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dorothy and the wizard in oz-第19章

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for their bodies and their faces were decidedly ugly to look upon。

Some had long; curved noses and chins; small eyes and wide; grinning

mouths。  Others had flat noses; protruding eyes; and ears that were

shaped like those of an elephant。  There were many types; indeed;

scarcely two being alike; but all were equally disagreeable in

appearance。  The tops of their heads had no hair; but were carved

into a variety of fantastic shapes; some having a row of points or

balls around the top; others designs resembling flowers or vegetables;

and still others having squares that looked like waffles cut

criss…cross on their heads。  They all wore short wooden wings which

were fastened to their wooden bodies by means of wooden hinges with

wooden screws; and with these wings they flew swiftly and noiselessly

here and there; their legs being of little use to them。

This noiseless motion was one of the most peculiar things about the

Gargoyles。  They made no sounds at all; either in flying or trying to

speak; and they conversed mainly by means of quick signals made with

their wooden fingers or lips。  Neither was there any sound to be heard

anywhere throughout the wooden country。  The birds did not sing; nor

did the cows moo; yet there was more than ordinary activity everywhere。

The group of these queer creatures which was discovered clustered

near the stairs at first remained staring and motionless; glaring with

evil eyes at the intruders who had so suddenly appeared in their land。

In turn the Wizard and the children; the horse and the kitten;

examined the Gargoyles with the same silent attention。

〃There's going to be trouble; I'm sure;〃 remarked the horse。

〃Unhitch those tugs; Zeb; and set me free from the buggy;

so I can fight comfortably。〃

〃Jim's right;〃 sighed the Wizard。  〃There's going to be trouble; and

my sword isn't stout enough to cut up those wooden bodiesso I shall

have to get out my revolvers。〃

He got his satchel from the buggy and; opening it; took out two deadly

looking revolvers that made the children shrink back in alarm just to

look at。

〃What harm can the Gurgles do?〃 asked Dorothy。  〃They have no weapons

to hurt us with。〃

〃Each of their arms is a wooden club;〃 answered the little man; 〃and

I'm sure the creatures mean mischief; by the looks of their eyes。

Even these revolvers can merely succeed in damaging a few of their

wooden bodies; and after that we will be at their mercy。〃

〃But why fight at all; in that case?〃 asked the girl。

〃So I may die with a clear conscience;〃 returned the Wizard; gravely。

〃It's every man's duty to do the best he knows how; and I'm going to

do it。〃

〃Wish I had an axe;〃 said Zeb; who by now had unhitched the horse。

〃If we had known we were coming we might have brought along several

other useful things;〃 responded the Wizard。  〃But we dropped into this

adventure rather unexpectedly。〃

The Gargoyles had backed away a distance when they heard the sound of

talking; for although our friends had spoken in low tones their words

seemed loud in the silence surrounding them。  But as soon as the

conversation ceased; the grinning; ugly creatures arose in a flock and

flew swiftly toward the strangers; their long arms stretched out

before them like the bowsprits of a fleet of sail…boats。  The horse

had especially attracted their notice; because it was the biggest and

strangest creature they had ever seen; so it became the center of

their first attack。

But Jim was ready for them; and when he saw them coming he turned his

heels toward them and began kicking out as hard as he could。  Crack!

crash! bang! went his iron…shod hoofs against the wooden bodies of the

Gargoyles; and they were battered right and left with such force that

they scattered like straws in the wind。  But the noise and clatter

seemed as dreadful to them as Jim's heels; for all who were able

swiftly turned and flew away to a great distance。  The others picked

themselves up from the ground one by one and quickly rejoined their

fellows; so for a moment the horse thought he had won the fight with ease。

But the Wizard was not so confident。

〃Those wooden things are impossible to hurt;〃 he said; 〃and all the

damage Jim has done to them is to knock a few splinters from their

noses and ears。  That cannot make them look any uglier; I'm sure; and

it is my opinion they will soon renew the attack。〃

〃What made them fly away?〃 asked Dorothy。

〃The noise; of course。  Don't you remember how the Champion escaped

them by shouting his battle…cry?〃

〃Suppose we escape down the stairs; too;〃 suggested the boy。  〃We have

time; just now; and I'd rather face the invis'ble bears than those

wooden imps。〃

〃No;〃 returned Dorothy; stoutly; 〃it won't do to go back; for then we

would never get home。  Let's fight it out。〃

〃That is what I advise;〃 said the Wizard。  〃They haven't defeated us

yet; and Jim is worth a whole army。〃

But the Gargoyles were clever enough not to attack the horse the next

time。  They advanced in a great swarm; having been joined by many more

of their kind; and they flew straight over Jim's head to where the

others were standing。

The Wizard raised one of his revolvers and fired into the throng of

his enemies; and the shot resounded like a clap of thunder in that

silent place。

Some of the wooden beings fell flat upon the ground; where they

quivered and trembled in every limb; but most of them managed to wheel

and escape again to a distance。

Zeb ran and picked up one of the Gargoyles that lay nearest to him。

The top of its head was carved into a crown and the Wizard's bullet

had struck it exactly in the left eye; which was a hard wooden knot。

Half of the bullet stuck in the wood and half stuck out; so it had

been the jar and the sudden noise that had knocked the creature down;

more than the fact that it was really hurt。  Before this crowned

Gargoyle had recovered himself Zeb had wound a strap several times

around its body; confining its wings and arms so that it could not

move。  Then; having tied the wooden creature securely; the boy buckled

the strap and tossed his prisoner into the buggy。  By that time the

others had all retired。

12。  A Wonderful Escape

For a while the enemy hesitated to renew the attack。  Then a few of them

advanced until another shot from the Wizard's revolver made them retreat。

〃That's fine;〃 said Zeb。  〃We've got 'em on the run now; sure enough。〃

〃But only for a time;〃 replied the Wizard; shaking his head gloomily。

〃These revolvers are good for six shots each; but when those are gone

we shall be helpless。〃

The Gargoyles seemed to realize this; for they sent a few of their

band time after time to attack the strangers and draw the fire from

the little man's revolvers。  In this way none of them was shocked by

the dreadful report more than once; for the main band kept far away

and each time a new
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