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dorothy and the wizard in oz-第9章

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melon vines and berry bushes。  Follow me; please; to meet your doom。〃

5。  Dorothy Picks the Princess

The words of the cold and moist vegetable Prince were not very

comforting; and as he spoke them he turned away and left the

enclosure。  The children; feeling sad and despondent; were about to

follow him when the Wizard touched Dorothy softly on her shoulder。

〃Wait!〃 he whispered。

〃What for?〃 asked the girl。

〃Suppose we pick the Royal Princess;〃 said the Wizard。  〃I'm quite

sure she's ripe; and as soon as she comes to life she will be the

Ruler; and may treat us better than that heartless Prince intends to。〃

〃All right!〃 exclaimed Dorothy; eagerly。  〃Let's pick her while we

have the chance; before the man with the star comes back。〃

So together they leaned over the great bush and each of them seized

one hand of the lovely Princess。

〃Pull!〃 cried Dorothy; and as they did so the royal lady leaned toward

them and the stems snapped and separated from her feet。  She was not

at all heavy; so the Wizard and Dorothy managed to lift her gently to

the ground。

The beautiful creature passed her hands over her eyes an instant;

tucked in a stray lock of hair that had become disarranged; and after

a look around the garden made those present a gracious bow and said;

in a sweet but even toned voice:

〃I thank you very much。〃

〃We salute your Royal Highness!〃 cried the Wizard; kneeling and

kissing her hand。

Just then the voice of the Prince was heard calling upon them to

hasten; and a moment later he returned to the enclosure; followed by a

number of his people。

Instantly the Princess turned and faced him; and when he saw that she

was picked the Prince stood still and began to tremble。

〃Sir;〃 said the Royal Lady; with much dignity; 〃you have wronged me

greatly; and would have wronged me still more had not these strangers

come to my rescue。  I have been ready for picking all the past week;

but because you were selfish and desired to continue your unlawful

rule; you left me to stand silent upon my bush。〃

〃I did not know that you were ripe;〃 answered the Prince; in a low voice。

〃Give me the Star of Royalty!〃 she commanded。

Slowly he took the shining star from his own brow and placed it upon

that of the Princess。  Then all the people bowed low to her; and the

Prince turned and walked away alone。  What became of him afterward our

friends never knew。

The people of Mangaboo now formed themselves into a procession and

marched toward the glass city to escort their new ruler to her palace

and to perform those ceremonies proper to the occasion。  But while the

people in the procession walked upon the ground the Princess walked in

the air just above their heads; to show that she was a superior being

and more exalted than her subjects。

No one now seemed to pay any attention to the strangers; so Dorothy

and Zeb and the Wizard let the train pass on and then wandered by

themselves into the vegetable gardens。  They did not bother to cross

the bridges over the brooks; but when they came to a stream they

stepped high and walked in the air to the other side。  This was a very

interesting experience to them; and Dorothy said:

〃I wonder why it is that we can walk so easily in the air。〃

〃Perhaps;〃 answered the Wizard; 〃it is because we are close to the

center of the earth; where the attraction of gravitation is very slight。

But I've noticed that many queer things happen in fairy countries。〃

〃Is this a fairy country?〃 asked the boy。

〃Of course it is;〃 returned Dorothy promptly。  〃Only a fairy country

could have veg'table people; and only in a fairy country could Eureka

and Jim talk as we do。〃

〃That's true;〃 said Zeb; thoughtfully。

In the vegetable gardens they found the strawberries and melons; and

several other unknown but delicious fruits; of which they ate

heartily。  But the kitten bothered them constantly by demanding milk

or meat; and called the Wizard names because he could not bring her a

dish of milk by means of his magical arts。

As they sat upon the grass watching Jim; who was still busily eating;

Eureka said:

〃I don't believe you are a Wizard at all!〃

〃No;〃 answered the little man; 〃you are quite right。  In the strict

sense of the word I am not a Wizard; but only a humbug。〃

〃The Wizard of Oz has always been a humbug;〃 agreed Dorothy。  〃I've

known him for a long time。〃

〃If that is so;〃 said the boy; 〃how could he do that wonderful trick

with the nine tiny piglets?〃

〃Don't know;〃 said Dorothy; 〃but it must have been humbug。〃

〃Very true;〃 declared the Wizard; nodding at her。  〃It was necessary

to deceive that ugly Sorcerer and the Prince; as well as their stupid

people; but I don't mind telling you; who are my friends; that the

thing was only a trick。〃

〃But I saw the little pigs with my own eyes!〃 exclaimed Zeb。

〃So did I;〃 purred the kitten。

〃To be sure;〃 answered the Wizard。  〃You saw them because they were

there。  They are in my inside pocket now。  But the pulling of them

apart and pushing them together again was only a sleight…of…hand trick。〃

〃Let's see the pigs;〃 said Eureka; eagerly。

The little man felt carefully in his pocket and pulled out the tiny

piglets; setting them upon the grass one by one; where they ran around

and nibbled the tender blades。

〃They're hungry; too;〃 he said。

〃Oh; what cunning things!〃 cried Dorothy; catching up one and petting it。

〃Be careful!〃 said the piglet; with a squeal; 〃you're squeezing me!〃

〃Dear me!〃 murmured the Wizard; looking at his pets in astonishment。

〃They can actually talk!〃

〃May I eat one of them?〃 asked the kitten; in a pleading voice。  〃I'm

awfully hungry。〃

〃Why; Eureka;〃 said Dorothy; reproachfully; 〃what a cruel question!

It would be dreadful to eat these dear little things。〃

〃I should say so!〃 grunted another of the piglets; looking uneasily at

the kitten; 〃cats are cruel things。〃

〃I'm not cruel;〃 replied the kitten; yawning。  〃I'm just hungry。〃

〃You cannot eat my piglets; even if you are starving;〃  declared the

little man; in a stern voice。  〃They are the only things I have to

prove I'm a wizard。〃

〃How did they happen to be so little?〃 asked Dorothy。  〃I never saw

such small pigs before。〃

〃They are from the Island of Teenty…Weent;〃 said the Wizard; 〃where

everything is small because it's a small island。  A sailor brought

them to Los Angeles and I gave him nine tickets to the circus for them。〃

〃But what am I going to eat?〃 wailed the kitten; sitting in front of

Dorothy and looking pleadingly into her face。  〃There are no cows here

to give milk; or any mice; or even grasshoppers。  And if I can't eat

the piglets you may as well plant me at once and raise catsup。〃

〃I have an idea;〃 said the Wizard; 〃that there are fishes in these

brooks。  Do you like fish?〃

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