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dorothy and the wizard in oz-第5章

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down; but when he came to the glass pavement he alighted upon it so

softly that he was not even jarred。

〃Well; well!〃 said Dorothy; drawing a long breath; 〃What a strange

country this is。〃

People began to come out of the glass doors to look at the new

arrivals; and pretty soon quite a crowd had assembled。  There were men

and women; but no children at all; and the folks were all beautifully

formed and attractively dressed and had wonderfully handsome faces。

There was not an ugly person in all the throng; yet Dorothy was not

especially pleased by the appearance of these people because their

features had no more expression than the faces of dolls。  They did not

smile nor did they frown; or show either fear or surprise or curiosity

or friendliness。  They simply started at the strangers; paying most

attention to Jim and Eureka; for they had never before seen either a

horse or a cat and the children bore an outward resemblance to themselves。

Pretty soon a man joined the group who wore a glistening star in the

dark hair just over his forehead。  He seemed to be a person of

authority; for the others pressed back to give him room。  After

turning his composed eyes first upon the animals and then upon the

children he said to Zeb; who was a little taller than Dorothy:

〃Tell me; intruder; was it you who caused the Rain of Stones?〃

For a moment the boy did not know what he meant by this question。

Then; remembering the stones that had fallen with them and passed them

long before they had reached this place; he answered:

〃No; sir; we didn't cause anything。  It was the earthquake。〃

The man with the star stood for a time quietly thinking over this

speech。  Then he asked:

〃What is an earthquake?〃

〃I don't know;〃 said Zeb; who was still confused。  But Dorothy; seeing

his perplexity; answered:

〃It's a shaking of the earth。  In this quake a big crack opened and we

fell throughhorse and buggy; and alland the stones got loose and

came down with us。〃

The man with the star regarded her with his calm; expressionless eyes。

〃The Rain of Stones has done much damage to our city;〃 he said;

〃and we shall hold you responsible for it unless you can prove

your innocence。〃

〃How can we do that?〃 asked the girl。

〃That I am not prepared to say。  It is your affair; not mine。

You must go to the House of the Sorcerer; who will soon discover

the truth。〃

〃Where is the House of the Sorcerer?〃 the girl enquired。

〃I will lead you to it。  Come!〃

He turned and walked down the street; and after a moment's hesitation

Dorothy caught Eureka in her arms and climbed into the buggy。  The boy

took his seat beside her and said: 〃Gid…dap Jim。〃

As the horse ambled along; drawing the buggy; the people of the glass

city made way for them and formed a procession in their rear。  Slowly

they moved down one street and up another; turning first this way and

then that; until they came to an open square in the center of which

was a big glass palace having a central dome and four tall spires on

each corner。

3。  The Arrival Of The Wizard

The doorway of the glass palace was quite big enough for the horse and

buggy to enter; so Zeb drove straight through it and the children

found themselves in a lofty hall that was very beautiful。  The people

at once followed and formed a circle around the sides of the spacious

room; leaving the horse and buggy and the man with the star to occupy

the center of the hall。

〃Come to us; oh; Gwig!〃 called the man; in a loud voice。

Instantly a cloud of smoke appeared and rolled over the floor; then it

slowly spread and ascended into the dome; disclosing a strange

personage seated upon a glass throne just before Jim's nose。  He was

formed just as were the other inhabitants of this land and his

clothing only differed from theirs in being bright yellow。  But he had

no hair at all; and all over his bald head and face and upon the backs

of his hands grew sharp thorns like those found on the branches of

rose…bushes。  There was even a thorn upon the tip of his nose and he

looked so funny that Dorothy laughed when she saw him。

The Sorcerer; hearing the laugh; looked toward the little girl with

cold; cruel eyes; and his glance made her grow sober in an instant。

〃Why have you dared to intrude your unwelcome persons into the

secluded Land of the Mangaboos?〃 he asked; sternly。

〃'Cause we couldn't help it;〃 said Dorothy。

〃Why did you wickedly and viciously send the Rain of Stones to crack

and break our houses?〃 he continued。

〃We didn't;〃 declared the girl。

〃Prove it!〃 cried the Sorcerer。

〃We don't have to prove it;〃 answered Dorothy; indignantly。  〃If you

had any sense at all you'd known it was the earthquake。〃

〃We only know that yesterday came a Rain of Stones upon us; which did

much damage and injured some of our people。  Today came another Rain

of Stones; and soon after it you appeared among us。〃

〃By the way;〃 said the man with the star; looking steadily at the

Sorcerer; 〃you told us yesterday that there would not be a second Rain

of Stones。  Yet one has just occurred that was even worse than the

first。  What is your sorcery good for if it cannot tell us the truth?〃

〃My sorcery does tell the truth!〃 declared the thorn…covered man。  〃I

said there would be but one Rain of Stones。  This second one was a Rain

of People…and…Horse…and…Buggy。  And some stones came with them。〃

〃Will there be any more Rains?〃 asked the man with the star。

〃No; my Prince。〃

〃Neither stones nor people?〃

〃No; my Prince。〃

〃Are you sure?〃

〃Quite sure; my Prince。  My sorcery tells me so。〃

Just then a man came running into the hall and addressed the Prince

after making a low bow。

〃More wonders in the air; my Lord;〃 said he。

Immediately the Prince and all of his people flocked out of the hall

into the street; that they might see what was about to happen。

Dorothy and Zeb jumped out of the buggy and ran after them; but the

Sorcerer remained calmly in his throne。

Far up in the air was an object that looked like a balloon。  It was not

so high as the glowing star of the six colored suns; but was

descending slowly through the airso slowly that at first it scarcely

seemed to move。

The throng stood still and waited。  It was all they could do; for to

go away and leave that strange sight was impossible; nor could they

hurry its fall in any way。  The earth children were not noticed; being

so near the average size of the Mangaboos; and the horse had remained

in the House of the Sorcerer; with Eureka curled up asleep on the seat

of the buggy。

Gradually the balloon grew bigger; which was proof that it was settling

down upon the Land of the Mangaboos。  Dorothy was surprised to find

how patient the people were; for her own little heart was beating

rapidly with excitement。  A balloon meant to her some other arr
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