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the iliad(伊利亚特)-第108章

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Ulysses in turn lifted Ajax and stirred him a little from the ground
but could not lift him right off it; his knee sank under him; and
the two fell side by side on the ground and were all begrimed with
dust。 They now sprang towards one another and were for wrestling yet a
third time; but Achilles rose and stayed them。 〃Put not each other
further;〃 said he; 〃to such cruel suffering; the victory is with
both alike; take each of you an equal prize; and let the other
Achaeans now compete。〃
  Thus did he speak and they did even as he had said; and put on their
shirts again after wiping the dust from off their bodies。
  The son of Peleus then offered prizes for speed in running… a
mixing…bowl beautifully wrought; of pure silver。 It would hold six
measures; and far exceeded all others in the whole world for beauty;
it was the work of cunning artificers in Sidon; and had been brought
into port by Phoenicians from beyond the sea; who had made a present
of it to Thoas。 Eueneus son of jason had given it to Patroclus in
ransom of Priam's son Lycaon; and Achilles now offered it as a prize
in honour of his comrade to him who should be the swiftest runner。 For
the second prize he offered a large ox; well fattened; while for the
last there was to be half a talent of gold。 He then rose and said
among the Argives; 〃Stand forward; you who will essay this contest。〃
  Forthwith uprose fleet Ajax son of Oileus; with cunning Ulysses; and
Nestor's son Antilochus; the fastest runner among all the youth of his
time。 They stood side by side and Achilles showed them the goal。 The
course was set out for them from the starting…post; and the son of
Oileus took the lead at once; with Ulysses as close behind him as
the shuttle is to a woman's bosom when she throws the woof across
the warp and holds it close up to her; even so close behind him was
Ulysses… treading in his footprints before the dust could settle
there; and Ajax could feel his breath on the back of his head as he
ran swiftly on。 The Achaeans all shouted applause as they saw him
straining his utmost; and cheered him as he shot past them; but when
they were now nearing the end of the course Ulysses prayed inwardly to
Minerva。 〃Hear me;〃 he cried; 〃and help my feet; O goddess。〃 Thus
did he pray; and Pallas Minerva heard his prayer; she made his hands
and his feet feel light; and when the runners were at the point of
pouncing upon the prize; Ajax; through Minerva's spite slipped upon
some offal that was lying there from the cattle which Achilles had
slaughtered in honour of Patroclus; and his mouth and nostrils were
all filled with cow dung。 Ulysses therefore carried off the
mixing…bowl; for he got before Ajax and came in first。 But Ajax took
the ox and stood with his hand on one of its horns; spitting the
dung out of his mouth。 Then he said to the Argives; 〃Alas; the goddess
has spoiled my running; she watches over Ulysses and stands by him
as though she were his own mother。〃 Thus did he speak and they all
of them laughed heartily。
  Antilochus carried off the last prize and smiled as he said to the
bystanders; 〃You all see; my friends; that now too the gods have shown
their respect for seniority。 Ajax is somewhat older than I am; and
as for Ulysses; he belongs to an earlier generation; but he is hale in
spite of his years; and no man of the Achaeans can run against him
save only Achilles。〃
  He said this to pay a compliment to the son of Peleus; and
Achilles answered; 〃Antilochus; you shall not have praised me to no
purpose; I shall give you an additional half talent of gold。〃 He
then gave the half talent to Antilochus; who received it gladly。
  Then the son of Peleus brought out the spear; helmet and shield that
had been borne by Sarpedon; and were taken from him by Patroclus。 He
stood up and said among the Argives; 〃We bid two champions put on
their armour; take their keen blades; and make trial of one another in
the presence of the multitude; whichever of them can first wound the
flesh of the other; cut through his armour; and draw blood; to him
will I give this goodly Thracian sword inlaid with silver; which I
took from Asteropaeus; but the armour let both hold in partnership;
and I will give each of them a hearty meal in my own tent。〃
  Forthwith uprose great Ajax the son of Telamon; as also mighty
Diomed son of Tydeus。 When they had put on their armour each on his
own side of the ring; they both went into the middle eager to
engage; and with fire flashing from their eyes。 The Achaeans marvelled
as they beheld them; and when the two were now close up with one
another; thrice did they spring forward and thrice try to strike
each other in close combat。 Ajax pierced Diomed's round shield; but
did not draw blood; for the cuirass beneath the shield protected
him; thereon the son of Tydeus from over his huge shield kept aiming
continually at Ajax's neck with the point of his spear; and the
Achaeans alarmed for his safety bade them leave off fighting and
divide the prize between them。 Achilles then gave the great sword to
the son of Tydeus; with its scabbard; and the leathern belt with which
to hang it。
  Achilles next offered the massive iron quoit which mighty Eetion had
erewhile been used to hurl; until Achilles had slain him and carried
it off in his ships along with other spoils。 He stood up and said
among the Argives; 〃Stand forward; you who would essay this contest。
He who wins it will have a store of iron that will last him five years
as they go rolling round; and if his fair fields lie far from a town
his shepherd or ploughman will not have to make a journey to buy iron;
for he will have a stock of it on his own premises。〃
  Then uprose the two mighty men Polypoetes and Leonteus; with Ajax
son of Telamon and noble Epeus。 They stood up one after the other
and Epeus took the quoit; whirled it; and flung it from him; which set
all the Achaeans laughing。 After him threw Leonteus of the race of
Mars。 Ajax son of Telamon threw third; and sent the quoit beyond any
mark that had been made yet; but when mighty Polypoetes took the quoit
he hurled it as though it had been a stockman's stick which he sends
flying about among his cattle when he is driving them; so far did
his throw out…distance those of the others。 All who saw it roared
applause; and his comrades carried the prize for him and set it on
board his ship。
  Achilles next offered a prize of iron for archery… ten
double…edged axes and ten with single eddies: he set up a ship's mast;
some way off upon the sands; and with a fine string tied a pigeon to
it by the foot; this was what they were to aim at。 〃Whoever;〃 he said;
〃can hit the pigeon shall have all the axes and take them away with
him; he who hits the string without hitting the bird will have taken a
worse aim and shall have the single…edged axes。〃
  Then uprose King Teucer; and Meriones the stalwart squire of
Idomeneus rose also; They cast lots in a bronze helmet and the lot
of Teucer fell first。 He let fly with his arrow forthwith; but he
did not promise hecatombs of firstling lambs to King Apollo; and
missed his bird; for Apollo foiled his aim; but he hit the string with
which th
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