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dorothy and the wizard in oz-第15章

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visible while we are in your valley。〃

Just then Eureka came in; for she had been until now wandering outside

with Jim; and when the kitten saw the table set with food she cried out:

〃Now you must feed me; Dorothy; for I'm half starved。〃

The children were inclined to be frightened by the sight of the small

animal; which reminded them of the bears; but Dorothy reassured them

by explaining that Eureka was a pet and could do no harm even if she

wished to。  Then; as the others had by this time moved away from the

table; the kitten sprang upon the chair and put her paws upon the

cloth to see what there was to eat。  To her surprise an unseen hand

clutched her and held her suspended in the air。  Eureka was frantic

with terror; and tried to scratch and bite; so the next moment she was

dropped to the floor;

〃Did you see that; Dorothy?〃 she gasped。

〃Yes; dear;〃 her mistress replied; 〃there are people living in this

house; although we cannot see them。  And you must have better manners;

Eureka; or something worse will happen to you。〃

She placed a plate of food upon the floor and the kitten ate greedily。

〃Give me that nice…smelling fruit I saw on the table;〃 she begged;

when she had cleaned the plate。

〃Those are damas;〃 said Dorothy; 〃and you must never even taste them;

Eureka; or you'll get invis'ble; and then we can't see you at all。〃

The kitten gazed wistfully at the forbidden fruit。

〃Does it hurt to be invis'ble?〃 she asked。

〃I don't know;〃 Dorothy answered; 〃but it would hurt me dre'fully to

lose you。〃

〃Very well; I won't touch it;〃 decided the kitten; 〃but you must keep

it away from me; for the smell is very tempting。〃

〃Can you tell us; sir or ma'am;〃 said the Wizard; addressing the air

because he did not quite know where the unseen people stood; 〃if there

is any way we can get out of your beautiful Valley; and on top of the

Earth again。〃

〃Oh; one can leave the Valley easily enough;〃 answered the man's

voice; 〃but to do so you must enter a far less pleasant country。  As

for reaching the top of the earth; I have never heard that it is

possible to do that; and if you succeeded in getting there you would

probably fall off。〃

〃Oh; no;〃 said Dorothy; 〃we've been there; and we know。〃

〃The Valley of Voe is certainly a charming place;〃 resumed the Wizard;

〃but we cannot be contented in any other land than our own; for long。

Even if we should come to unpleasant places on our way it is

necessary; in order to reach the earth's surface; to keep moving on

toward it。〃

〃In that case;〃 said the man; 〃it will be best for you to cross our

Valley and mount the spiral staircase inside the Pyramid Mountain。

The top of that mountain is lost in the clouds; and when you reach it

you will be in the awful Land of Naught; where the Gargoyles live。〃

〃What are Gargoyles?〃 asked Zeb。

〃I do not know; young sir。  Our greatest Champion; Overman…Anu; once

climbed the spiral stairway and fought nine days with the Gargoyles

before he could escape them and come back; but he could never be

induced to describe the dreadful creatures; and soon afterward a bear

caught him and ate him up。〃

The wanders were rather discouraged by this gloomy report; but Dorothy

said with a sigh:

〃If the only way to get home is to meet the Gurgles; then we've got to

meet 'em。  They can't be worse than the Wicked Witch or the Nome King。〃

〃But you must remember you had the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman to

help you conquer those enemies;〃 suggested the Wizard。  〃Just now; my

dear; there is not a single warrior in your company。〃

〃Oh; I guess Zeb could fight if he had to。  Couldn't you; Zeb?〃 asked

the little girl。

〃Perhaps; if I had to;〃 answered Zeb; doubtfully。

〃And you have the jointed sword that you chopped the veg'table

Sorcerer in two with;〃 the girl said to the little man。

〃True;〃 he replied; 〃and in my satchel are other useful things to

fight with。〃

〃What the Gargoyles most dread is a noise;〃 said the man's voice。

〃Our Champion told me that when he shouted his battle…cry the creatures

shuddered and drew back; hesitating to continue the combat。  But they

were in great numbers; and the Champion could not shout much because

he had to save his breath for fighting。〃

〃Very good;〃 said the Wizard; 〃we can all yell better than we can

fight; so we ought to defeat the Gargoyles。〃

〃But tell me;〃 said Dorothy; 〃how did such a brave Champion happen to

let the bears eat him?  And if he was invis'ble; and the bears

invis'ble; who knows that they really ate him up?〃

〃The Champion had killed eleven bears in his time;〃 returned the

unseen man; 〃and we know this is true because when any creature is

dead the invisible charm of the dama…fruit ceases to be active; and

the slain one can be plainly seen by all eyes。  When the Champion

killed a bear everyone could see it; and when the bears killed the

Champion we all saw several pieces of him scattered about; which of

course disappeared again when the bears devoured them。〃

They now bade farewell to the kind but unseen people of the cottage;

and after the man had called their attention to a high; pyramid…shaped

mountain on the opposite side of the Valley; and told them how to

travel in order to reach it; they again started upon their journey。

They followed the course of a broad stream and passed several more

pretty cottages; but of course they saw no one; nor did any one speak

to them。  Fruits and flowers grew plentifully all about; and there

were many of the delicious damas that the people of Voe were so fond of。

About noon they stopped to allow Jim to rest in the shade of a pretty

orchard; and while they plucked and ate some of the cherries and plums

that grew there a soft voice suddenly said to them:

〃There are bears near by。  Be careful。〃

The Wizard got out his sword at once; and Zeb grabbed the horse…whip。

Dorothy climbed into the buggy; although Jim had been unharnessed

from it and was grazing some distance away。

The owner of the unseen voice laughed lightly and said:

〃You cannot escape the bears that way。〃

〃How CAN we 'scape?〃 asked Dorothy; nervously; for an unseen danger is

always the hardest to face。

〃You must take to the river;〃 was the reply。  〃The bears will not

venture upon the water。〃

〃But we would be drowned!〃 exclaimed the girl。

〃Oh; there is no need of that;〃 said the voice; which from its gentle tones

seemed to belong to a young girl。  〃You are strangers in the Valley of Voe;

and do not seem to know our ways; so I will try to save you。〃

The next moment a broad…leaved plant was jerked from the ground where

it grew and held suspended in the air before the Wizard。

〃Sir;〃 said the voice; 〃you must rub these leaves upon the soles of

all your feet; and then you will be able to walk upon the water

without sinking below the surface。  It is a secret the bears
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