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dorothy and the wizard in oz-第1章

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Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz

by L。 Frank Baum

A Faithful Record of Their Amazing Adventures

  in an Underground World; and How with the

   Aid of Their Friends Zeb Hugson; Eureka

     the Kitten; and Jim the Cab…Horse;

          They Finally Reached the

              Wonderful Land

                  of Oz

by L。 Frank Baum

〃Royal Historian of Oz〃

To My Readers

1。  The Earthquake

2。  The Glass City

3。  The Arrival of the Wizard

4。  The Vegetable Kingdom

5。  Dorothy Picks the Princess

6。  The Mangaboos Prove Dangerous

7。  Into the Black Pit and Out Again

8。  The Valley of Voices

9。  They Fight the Invisible Bears

10。  The Braided Man of Pyramid Mountain

11。  They Meet the Wooden Gargoyles

12。  A Wonderful Escape

13。  The Den of the Dragonettes

14。  Ozma Uses the Magic Belt

15。  Old Friends are Reunited

16。  Jim; the Cab…Horse

17。  The Nine Tiny Piglets

18。  The Trial of Eureka; the Kitten

19。  The Wizard Performs Another Trick

20。  Zeb Returns to the Ranch

To My Readers

It's no use; no use at all。  The children won't let me stop telling

tales of the Land of Oz。  I know lots of other stories; and I hope to

tell them; some time or another; but just now my loving tyrants won't

allow me。  They cry: 〃OzOz! more about Oz; Mr。 Baum!〃 and what can I

do but obey their commands?

This is Our Bookmine and the children's。  For they have flooded me

with thousands of suggestions in regard to it; and I have honestly

tried to adopt as many of these suggestions as could be fitted into

one story。

After the wonderful success of 〃Ozma of Oz〃 it is evident that Dorothy

has become a firm fixture in these Oz stories。  The little ones all

love Dorothy; and as one of my small friends aptly states: 〃It isn't a

real Oz story without her。〃  So here she is again; as sweet and gentle

and innocent as ever; I hope; and the heroine of another strange adventure。

There were many requests from my little correspondents for 〃more about

the Wizard。〃  It seems the jolly old fellow made hosts of friends in

the first Oz book; in spite of the fact that he frankly acknowledged

himself 〃a humbug。〃  The children had heard how he mounted into the

sky in a balloon and they were all waiting for him to come down again。

So what could I do but tell 〃what happened to the Wizard afterward〃?

You will find him in these pages; just the same humbug Wizard as before。

There was one thing the children demanded which I found it impossible

to do in this present book: they bade me introduce Toto; Dorothy's

little black dog; who has many friends among my readers。  But you will

see; when you begin to read the story; that Toto was in Kansas while

Dorothy was in California; and so she had to start on her adventure

without him。  In this book Dorothy had to take her kitten with her

instead of her dog; but in the next Oz book; if I am permitted to

write one; I intend to tell a good deal about Toto's further history。

Princess Ozma; whom I love as much as my readers do; is again

introduced in this story; and so are several of our old friends of Oz。

You will also become acquainted with Jim the Cab…Horse; the Nine Tiny

Piglets; and Eureka; the Kitten。  I am sorry the kitten was not as

well behaved as she ought to have been; but perhaps she wasn't brought

up properly。  Dorothy found her; you see; and who her parents were

nobody knows。

I believe; my dears; that I am the proudest story…teller that ever

lived。  Many a time tears of pride and joy have stood in my eyes while

I read the tender; loving; appealing letters that came to me in almost

every mail from my little readers。  To have pleased you; to have

interested you; to have won your friendship; and perhaps your love;

through my stories; is to my mind as great an achievement as to become

President of the United States。  Indeed; I would much rather be your

story…teller; under these conditions; than to be the President。  So

you have helped me to fulfill my life's ambition; and I am more

grateful to you; my dears; than I can express in words。

I try to answer every letter of my young correspondents; yet sometimes

there are so many letters that a little time must pass before you get

your answer。  But be patient; friends; for the answer will surely

come; and by writing to me you more than repay me for the pleasant

task of preparing these books。  Besides; I am proud to acknowledge

that the books are partly yours; for your suggestions often guide me in

telling the stories; and I am sure they would not be half so good

without your clever and thoughtful assistance。


Coronado; 1908。

1。  The Earthquake

The train from 'Frisco was very late。  It should have arrived at

Hugson's Siding at midnight; but it was already five o'clock and the

gray dawn was breaking in the east when the little train slowly

rumbled up to the open shed that served for the station…house。  As it

came to a stop the conductor called out in a loud voice:

〃Hugson's Siding!〃

At once a little girl rose from her seat and walked to the door of the

car; carrying a wicker suit…case in one hand and a round bird…cage

covered up with newspapers in the other; while a parasol was tucked

under her arm。  The conductor helped her off the car and then the

engineer started his train again; so that it puffed and groaned and

moved slowly away up the track。  The reason he was so late was because

all through the night there were times when the solid earth shook and

trembled under him; and the engineer was afraid that at any moment the

rails might spread apart and an accident happen to his passengers。  So

he moved the cars slowly and with caution。

The little girl stood still to watch until the train had disappeared

around a curve; then she turned to see where she was。

The shed at Hugson's Siding was bare save for an old wooden bench; and

did not look very inviting。  As she peered through the soft gray light

not a house of any sort was visible near the station; nor was any

person in sight; but after a while the child discovered a horse and

buggy standing near a group of trees a short distance away。  She

walked toward it and found the horse tied to a tree and standing

motionless; with its head hanging down almost to the ground。  It was a

big horse; tall and bony; with long legs and large knees and feet。

She could count his ribs easily where they showed through the skin of

his body; and his head was long and seemed altogether too big for him;

as if it did not fit。  His tail was short and scraggly; and his

harness had been broken in many places and fastened together again

with cords and bits of wire。  The buggy seemed almost new; for it had

a shiny top and side curtains。  Getting around in front; so that she

could look inside; the girl saw a boy curled up on the seat; fast asleep。

She set down the bird…cage and poked 
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