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dorothy and the wizard in oz-第32章

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over between them; and many amusements to be enjoyed in this

delightful country。

Ozma was happy to have Dorothy beside her; for girls of her own age

with whom it was proper for the Princess to associate were very few;

and often the youthful Ruler of Oz was lonely for lack of companionship。

It was the third morning after Dorothy's arrival; and she was sitting

with Ozma and their friends in a reception room; talking over old

times; when the Princess said to her maid:

〃Please go to my boudoir; Jellia; and get the white piglet I left on

the dressing…table。  I want to play with it。〃

Jellia at once departed on the errand; and she was gone so long that

they had almost forgotten her mission when the green robed maiden

returned with a troubled face。

〃The piglet is not there; your Highness;〃 said she。

〃Not there!〃 exclaimed Ozma。  〃Are you sure?〃

〃I have hunted in every part of the room;〃 the maid replied。

〃Was not the door closed?〃 asked the Princess。

〃Yes; your Highness; I am sure it was; for when I opened it Dorothy's

white kitten crept out and ran up the stairs。〃

Hearing this; Dorothy and the Wizard exchanged startled glances; for

they remembered how often Eureka had longed to eat a piglet。  The

little girl jumped up at once。

〃Come; Ozma;〃 she said; anxiously; 〃let us go ourselves to search for

the piglet。〃

So the two went to the dressing…room of the Princess and searched

carefully in every corner and among the vases and baskets and

ornaments that stood about the pretty boudoir。  But not a trace could

they find of the tiny creature they sought。

Dorothy was nearly weeping; by this time; while Ozma was angry and

indignant。  When they returned to the others the Princess said:

〃There is little doubt that my pretty piglet has been eaten by that

horrid kitten; and if that is true the offender must be punished。〃

〃I don't b'lieve Eureka would do such a dreadful thing!〃 cried

Dorothy; much distressed。  〃Go and get my kitten; please; Jellia; and

we'll hear what she has to say about it。〃

The green maiden hastened away; but presently returned and said:

〃The kitten will not come。  She threatened to scratch my eyes out if I

touched her。〃

〃Where is she?〃 asked Dorothy。

〃Under the bed in your own room;〃 was the reply。

So Dorothy ran to her room and found the kitten under the bed。

〃Come here; Eureka!〃 she said。

〃I won't;〃 answered the kitten; in a surly voice。

〃Oh; Eureka!  Why are you so bad?〃

The kitten did not reply。

〃If you don't come to me; right away;〃 continued Dorothy; getting provoked;

〃I'll take my Magic Belt and wish you in the Country of the Gurgles。〃

〃Why do you want me?〃 asked Eureka; disturbed by this threat。

〃You must go to Princess Ozma。  She wants to talk to you。〃

〃All right;〃 returned the kitten; creeping out。  〃I'm not afraid of

Ozmaor anyone else。〃

Dorothy carried her in her arms back to where the others sat in

grieved and thoughtful silence。

〃Tell me; Eureka;〃 said the Princess; gently: 〃did you eat

my pretty piglet?〃

〃I won't answer such a foolish question;〃 asserted Eureka; with a snarl。

〃Oh; yes you will; dear;〃 Dorothy declared。  〃The piglet is gone; and

you ran out of the room when Jellia opened the door。  So; if you are

innocent; Eureka; you must tell the Princess how you came to be in her

room; and what has become of the piglet。〃

〃Who accuses me?〃 asked the kitten; defiantly。

〃No one;〃 answered Ozma。  〃Your actions alone accuse you。  The fact is

that I left my little pet in my dressing…room lying asleep upon the

table; and you must have stolen in without my knowing it。  When next

the door was opened you ran out and hid yourselfand the piglet was gone。〃

〃That's none of my business;〃 growled the kitten。

〃Don't be impudent; Eureka;〃 admonished Dorothy。

〃It is you who are impudent;〃 said Eureka; 〃for accusing me of such a

crime when you can't prove it except by guessing。〃

Ozma was now greatly incensed by the kitten's conduct。  She summoned

her Captain…General; and when the long; lean officer appeared she said:

〃Carry this cat away to prison; and keep her in safe confinement until

she is tried by law for the crime of murder。〃

So the Captain…General took Eureka from the arms of the now weeping

Dorothy and in spite of the kitten's snarls and scratches carried it

away to prison。

〃What shall we do now?〃 asked the Scarecrow; with a sigh; for such a

crime had cast a gloom over all the company。

〃I will summon the Court to meet in the Throne Room at three o'clock;〃

replied Ozma。  〃I myself will be the judge; and the kitten shall have

a fair trial。〃

〃What will happen if she is guilty?〃 asked Dorothy。

〃She must die;〃 answered the Princess。

〃Nine times?〃 enquired the Scarecrow。

〃As many times as is necessary;〃 was the reply。  〃I will ask the Tin

Woodman to defend the prisoner; because he has such a kind heart I am

sure he will do his best to save her。  And the Woggle…Bug shall be the

Public Accuser; because he is so learned that no one can deceive him。〃

〃Who will be the jury?〃 asked the Tin Woodman。

〃There ought to be several animals on the jury;〃 said Ozma; 〃because

animals understand each other better than we people understand them。

So the jury shall consist of the Cowardly Lion; the Hungry Tiger; Jim

the Cab…horse; the Yellow Hen; the Scarecrow; the Wizard; Tik…tok the

Machine Man; the Sawhorse and Zeb of Hugson's Ranch。  That makes the

nine which the law requires; and all my people shall be admitted to

hear the testimony。〃

They now separated to prepare for the sad ceremony; for whenever an

appeal is made to law sorrow is almost certain to followeven in a

fairyland like Oz。  But is must be stated that the people of that Land

were generally so well…behaved that there was not a single lawyer

amongst them; and it had been years since any Ruler had sat in judgment

upon an offender of the law。  The crime of murder being the most

dreadful crime of all; tremendous excitement prevailed in the Emerald

City when the news of Eureka's arrest and trial became known。

The Wizard; when he returned to his own room; was exceedingly

thoughtful。  He had no doubt Eureka had eaten his piglet; but he

realized that a kitten cannot be depended upon at all times to act

properly; since its nature is to destroy small animals and even birds

for food; and the tame cat that we keep in our houses today is

descended from the wild cat of the junglea very ferocious creature;

indeed。  The Wizard knew that if Dorothy's pet was found guilty and

condemned to death the little girl would be made very unhappy; so;

although he grieved over the piglet's sad fate as much as any of them;

he resolved to save Eureka's life。

Sending for the Tin Woodman the Wizard took him into a corner

and whispered:

〃My friend; it is your duty to defend 
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