpent in some mountain glade; even so did Alexandrus plunge into the
throng of Trojan warriors; terror…stricken at the sight of the son
  Then Hector upbraided him。 〃Paris;〃 said he; 〃evil…hearted Paris;
fair to see; but woman…mad; and false of tongue; would that you had
never been born; or that you had died unwed。 Better so; than live to
be disgraced and looked askance at。 Will not the Achaeans mock at us
and say that we have sent one to champion us who is fair to see but
who has neither wit nor courage? Did you not; such as you are; get
your following together and sail beyond the seas? Did you not from
your a far country carry off a lovely woman wedded among a people of
warriors… to bring sorrow upon your father; your city; and your
whole country; but joy to your enemies; and hang…dog shamefacedness to
yourself? And now can you not dare face Menelaus and learn what manner
of man he is whose wife you have stolen? Where indeed would be your
lyre and your love…tricks; your comely locks and your fair favour;
when you were lying in the dust before him? The Trojans are a
weak…kneed people; or ere this you would have had a shirt of stones
for the wrongs you have done them。〃
  And Alexandrus answered; 〃Hector; your rebuke is just。 You are
hard as the axe which a shipwright wields at his work; and cleaves the
timber to his liking。 As the axe in his hand; so keen is the edge of
your scorn。 Still; taunt me not with the gifts that golden Venus has
given me; they are precious; let not a man disdain them; for the
gods give them where they are minded; and none can have them for the
asking。 If you would have me do battle with Menelaus; bid the
Trojans and Achaeans take their seats; while he and I fight in their
midst for Helen and all her wealth。 Let him who shall be victorious
and prove to be the better man take the woman and all she has; to bear
them to his home; but let the rest swear to a solemn covenant of peace
whereby you Trojans shall stay here in Troy; while the others go
home to Argos and the land of the Achaeans。〃
  When Hector heard this he was glad; and went about among the
Trojan ranks holding his spear by the middle to keep them back; and
they all sat down at his bidding: but the Achaeans still aimed at
him with stones and arrows; t
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