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returning home-第2章

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thought of the other darling whom she would leave beneath that
distant sod。

And then came the question as to the route home。  San Jose stands in
the middle of the high plain of Costa Rica; half way between the
Pacific and the Atlantic。  The journey thence down to the Pacific
is; by comparison; easy。  There is a road; and the mules on which
the travellers must ride go steadily and easily down to Punta
Arenas; the port on that ocean。  There are inns; too; on the way;
places of public entertainment at which refreshment may be obtained;
and beds; or fair substitutes for beds。  But then by this route the
traveller must take a long additional sea voyage。  He must convey
himself and his weary baggage down to that wretched place on the
Pacific; there wait for a steamer to take him to Panama; cross the
isthmus; and reship himself in the other waters for his long journey
home。  That terrible unshipping and reshipping is a sore burden to
the unaccustomed traveller。  When it is absolutely necessary;then
indeed it is done without much thought; but in the case of the
Arkwrights it was not absolutely necessary。  And there was another
reason which turned Mrs。 Arkwright's heart against that journey by
Punt' Arenas。  The place is unhealthy; having at certain seasons a
very bad name;and here on their outward journey her husband had
been taken ill。  She had never ceased to think of the fortnight she
had spent there among uncouth strangers; during a portion of which
his life had trembled in the balance。  Early; therefore; in those
four months she begged that she might not be taken round by Punt'
Arenas。  There was another route。  〃Harry; if you love me; let me go
by the Serapiqui。〃  As to Harry's loving her; there was no doubt
about that; as she well knew。

There was this other route by the Serapiqui river; and by Greytown。
Greytown; it is true; is quite as unhealthy as Punt' Arenas; and by
that route one's baggage must be shipped and unshipped into small
boats。  There are all manner of difficulties attached to it。
Perhaps no direct road to and from any city on the world's surface
is subject to sharper fatigue while it lasts。  Journeying by this
route also; the traveller leaves San Jose mounted on his mule; and
so mounted he makes his way through the vast primeval forests down
to the banks of the Serapiqui river。  That there is a track for him
is of course true; but it is simply a track; and during nine months
of the twelve is so deep in mud that the mules sink in it to their
bellies。  Then; when the river has been reached; the traveller seats
him in his canoe; and for two days is paddled down;down along the
Serapiqui; into the San Juan River; and down along the San Juan till
he reaches Greytown; passing one night at some hut on the river
side。  At Greytown he waits for the steamer which will carry him his
first stage on his road towards Southampton。  He must be a
connoisseur in disagreeables of every kind who can say with any
precision whether Greytown or Punt' Arenas is the better place for a
week's sojourn。

For a full month Mr。 Arkwright would not give way to his wife。  At
first he all but conquered her by declaring that the Serapiqui
journey would be dangerous for the baby; but she heard from some one
that it could be made less fatiguing for the baby than the other
route。  A baby had been carried down in a litter strapped on to a
mule's back。  A guide at the mule's head would be necessary; and
that was all。  When once in her boat the baby would be as well as in
her cradle。  What purpose cannot a woman gain by perseverance?  Her
purpose in this instance Mrs。 Arkwright did at last gain by

And then their preparations for the journey went on with much
flurrying and hot haste。  To us at home; who live and feel our life
every day; the manufacture of endless baby…linen and the packing of
mountains of clothes does not give an idea of much pleasurable
excitement; but at San Jose; where there was scarcely motion enough
in existence to prevent its waters from becoming foul with
stagnation; this packing of baby…linen was delightful; and for a
month or so the days went by with happy wings。

But by degrees reports began to reach both Arkwright and his wife as
to this new route; which made them uneasy。  The wet season had been
prolonged; and even though they might not be deluged by rain
themselves; the path would be in such a state of mud as to render
the labour incessant。  One or two people declared that the road was
unfit at any time for a woman;and then the river would be much
swollen。  These tidings did not reach Arkwright and his wife
together; or at any rate not till late amidst their preparations; or
a change might still have been made。  As it was; after all her
entreaties; Mrs。 Arkwright did not like to ask him again to alter
his plans; and he; having altered them once; was averse to change
them again。  So things went on till the mules and the boats had been
hired; and things had gone so far that no change could then be made
without much cost and trouble。

During the last ten days of their sojourn at San Jose; Mrs。
Arkwright had lost all that appearance of joy which had cheered up
her sweet face during the last few months。  Terror at that terrible
journey obliterated in her mind all the happiness which had arisen
from the hope of being soon at home。  She was thoroughly cowed by
the danger to be encountered; and would gladly have gone down to
Punt' Arenas; had it been now possible that she could so arrange it。
It rained; and rained; and still rained; when there was now only a
week from the time they started。  Oh! if they could only wait for
another month!  But this she said to no one。  After what had passed
between her and her husband; she had not the heart to say such words
to him。  Arkwright himself was a man not given to much talking; a
silent thoughtful man; stern withal in his outward bearing; but
tender…hearted and loving in his nature。  The sweet young wife who
had left all; and come with him out to that dull distant place; was
very dear to him;dearer than she herself was aware; and in these
days he was thinking much of her coming troubles。  Why had he given
way to her foolish prayers?  Ah; why indeed?  And thus the last few
days of their sojourn in San Jose passed away from them。  Once or
twice during these days she did speak out; expressing her fears。
Her feelings were too much for her; and she could not restrain
herself。  〃Poor mamma;〃 she said; 〃I shall never see her!〃  And then
again; 〃Harry; I know I shall never reach home alive。〃

〃Fanny; my darling; that is nonsense。〃  But in order that his spoken
word might not sound stern to her; he took her in his arms and
kissed her。

〃You must behave well; Fanny;〃 he said to her the day before they
started。  Though her heart was then very low within her; she
promised him that she would do her best; and then she made a great
resolution。  Though she should be dying on the road; she would not
complain beyond the absolute necessity of her nature。  She fully
recognised his thoughtful tender kindness; for though he thus
cautioned her; he never told her that the dangers which
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