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the gathering of brother hilarius-第6章

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Hilarius found his mistress; her hands idle on her knee。  He louted low; and she bade him bring a stool and sit beside her。

〃I am weary;〃 she said; 〃this life is weariness。  Tell me of the Monastery and the forest … stay; tell me rather of the New Jerusalem that Brother Ambrose saw and limned。'

Hilarius; nothing loth; settled himself at her feet; elbow on knee; and chin on his open hands; his dreamy blue eyes gazing away out of the window at the cloud…flecked sky above the Abbey pinnacles。

〃The Brother Ambrose;〃 he began; 〃was ever a saintly man; approved of God and beloved by the Brethren; ay; and a crafty limner; save that of late his eyesight failed him。  To him one night; as he lay a…bed in the dormitory; came the word of the Lord; saying:  〃Come; and I will show thee the Bride; the Lamb's wife。〃  And Brother Ambrose arose and was carried to a great and high mountain; even as in the Vision of Blessed John。  'Twas a still night of many stars; and Brother Ambrose; looking up; saw a radiant path in the heavens; and lo! the stars gathered themselves together on either side until they stood as walls of light; and the four winds lapped him about as in a mantle and bore him towards the wondrous gleaming roadway。 Then between the stars came the Holy City with roof and pinnacle aflame; and walls aglow with such colours as no earthly limner dreams of; and much gold。  Brother Ambrose beheld the Gates of Pearl; and by every gate an angel; with wings of snow and fire; and a face no man dare look on; because of its exceeding radiance。

〃Then as Brother Ambrose stretched out his arms because of his great longing; a little grey cloud came out of the north and hung between the walls of light; so that he no longer beheld the Vision; but heard only a sound as of a great multitude crying; 'Alleluia'; and suddenly the winds came about him again; and lo! he found himself in bed in the dormitory; and it was midnight; for the bell was ringing to Matins; and he rose and went down with the rest; but when the Brethren left the choir; Brother Ambrose stayed fast in his place; hearing and seeing nothing because of the Vision of God; and at Lauds they found him and told the Prior。

〃He questioned Brother Ambrose of the matter; and when he heard the Vision; bade him limn the Holy City even as he had seen it; and the Precentor gave him uterine vellum and much fine gold and what colours he asked for the work。  Then Brother Ambrose limned a wondrous fair city of gold with turrets and spires; and he inlaid blue for the sapphire; and green for the emerald; and vermilion where the city seemed aflame with the glory of God; but the angels he could not limn; nor could he set the rest of the colours as he saw them; nor the wall of stars on either hand; and Brother Ambrose fell sick because of the exceeding great longing he had to limn the Holy City; and was very sad; but our Prior bade him thank God and remember the infirmity of the flesh; which; like the little grey cloud; veiled Jerusalem to his sight。〃

There was silence。  Lady Eleanor clasped her shadowy blue…veined hands under her chin; and in her eyes too was a great longing。

〃It seemeth to me small wonder that Brother Ambrose fell sick;〃 she said; at length。

Hilarius nodded:

〃He had ever a patient; wistful look as of one from home; and often he would sit musing in the cloister and scarce give heed to the Office bell。〃

〃Methinks; Hilarius; it will be passing sweet to dwell in that Holy City。〃

〃Nay; lady;〃 said her page tenderly; 〃surely thou hast had a vision even as Brother Ambrose; for thine eyes wait always; like unto his。〃

Eleanor shook her head; and two tears crept slowly from the shadow of her eyes。

〃Nay; not to such as I am is the vision vouchsafed; though my desire is great; 'tis ever clogged by sin; and for this same reason I would get me to a cloister where I might fast and pray unhindered。〃

Hilarius looked at her with great compassion。

〃Sweet lady; the Lord fulfil all thy desires; yet; methinks; thou art already as one of His saints。〃

〃Nay; but a poor sinner in an evil world;〃 she answered。  〃Sing to me; Hilarius。〃

And he sang her the Salve Regina; and when it was ended she bade him go; for she would fain spend some time in prayer upon her primer。

〃Our Lady and all Saints be with thee; sweet mistress!〃 he said; and left her to sob out once more the sins and sorrows of her tender childlike heart。


HILARIUS went back to the courtyard; his soul full of trouble。  He leant against the fountain; playing with the cool water which fell with monotonous rhythm into the shallow timeworn basin。  The cloudless sky smiled back at him from the broken mirror into which he gazed; and the glory of its untroubled blue thrilled him strangely。  He too had a vision which he longed to limn; but it was of earth; not Heaven; like that vouchsafed to Brother Ambrose; and yet none the less precious; for was it not the Monastery at home which so haunted him; the grey; familiar walls with their girdle of sunlit pasture; and the mantling forest which bowed and swayed at the will of the whispering wind?

〃As well seek Heaven's gate in yon fair reflection as learn to love in this light…minded; deceitful city;〃 Hilarius said to himself a little bitterly。  He deemed that he had plumbed its hollowness and learnt the full measure of its vanity。  Already he shunned the company and diversions of his fellow pages; though he was ever ready to serve them。  A prentice lad's homely brawl set him shivering; a woman's jest painted his cheeks 'til they rivalled a young maid's at her first wooing。  He plucked aside his skirts and walked in judgment; only wherever mountebank or juggler held the crowd enthralled; there Hilarius; half…ashamed; would push his way; in the unacknowledged hope of seeing again the maid whose mother; like his own; was light o' love:  a strange link truly to bind Hilarius in his blindness to the rest of poor sinful humanity。

Suddenly there broke on his musing the clatter of horse…hoofs; and a gay young page came spurring with bent head under the low archway。  He reined up by Hilarius:

〃Dear lad; kind lad; wilt thou do me a service?〃

〃That will I; Hal; an it be in my power。〃

〃Take this purse; then; to the Cock Tavern and give it mine host。 'Tis Luke Langland's reckoning; he left it with me yesternight; but my head was full of feast and tourney; and 'tis yet undelivered。 Mine host will not let the serving men and the two horses go 'til he hath seen Luke's money; and I cannot stay; for my lord will need me。〃

Hilarius took the purse; and his fellow page; blessing him for a good comrade; clattered back through the gateway。

The streets were full of life and colour; serving men in the livery of Abbat and Knight; King and Cardinal; lounged at the tavern doors dicing; gaming; and drinking。  Hilarius walked delicately and strove to shut eyes and ears to the sights and sounds of sin。  He delivered the purse; only to hear mine host curse roundly because it was lighter than the reckoning; and after being hustled and jeered at for a milk…faced varlet by the men who stood drinking; he sought with scarlet cheeks for
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