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the gathering of brother hilarius-第14章

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Five days passed; and despite extreme care victuals were short。 Hilarius dug up roots from the hedgerows; and went hungry; but at last the pinch came; the woman was too weak and ill to walk; the babe scarce in life … there could be no thought of flight … and the little maid grew white; and wan and silent。  Then it came to Hilarius that he would once again beg food in the village where he had sought help before。

He went slowly; for he had eaten little that his maid might be the better fed; and he was very sad。  When he reached the village he found his errand like to be vain。  News of the Plague was coming from many parts; and each man feared for his own skin。  At every house they questioned him:  〃Art thou from a hamlet where the Plague hath been?〃 and when he answered 〃Yea;〃 the door was shut。

Very soon men; angry and afraid; came to drive him from the place。 He gained the village cross; and prayed them for love of the Saviour and His holy Rood to give him bread for his little maid and her mother。  Let them set it in the street; he would take it and cross no man's threshold。  Surely they could not; for shame; let a little child die of want?

〃Nay; 'tis better they die; so are we safe;〃 cried a voice; then they fell upon him and beat him; and drove him from the village with blows and curses。

Bruised and panting; he ran from them; and at last the chase ceased; breathless and exhausted he flung himself under a hedge。

A hawk swooped; struck near him; and rose again with its prey。 Hilarius shuddered; but perhaps the hawk had nestlings waiting open…mouthed for food?  His little maid!  His eyes filled with tears as he thought of those who awaited him。  He picked up a stone; and watched if perchance a coney might show itself。  He had never killed; but were not his nestlings agape?

Nothing stirred; but along the road came a waggon of strange shape and gaily painted。

He rose to his feet; praying the great Mother to send him help in his awful need。

The waggon drew near; the driver sat asleep upon the shaft; the horse took his own pace。  It passed him before he could pluck up heart to ask an alms; and from the back dangled a small sack and a hen。  If he begged and was refused his little maid must die。  A minute later the sack and the hen had changed owners … but not unobserved; a clear voice called a halt; the waggon stood fast; two figures sprang out; a girl and a boy:  and Hilarius stood before them on the white highway … a thief。

〃Seize the knave!〃 cried the girl sharply。

Hilarius stared at her and she at him。  It was his dancer; and she knew him; ay; despite the change of dress and scene; she knew him。

〃What!  The worthy novice turned worldling and thief!  Nay; 'tis a rare jest。  What of thy fine sermons now; good preacher?〃

But Hilarius answered never a word; overcome by shame; grief; and hunger; sudden darkness fell upon him。

When he came to himself he was sitting propped against the hedge; the waggon was drawn up by the roadside; and the dancer and her brother stood watching him。

〃Fetch bread and wine;〃 said the girl; and to Hilarius who tried to speak; 〃Peace; 'til thou hast eaten。〃

Hilarius ate eagerly; and when he had made an end the dancer said:…

〃Now tell thy tale。  Prithee; since when didst thou leave thy Saints and thy nursery for such an ill trade as this?〃

Hilarius told her all; and when he had finished he wept because of his little maid; and his were not the only tears。

The dancer went to the waggon and came back with much food taken from her store; to which she added the hen; the sack held but fodder。

〃But; Gia;〃 grumbled her brother; 〃there will be naught for us to… night。〃

〃Thou canst eat bread; or else go hungry;〃 she retorted; and filled a small sack with the victuals。

Hilarius watched her; hardly daring to hope。  She held it out to him:  〃Now up and off to thy little maid。〃

Hilarius took the sack; but only to lay it down again。  Kneeling; he took both her little brown hands; and his tears fell fast as he kissed them。

〃Maid; maid; canst forgive my theft; ay; and my hard words in the forest?  God help me for a poor; blind fool!〃

〃Nay;〃 she answered; 〃there is naught to forgive; and see; thou hast learnt to hunger and to love!  Farewell; little brother; we pass here again a fortnight hence; and I would fain have word of thy little maid。  Ay; and shouldst thou need a home for her; bring her to us; my old grandam is in the other waggon and she will care for her。〃

Hilarius ran across the fields; full of sorrow for his sin; and yet greatly glad because of the wonderful goodness of God。

When he got back his little maid sat alone by the fire。  He hastened to make food ready; but the child was far spent and would scarcely eat。  Then he went out to find the woman。

He saw her standing in the doorway of an empty hovel; and she cried to him to keep back。

〃My babe is dead; and I feel the sickness on me。  I went to the houses seeking meal; even to Gammer Harden's; and I must die。  As for thee; thou shalt not come near me; but bide with the child; so maybe God will spare the innocent。〃

Hilarius besought her long that she would at least suffer him to bring her food; but she would not。

〃Nay; I could not eat; the fever burns in my bones; let me alone that I may die the sooner。〃

Hilarius went back with a heavy heart; and lay that night with the little maid in his arms on the settle by the hearth。  Despite his fear he slept heavily and late:  when he rose the sun was high and the child awake。

He fed her; and; bidding her bide within; went out to gain tidings of the poor mother。  He called; but no one answered; and the door of the hovel in which she had taken shelter stood wide。  Then; as he searched the fields; fearing the fever had driven her abroad; he saw the flutter of garments in a ditch; and lo! there lay the woman; dead; with her dead babe on her breast。  She had lain down to die alone with God in the silence; that haply the living might escape; and on her face was peace。

Later; Hilarius laid green boughs tenderly over mother and babe; and covered them with earth; saying many prayers。  Then he went back to his fatherless; motherless maid。

She ailed naught that he could see; and there was food and to spare; but each day saw her paler and thinner; until at last she could not even sit; but lay white and silent in Hilarius' tender arms; and he fought with death for his little maid。

Then on a day she would take no food; and when Hilarius put tiny morsels in her mouth she could not swallow; and so he sat through the long hours; his little maid in his arms; with no thought beside。  The darkness came; and he waited wide…eyed; praying for the dawn。  When the new day broke and the east was pale with light he carried the child out that he might see her; for a dreadful fear possessed him。  And it came to pass that when the light kissed her little white face she opened her eyes and smiled at Hilarius; and so smiling; died。

The dancer; true to her promise; scanned the road as the waggon drew near the place of Hilarius' first and last theft:  he was standing by the wayside alone。  The waggon passed on carrying him with it; and the dancer look
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