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dorothy and the wizard in oz-第33章

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and whispered:

〃My friend; it is your duty to defend the white kitten and try to save

her; but I fear you will fail because Eureka has long wished to eat a

piglet; to my certain knowledge; and my opinion is that she has been

unable to resist the temptation。  Yet her disgrace and death would not

bring back the piglet; but only serve to make Dorothy unhappy。  So I

intend to prove the kitten's innocence by a trick。〃

He drew from his inside pocket one of the eight tiny piglets that

were remaining and continued:

〃This creature you must hide in some safe place; and if the jury

decides that Eureka is guilty you may then produce this piglet and

claim it is the one that was lost。  All the piglets are exactly alike;

so no one can dispute your word。  This deception will save Eureka's

life; and then we may all be happy again。〃

〃I do not like to deceive my friends;〃 replied the Tin Woodman;

〃still; my kind heart urges me to save Eureka's life; and I can

usually trust my heart to do the right thing。  So I will do as you

say; friend Wizard。〃

After some thought he placed the little pig inside his funnel…shaped

hat; and then put the hat upon his head and went back to his room to

think over his speech to the jury。

19。  The Wizard Performs Another Trick

At three o'clock the Throne Room was crowded with citizens; men; women

and children being eager to witness the great trial。

Princess Ozma; dressed in her most splendid robes of state; sat in the

magnificent emerald throne; with her jewelled sceptre in her hand and

her sparkling coronet upon her fair brow。  Behind her throne stood the

twenty…eight officers of her army and many officials of the royal

household。  At her right sat the queerly assorted Juryanimals;

animated dummies and peopleall gravely prepared to listen to what

was said。  The kitten had been placed in a large cage just before the

throne; where she sat upon her haunches and gazed through the bars at

the crowds around her; with seeming unconcern。

And now; at a signal from Ozma; the Woggle…Bug arose and addressed the

jury。  His tone was pompous and he strutted up and down in an absurd

attempt to appear dignified。

〃Your Royal Highness and Fellow Citizens;〃 he began; 〃the small cat

you see a prisoner before you is accused of the crime of first

murdering and then eating our esteemed Ruler's fat pigletor else

first eating and then murdering it。  In either case a grave crime has

been committed which deserves a grave punishment。〃

〃Do you mean my kitten must be put in a grave?〃 asked Dorothy。

〃Don't interrupt; little girl;〃 said the Woggle…Bug。  〃When I get my

thoughts arranged in good order I do not like to have anything upset

them or throw them into confusion。〃

〃If your thoughts were any good they wouldn't become confused;〃

remarked the Scarecrow; earnestly。  〃My thoughts are always〃

〃Is this a trial of thoughts; or of kittens?〃 demanded the Woggle…Bug。

〃It's a trial of one kitten;〃 replied the Scarecrow; 〃but your manner

is a trial to us all。〃

〃Let the Public Accuser continue;〃 called Ozma from her throne; 〃and I

pray you do not interrupt him。〃

〃The criminal who now sits before the court licking her paws;〃 resumed

the Woggle…Bug; 〃has long desired to unlawfully eat the fat piglet;

which was no bigger than a mouse。  And finally she made a wicked

plan to satisfy her depraved appetite for pork。 I can see her;

in my mind's eye〃

〃What's that?〃 asked the Scarecrow。

〃I say I can see her in my mind's eye〃

〃The mind has no eye;〃 declared the Scarecrow。  〃It's blind。〃

〃Your Highness;〃 cried the Woggle…Bug; appealing to Ozma; 〃have I a

mind's eye; or haven't I?〃

〃If you have; it is invisible;〃 said the Princess。

〃Very true;〃 returned the Woggle…Bug; bowing。  〃I say I see the

criminal; in my mind's eye; creeping stealthily into the room of our

Ozma and secreting herself; when no one was looking; until the

Princess had gone away and the door was closed。  Then the murderer was

alone with her helpless victim; the fat piglet; and I see her pounce

upon the innocent creature and eat it up〃

〃Are you still seeing with your mind's eye?〃 enquired the Scarecrow。

〃Of course; how else could I see it?  And we know the thing is true;

because since the time of that interview there is no piglet to be

found anywhere。〃

〃I suppose; if the cat had been gone; instead of the piglet;

your mind's eye would see the piglet eating the cat;〃 suggested

the Scarecrow。

〃Very likely;〃 acknowledged the Woggle…Bug。  〃And now; Fellow Citizens

and Creatures of the Jury; I assert that so awful a crime deserves

death; and in the case of the ferocious criminal before youwho is

now washing her facethe death penalty should be inflicted nine times。〃

There was great applause when the speaker sat down。  Then the Princess

spoke in a stern voice:

〃Prisoner; what have you to say for yourself?  Are you guilty;

or not guilty?〃

〃Why; that's for you to find out;〃 replied Eureka。  〃If you can prove

I'm guilty; I'll be willing to die nine times; but a mind's eye is no

proof; because the Woggle…Bug has no mind to see with。〃

〃Never mind; dear;〃 said Dorothy。

Then the Tin Woodman arose and said:

〃Respected Jury and dearly beloved Ozma; I pray you not to judge this

feline prisoner unfeelingly。  I do not think the innocent kitten can

be guilty; and surely it is unkind to accuse a luncheon of being a

murder。  Eureka is the sweet pet of a lovely little girl whom we all

admire; and gentleness and innocence are her chief virtues。  Look at

the kitten's intelligent eyes;〃 (here Eureka closed her eyes sleepily)

〃gaze at her smiling countenance!〃 (here Eureka snarled and showed her

teeth) 〃mark the tender pose of her soft; padded little hands!〃  (Here

Eureka bared her sharp claws and scratched at the bars of the cage。)

〃Would such a gentle animal be guilty of eating a fellow creature?

No; a thousand times; no!〃

〃Oh; cut it short;〃 said Eureka; 〃you've talked long enough。〃

〃I'm trying to defend you;〃 remonstrated the Tin Woodman。

〃Then say something sensible;〃 retorted the kitten。  〃Tell them it

would be foolish for me to eat the piglet; because I had sense enough

to know it would raise a row if I did。  But don't try to make out I'm

too innocent to eat a fat piglet if I could do it and not be found

out。  I imagine it would taste mighty good。〃

〃Perhaps it would; to those who eat;〃 remarked the Tin Woodman。  〃I

myself; not being built to eat; have no personal experience in such

matters。  But I remember that our great poet once said:

〃'To eat is sweet

When hunger's seat

Demands a treat

Of savory meat。'

〃Take this into consideration; friends of the Jury; and you will

readily decide that the kitten is wrongfully accused and should be set

at liberty。〃

When the Tin Woodman sat down no one applauded him; fo
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