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dorothy and the wizard in oz-第26章

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new arrivals; and when the Wizard got out of the buggy a pretty girl

in a green gown cried out in surprise:

〃Why; it's Oz; the Wonderful Wizard; come back again!〃

The little man looked at her closely and then took both the maiden's

hands in his and shook them cordially。

〃On my word;〃 he exclaimed; 〃it's little Jellia Jambas pert and

pretty as ever!〃

〃Why not; Mr。 Wizard?〃 asked Jellia; bowing low。  〃But I'm afraid you

cannot rule the Emerald City; as you used to; because we now have a

beautiful Princess whom everyone loves dearly。〃

〃And the people will not willingly part with her;〃 added a tall

soldier in a Captain…General's uniform。

The Wizard turned to look at him。

〃Did you not wear green whiskers at one time?〃 he asked。

〃Yes;〃 said the soldier; 〃but I shaved them off long ago;

and since then I have risen from a private to be the Chief General

of the Royal Armies。〃

〃That's nice;〃 said the little man。  〃But I assure you; my good people;

that I do not wish to rule the Emerald City;〃 he added; earnestly。

〃In that case you are very welcome!〃 cried all the servants; and it

pleased the Wizard to note the respect with which the royal retainers

bowed before him。  His fame had not been forgotten in the Land of Oz;

by any means。

〃Where is Dorothy?〃 enquired Zeb; anxiously; as he left the buggy and

stood beside his friend the little Wizard。

〃She is with the Princess Ozma; in the private rooms of the palace;〃

replied Jellia Jamb。  〃But she has ordered me to make you welcome and

to show you to your apartments。〃

The boy looked around him with wondering eyes。  Such magnificence and

wealth as was displayed in this palace was more than he had ever

dreamed of; and he could scarcely believe that all the gorgeous

glitter was real and not tinsel。

〃What's to become of me?〃 asked the horse; uneasily。  He had seen

considerable of life in the cities in his younger days; and knew that

this regal palace was no place for him。

It perplexed even Jellia Jamb; for a time; to know what to do with the

animal。  The green maiden was much astonished at the sight of so

unusual a creature; for horses were unknown in this Land; but those

who lived in the Emerald City were apt to be astonished by queer

sights; so after inspecting the cab…horse and noting the mild look in

his big eyes the girl decided not to be afraid of him。

〃There are no stables here;〃 said the Wizard; 〃unless some have been

built since I went away。〃

〃We have never needed them before;〃 answered Jellia; 〃for the Sawhorse

lives in a room of the palace; being much smaller and more natural in

appearance than this great beast you have brought with you。〃

〃Do you mean that I'm a freak?〃 asked Jim; angrily。

〃Oh; no;〃 she hastened to say; 〃there may be many more like you in the

place you came from; but in Oz any horse but a Sawhorse is unusual。〃

This mollified Jim a little; and after some thought the green maiden

decided to give the cab…horse a room in the palace; such a big

building having many rooms that were seldom in use。

So Zeb unharnessed Jim; and several of the servants then led the horse

around to the rear; where they selected a nice large apartment that he

could have all to himself。

Then Jellia said to the Wizard:

〃Your own roomwhich was back of the great Throne Roomhas been

vacant ever since you left us。  Would you like it again?〃

〃Yes; indeed!〃 returned the little man。  〃It will seem like being at

home again; for I lived in that room for many; many years。〃

He knew the way to it; and a servant followed him; carrying his

satchel。  Zeb was also escorted to a roomso grand and beautiful that

he almost feared to sit in the chairs or lie upon the bed; lest he

might dim their splendor。  In the closets he discovered many fancy

costumes of rich velvets and brocades; and one of the attendants told

him to dress himself in any of the clothes that pleased him and to be

prepared to dine with the Princess and Dorothy in an hour's time。

Opening from the chamber was a fine bathroom having a marble tub with

perfumed water; so the boy; still dazed by the novelty of his

surroundings; indulged in a good bath and then selected a maroon

velvet costume with silver buttons to replace his own soiled and much

worn clothing。  There were silk stockings and soft leather slippers

with diamond buckles to accompany his new costume; and when he was

fully dressed Zeb looked much more dignified and imposing than ever

before in his life。

He was all ready when an attendant came to escort him to the presence

of the Princess; he followed bashfully and was ushered into a room

more dainty and attractive than it was splendid。  Here he found

Dorothy seated beside a young girl so marvelously beautiful that the

boy stopped suddenly with a gasp of admiration。

But Dorothy sprang up and ran to seize her friend's hand drawing him

impulsively toward the lovely Princess; who smiled most graciously

upon her guest。  Then the Wizard entered; and his presence relieved

the boy's embarrassment。  The little man was clothed in black velvet;

with many sparkling emerald ornaments decorating his breast;

but his bald head and wrinkled features made him appear more

amusing than impressive。

Ozma had been quite curious to meet the famous man who had built the

Emerald City and united the Munchkins; Gillikins; Quadlings and

Winkies into one people; so when they were all four seated at the

dinner table the Princess said:

〃Please tell me; Mr。 Wizard; whether you called yourself Oz after this

great country; or whether you believe my country is called Oz after

you。  It is a matter that I have long wished to enquire about; because

you are of a strange race and my own name is Ozma。  No; one; I am

sure; is better able to explain this mystery than you。〃

〃That is true;〃 answered the little Wizard; 〃therefore it will give me

pleasure to explain my connection with your country。  In the first

place; I must tell you that I was born in Omaha; and my father; who

was a politician; named me Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkle

Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs; Diggs being the last name because he could

think of no more to go before it。  Taken altogether; it was a

dreadfully long name to weigh down a poor innocent child; and one of

the hardest lessons I ever learned was to remember my own name。  When

I grew up I just called myself O。 Z。; because the other initials were

P…I…N…H…E…A…D; and that spelled 'pinhead;' which was a reflection on

my intelligence。〃

〃Surely no one could blame you for cutting your name short;〃 said

Ozma; sympathetically。  〃But didn't you cut it almost too short?〃

〃Perhaps so;〃 replied the Wizard。  〃When a young man I ran away from

home and joined a circus。  I used to call myself a Wizard; and do

tricks of ventriloquism。〃

〃What does that mean?〃 asked the Princess。

〃Throwing my voice into any obj
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