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dorothy and the wizard in oz-第24章

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turn…table came to a stop with its broadest surface shutting off the

path from which they had come。

〃Never mind;〃 said Zeb; 〃we don't want to get back; anyhow。〃

〃I'm not so sure of that;〃 returned Dorothy。  〃The mother dragon may

come down and catch us here。〃

〃It is possible;〃 agreed the Wizard; 〃if this proves to be the path

she usually takes。  But I have been examining this tunnel; and I do

not see any signs of so large a beast having passed through it。〃

〃Then we're all right;〃 said the girl; 〃for if the dragon went the

other way she can't poss'bly get to us now。〃

〃Of course not; my dear。  But there is another thing to consider。  The

mother dragon probably knows the road to the earth's surface; and if

she went the other way then we have come the wrong way;〃 said the

Wizard; thoughtfully。

〃Dear me!〃 cried Dorothy。  〃That would be unlucky; wouldn't it?〃

〃Very。  Unless this passage also leads to the top of the earth;〃 said

Zeb。  〃For my part; if we manage to get out of here I'll be glad it

isn't the way the dragon goes。〃

〃So will I;〃 returned Dorothy。  〃It's enough to have your pedigree

flung in your face by those saucy dragonettes。  No one knows what the

mother might do。〃

They now moved on again; creeping slowly up another steep incline。

The lanterns were beginning to grow dim; and the Wizard poured the

remaining oil from one into the other; so that the one light would

last longer。  But their journey was almost over; for in a short time

they reached a small cave from which there was no further outlet。

They did not realize their ill fortune at first; for their hearts were

gladdened by the sight of a ray of sunshine coming through a small

crack in the roof of the cave; far overhead。  That meant that their

worldthe real worldwas not very far away; and that the succession

of perilous adventures they had encountered had at last brought them

near the earth's surface; which meant home to them。  But when the

adventurers looked more carefully around them they discovered that

there were in a strong prison from which there was no hope of escape。

〃But we're ALMOST on earth again;〃 cried Dorothy; 〃for there is the

sunthe most BEAU'FUL sun that shines!〃 and she pointed eagerly at

the crack in the distant roof。

〃Almost on earth isn't being there;〃 said the kitten; in a

discontented tone。  〃It wouldn't be possible for even me to get up to

that crackor through it if I got there。〃

〃It appears that the path ends here;〃 announced the Wizard; gloomily。

〃And there is no way to go back;〃 added Zeb; with a low whistle

of perplexity。

〃I was sure it would come to this; in the end;〃 remarked the old

cab…horse。  〃Folks don't fall into the middle of the earth and then

get back again to tell of their adventuresnot in real life。  And the

whole thing has been unnatural because that cat and I are both able to

talk your language; and to understand the words you say。〃

〃And so can the nine tiny piglets;〃 added Eureka。 〃Don't forget them;

for I may have to eat them; after all。〃

〃I've heard animals talk before;〃 said Dorothy; 〃and no harm came of it。〃

〃Were you ever before shut up in a cave; far under the earth; with no

way of getting out?〃 enquired the horse; seriously。

〃No;〃 answered Dorothy。  〃But don't you lose heart; Jim; for I'm sure

this isn't the end of our story; by any means。〃

The reference to the piglets reminded the Wizard that his pets had not

enjoyed much exercise lately; and must be tired of their prison in his

pocket。  So he sat down upon the floor of the cave; brought the piglets

out one by one; and allowed them to run around as much as they pleased。

〃My dears;〃 he said to them; 〃I'm afraid I've got you into a lot

of trouble; and that you will never again be able to leave this

gloomy cave。〃

〃What's wrong?〃 asked a piglet。  〃We've been in the dark quite a

while; and you may as well explain what has happened。〃

The Wizard told them of the misfortune that had overtaken the wanderers。

〃Well;〃 said another piglet; 〃you are a wizard; are you not?〃

〃I am;〃 replied the little man。

〃Then you can do a few wizzes and get us out of this hole;〃 declared

the tiny one; with much confidence。

〃I could if I happened to be a real wizard;〃 returned the master

sadly。  〃But I'm not; my piggy…wees; I'm a humbug wizard。〃

〃Nonsense!〃 cried several of the piglets; together。

〃You can ask Dorothy;〃 said the little man; in an injured tone。

〃It's true enough;〃 returned the girl; earnestly。  〃Our friend Oz is

merely a humbug wizard; for he once proved it to me。  He can do

several very wonderful thingsif he knows how。  But he can't wiz a

single thing if he hasn't the tools and machinery to work with。〃

〃Thank you; my dear; for doing me justice;〃 responded the Wizard;

gratefully。  〃To be accused of being a real wizard; when I'm not; is a

slander I will not tamely submit to。  But I am one of the greatest

humbug wizards that ever lived; and you will realize this when we have

all starved together and our bones are scattered over the floor of

this lonely cave。〃

〃I don't believe we'll realize anything; when it comes to that;〃

remarked Dorothy; who had been deep in thought。  〃But I'm not going to

scatter my bones just yet; because I need them; and you prob'ly need

yours; too。〃

〃We are helpless to escape;〃 sighed the Wizard。

〃WE may be helpless;〃 answered Dorothy; smiling at him; 〃but there are

others who can do more than we can。  Cheer up; friends。  〃I'm sure

Ozma will help us。〃

〃Ozma!〃 exclaimed the Wizard。  〃Who is Ozma?〃

〃The girl that rules the marvelous Land of Oz;〃 was the reply。  〃She's

a friend of mine; for I met her in the Land of Ev; not long ago; and

went to Oz with her。〃

〃For the second time?〃 asked the Wizard; with great interest。

〃Yes。  The first time I went to Oz I found you there; ruling the

Emerald City。  After you went up in a balloon; and escaped us; I got

back to Kansas by means of a pair of magical silver shoes。〃

〃I remember those shoes;〃 said the little man; nodding。  〃They once

belonged to the Wicked Witch。  Have you them here with you?〃

〃No; I lost them somewhere in the air;〃 explained the child。  〃But the

second time I went to the Land of Oz I owned the Nome King's Magic

Belt; which is much more powerful than were the Silver Shoes。〃

〃Where is that Magic Belt?〃 enquired the Wizard; who had listened with

great interest。

〃Ozma has it; for its powers won't work in a common; ordinary country

like the United States。  Anyone in a fairy country like the Land of Oz

can do anything with it; so I left it with my friend the Princess

Ozma; who used it to wish me in Australia with Uncle Henry。〃

〃And were you?〃 asked Zeb; astonished at what he heard。

〃Of course; in just a jiffy。  And Ozma has an enchanted picture

hanging in her room that shows her the exact scene where any of h
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