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the gathering of brother hilarius-第7章

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ood drinking; he sought with scarlet cheeks for a less frequented way。

The quiet of a narrow street invited him; he turned aside; and suddenly traffic and turmoil died away。  He was in a city within a city; a place of mean tenements; wretched hovels; ruined houses; and; keeping guard over them all; a grim square tower; blind save for two windowed eyes。  Men; ill…favoured; hang…dog; or care…worn; stood about the house doors silent and moody; a white…faced woman crossing the street with a bucket gave no greeting; the very children rolling in the foul gutters neither laughed nor chattered nor played。  The city without seemed very far from this dismal sordid place。

Hilarius felt a touch on his shoulder; and a kindly voice said:…

〃How now; young sir; for what crime dost thou take sanctuary?〃

He looked up and saw an old man in the black dress of an ecclesiastic; the keys of St Peter broidered on his arm。

〃Sanctuary;〃 stammered Hilarius; 〃nay; good sir; I … 〃

The other laughed。

〃Wert thou star…gazing; then; that thou could'st stray into these precincts and know it not?  This is the City of Refuge to which a man may flee when he has robbed or murdered his fellow; or been guilty of treason; seditious talk; or slander … a strange place in which to see such a face as thine。〃

〃I did but seek a quiet way home and lost the turning;〃 said Hilarius; 〃in sooth; 'tis a fearful place。〃

〃Ay; boy; 'tis a place of darkness and despair; despite its safety … even the King's arm falls short when a man is in these precincts: but from himself and the knowledge of his crime; a man cannot flee; hence I say 'tis a place of darkness and despair。〃

The unspoken question shone in Hilarius' eyes; and the other answered it。

〃Nay; there is no blood on my soul; young sir。  'Twas good advice I gave; well meant but ill received; so here I dwell to learn the wisdom of fools and the foolishness of wisdom。〃

〃Does the Abbat know what evil men these are that seek the shelter of Holy Church?〃 asked Hilarius; perplexed。

〃Most surely he knows; but what would'st thou have?  It hath ever been the part of the Church to embrace sinners with open arms lest they repent。  A man leaves wrath behind him when he flees hither; but should he set foot in the city without; he is the law's; and no man may gainsay it。〃

〃Nay; sir; but these look far from repentance;〃 said Hilarius。

〃Ay; ay; true eno';〃 rejoined the other cheerfully; 〃but then 'tis not for nothing Mother Church holds the keys。  Man's law may fail to reach; but there is ever hell…fire for the unrepented sinner。〃

Hilarius nodded; and his eyes wandered over the squalid place with the North Porch of the Abbey for its sole beauty。

〃It must be as hell here; to live with robbers and men with bloody hands。〃

〃Nay;〃 said the old man hastily; 〃many of them are kindly folk; and many have slain in anger without thought。  'Tis a sad place; though; and thy young face is like a sunbeam on a winter's day。 Come; I will show thee thy road。〃

He led Hilarius through the winding alleys and set him once more on the edge of the city's stir and hum。

〃I can no further;〃 he said。  〃Farewell; young sir; and God keep thee!  An old man's blessing ne'er harmed any one。〃

Hilarius gave him godden; and sped swiftly back through the streets crowded with folks returning from the tourney。  The Abbey bell rang out above the shouts and din。

〃'Tis an evil; evil world;〃 quoth young Hilarius。


OCTOBER and November came and sped; and Hilarius' longing to be a limner waxed with the waning year。  One day by the waterside he met Martin; of whom he saw now much; now little; for the Minstrel followed the Court。

〃The cage grows too small for me; lad;〃 he said; as he stood with Hilarius watching the sun sink below the Surrey uplands; 〃ay; and I love one woman; which is ill for a man of my trade。  I must be away to my mistress; winter or no winter; else my song will die and my heart break。〃

〃'Tis even so with me; good Martin;〃 said Hilarius sadly; 〃I too would fain go forth and serve my mistress; but the cage door is barred; and I may not open it from within。〃

Martin whistled and smote the lad friendly on the shoulder。

〃Patience; lad; patience; thou art young yet。  Eighteen this Martinmas; say you?  In truth 'tis a great age; but still leaves time and to spare。  'All things come to a waiting man;' saith the proverb。〃

A week later he chanced on Hilarius sitting on a bench under the south wall of the farmery cloister。  It was a mild; melancholy day; and suited the Minstrel's mood。

He sat down by him and told of King and Court; then when Hilarius had once more cried his longing; he said gravely:…

〃One comes who will open more cage doors than thine and mine; lad … and yet earn no welcome。〃

Hilarius looked at him questioningly。

〃Lad; hast thou ever seen Death?〃

〃Nay; good Martin。〃

〃It comes; lad; it comes; or I am greatly at fault。  I saw the Plague once in Flanders; and fled against the wind; and so came out with a clean skin; now I am like to see it again; for it has landed in the south; and creeps this way。  Mark my words; lad; thou wilt know Death ere the winter is out; and such as God keep thee from。〃

Hilarius understood little of these words but the sound of them; and turned to speak of other things。

Martin looked at him gloomily。

〃Best get back to the cloister and Prior Stephen; lad。〃

〃Nay; good Martin; that may not be; but I have still a letter for the Abbat of St Alban's; and would hasten thither if Sir John would set me free。  Methinks I am a slow scholar;〃 went on poor Hilarius ruefully; 〃for I have not yet gone hungry … and as for love; methinks there are few folk to love in this wicked city。〃

Martin laughed and then grew grave again。

〃Maybe he comes who will teach thee both; and yet I would fain find thee a kinder master。  Well; well; lad; get thee to St Alban's an it be possible; thou art best in a cloister; methinks; for all thy wise Prior Stephen may say。〃

And he went off singing …

〃Three felons hung from a roadside tree; One black and one white and one grey; And the ravens plucked their eyes away From one and two and three; That honest men might see And thievish knaves should pay; Lest these might be As blind as they。 Ah; well…a…day; well…a…day! One … two … three!  On the gallows…tree hung they。〃

Hilarius listened with a smile until the last notes of Martin's voice had died away; and then fell a…musing of hunger and love; the dancer and the Prior。

Suddenly; as if his thought had taken speech; he heard a voice say:

〃I hunger; I hunger; feed me most sweet Manna; for I hunger … I hunger; and I love。〃

He sprang to his feet; but there was no one in sight。  Again the shrill quavering voice called:

〃Love of God; I hunger; Love of God; I die。  Blessed Peter; pray for me!  Blessed Michael; defend me!〃

Hilarius knew now; it was the Ankret; that holy man who for sixty years had fasted and prayed in his living tomb at the corner of the cloister。  He was held a saint above all the ankrets before him; and wondrous wise; the King himself had sought his counsel; and the Convent held him in hi
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