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on the significance of science and art-第6章

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in cells; in protoplasm; in the fourth condition of bodies; and so
forth); the more and more does the form veil the contents from them;
the more and more do they lose the consciousness of good and evil;
and the capacity of understanding those expressions and definitions
of good and evil which have been elaborated through the whole
foregoing life of mankind; and the more and more do they appropriate
to themselves the special scientific jargon of conventional
expressions; which possesses no universally human significance; and
the deeper and deeper do they plunge into the debris of utterly
unilluminated investigations; the more and more do they lose the
power; not only of independent thought; but even of understanding
the fresh human thought of others; which lies beyond the bounds of
their Talmud。  But the principal thing is; that they pass their best
years in getting disused to life; they grow accustomed to consider
their position as justifiable; and they convert themselves
physically into utterly useless parasites; and mentally they
dislocate their brains and become mental eunuchs。  And in precisely
the same manner; according to the measure of their folly; do they
acquire self…conceit; which deprives them forever of all possibility
of return to a simple life of toil; to a simple; clear; and
universally human train of reasoning。

Division of labor always has existed in human communities; and will
probably always exist; but the question for us lies not in the fact
that it has existed; and that it will exist; but in this;how are
we to govern ourselves so that this division shall be right?  But if
we take investigation as our rule of action; we by this very act
repudiate all rule; then in that case we shall regard as right every
division of labor which we shall descry among men; and which appears
to us to be rightto which conclusion the prevailing scientific
science also leads。

Division of labor!

Some are busied in mental or moral; others in muscular or physical;
labor。  With what confidence people enunciate this!  They wish to
think so; and it seems to them that; in point of fact; a perfectly
regular exchange of services does take place。

But we; in our blindness; have so completely lost sight of the
responsibility which we have assumed; that we have even forgotten in
whose name our labor is prosecuted; and the very people whom we have
undertaken to serve have become the objects of our scientific and
artistic activity。  We study and depict them for our amusement and
diversion。  We have totally forgotten that what we need to do is not
to study and depict them; but to serve them。  To such a degree have
we lost sight of this duty which we have taken upon us; that we have
not even noticed that what we have undertaken to perform in the
realm of science and art has been accomplished not by us; but by
others; and that our place has turned out to be occupied。

It proves that while we have been disputing; one about the
spontaneous origin of organisms; another as to what else there is in
protoplasm; and so on; the common people have been in need of
spiritual food; and the unsuccessful and rejected of art and
science; in obedience to the mandate of adventurers who have in view
the sole aim of profit; have begun to furnish the people with this
spiritual food; and still so furnish them。  For the last forty years
in Europe; and for the last ten years with us here in Russia;
millions of books and pictures and song…books have been distributed;
and stalls have been opened; and the people gaze and sing and
receive spiritual nourishment; but not from us who have undertaken
to provide it; while we; justifying our idleness by that spiritual
food which we are supposed to furnish; sit by and wink at it。

But it is impossible for us to wink at it; for our last
justification is slipping from beneath our feet。  We have become
specialized。  We have our particular functional activity。  We are
the brains of the people。  They support us; and we have undertaken
to teach them。  It is only under this pretence that we have excused
ourselves from work。  But what have we taught them; and what are we
now teaching them?  They have waited for yearsfor tens; for
hundreds of years。  And we keep on diverting our minds with chatter;
and we instruct each other; and we console ourselves; and we have
utterly forgotten them。  We have so entirely forgotten them; that
others have undertaken to instruct them; and we have not even
perceived it。  We have spoken of the division of labor with such
lack of seriousness; that it is obvious that what we have said about
the benefits which we have conferred on the people was simply a
shameless evasion。


Science and art have arrogated to themselves the right of idleness;
and of the enjoyment of the labor of others; and have betrayed their
calling。  And their errors have arisen merely because their
servants; having set forth a falsely conceived principle of the
division of labor; have recognized their own right to make use of
the labor of others; and have lost the significance of their
vocation; having taken for their aim; not the profit of the people;
but the mysterious profit of science and art; and delivered
themselves over to idleness and vicenot so much of the senses as
of the mind。

They say; 〃Science and art have bestowed a great deal on mankind。〃

Science and art have bestowed a great deal on mankind; not because
the men of art and science; under the pretext of a division of
labor; live on other people; but in spite of this。

The Roman Republic was powerful; not because her citizens had the
power to live a vicious life; but because among their number there
were heroic citizens。  It is the same with art and science。  Art and
science have bestowed much on mankind; but not because their
followers formerly possessed on rare occasions (and now possess on
every occasion) the possibility of getting rid of labor; but because
there have been men of genius; who; without making use of these
rights; have led mankind forward。

The class of learned men and artists; which has advanced; on the
fictitious basis of a division of labor; its demands to the right of
using the labors of others; cannot co…operate in the success of true
science and true art; because a lie cannot bring forth the truth。

We have become so accustomed to these; our tenderly reared or
weakened representatives of mental labor; that it seems to us
horrible that a man of science or an artist should plough or cart
manure。  It seems to us that every thing would go to destruction;
and that all his wisdom would be rattled out of him in the cart; and
that all those grand picturesque images which he bears about in his
breast would be soiled in the manure; but we have become so inured
to this; that it does not strike us as strange that our servitor of
sciencethat is to say; the servant and teacher of the truthby
making other people do for him that which he might do for himself;
passes half his time in dainty eating; in smoking; in talking; in
free and easy gossip; in reading the newspapers and romances; and in
visiting the theatres。  It is not st
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