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on the significance of science and art-第5章

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course of division of labor;they will immediately abandon their
trade; and betake themselves once more to agriculture。

Men who behave thus are guided by their sense; their conscience; and
hence we; the men endowed with sense and conscience; all assert that
such a division of labor is right。  But if it should chance that the
blacksmiths were able to compel other people to work for them; and
should continue to make horse…shoes when they were not wanted; and
if the teachers should go on teaching when there was no one to
teach; then it is obvious to every sane man; as a man; i。e。; as a
being endowed with reason and conscience; that this would not be
division; but appropriation; of labor。  And yet precisely that sort
of activity is what is called division of labor by scientific
science。  People do that which others do not think of requiring; and
demand that they shall be supported for so doing; and say that this
is just because it is division of labor。

That which constitutes the cause of the economical poverty of our
age is what the English call over…production (which means that a
mass of things are made which are of no use to anybody; and with
which nothing can be done)。

It would be odd to see a shoemaker; who should consider that people
were bound to feed him because he incessantly made boots which had
been of no use to any one for a long time; but what shall we say of
those men who make nothing;who not only produce nothing that is
visible; but nothing that is of use for people at large;for whose
wares there are no customers; and who yet demand; with the same
boldness; on the ground of division of labor; that they shall be
supplied with fine food and drink; and that they shall be dressed
well?  There may be; and there are; sorcerers for whose services a
demand makes itself felt; and for this purpose there are brought to
them pancakes and flasks; but it is difficult to imagine the
existence of sorcerers whose spells are useless to every one; and
who boldly demand that they shall be luxuriously supported because
they exercise sorcery。  And it is the same in our world。  And all
this comes about on the basis of that false conception of the
division of labor; which is defined not by reason and conscience;
but by observation; which men of science avow with such unanimity。

Division of labor has; in reality; always existed; and still exists;
but it is right only when man decides with his reason and his
conscience that it should be so; and not when he merely investigates
it。  And reason and conscience decide the question for all men very
simply; unanimously; and in a manner not to be doubted。  They always
decide it thus:  that division of labor is right only when a special
branch of man's activity is so needful to men; that they; entreating
him to serve them; voluntarily propose to support him in requital
for that which he shall do for them。  But; when a man can live from
infancy to the age of thirty years on the necks of others; promising
to do; when he shall have been taught; something extremely useful;
for which no one asks him; and when; from the age of thirty until
his death; he can live in the same manner; still merely on the
promise to do something; for which there has been no request; this
will not be division of labor (and; as a matter of fact; there is no
such thing in our society); but it will be what it already is;
merely the appropriation; by force; of the toil of others; that same
appropriation by force of the toil of others which the philosophers
formerly designated by various names;for instance; as
indispensable forms of life;but which scientific science now calls
the organic division of labor。

The whole significance of scientific science lies in this alone。  It
has now become a distributer of diplomas for idleness; for it alone;
in its sanctuaries; selects and determines what is parasitical; and
what is organic activity; in the social organism。  Just as though
every man could not find this out for himself much more accurately
and more speedily; by taking counsel of his reason and his
conscience。  It seems to men of scientific science; that there can
be no doubt of this; and that their activity is also indubitably
organic; they; the scientific and artistic workers; are the brain
cells; and the most precious cells in the whole organism。

Ever since menreasoning beingshave existed; they have
distinguished good from evil; and have profited by the fact that men
have made this distinction before them; they have warred against
evil; and have sought the good; and have slowly but uninterruptedly
advanced in that path。  And divers delusions have always stood
before men; hemming in this path; and having for their object to
demonstrate to them; that it was not necessary to do this; and that
it was not necessary to live as they were living。  With fearful
conflict and difficulty; men have freed themselves from many
delusions。  And behold; a new and a still more evil delusion has
sprung up in the path of mankind;the scientific delusion。

This new delusion is precisely the same in nature as the old ones;
its gist lies in secretly leading astray the activity of our reason
and conscience; and of those who have lived before us; by something
external。  In scientific science; this external thing is

The cunning of this science consists in this;that; after pointing
out to men the coarsest false interpretations of the activity of the
reason and conscience of man; it destroys in them faith in their own
reason and conscience; and assures them that every thing which their
reason and conscience say to them; that all that these have said to
the loftiest representatives of man heretofore; ever since the world
has existed;that all this is conventional and subjective。  〃All
this must be abandoned;〃 they say; 〃it is impossible to understand
the truth by the reason; for we may be mistaken。  But there exists
another unerring and almost mechanical path:  it is necessary to
investigate facts。〃

But facts must be investigated on the foundation of scientific
science; i。e。; of the two hypotheses of positivism and evolution;
which are not borne out by any thing; and which give themselves out
as undoubted truths。  And the reigning science announces; with
delusive solemnity; that the solution of all problems of life is
possible only through the study of facts; of nature; and; in
particular; of organisms。  The credulous mass of young people;
overwhelmed by the novelty of this authority; which has not yet been
overthrown or even touched by criticism; flings itself into the
study of natural sciences; into that sole path; which; according to
the assertion of the reigning science; can lead to the elucidation
of the problems of life。

But the farther the disciples proceed in this study; the farther and
farther does not only the possibility; but even the very idea; of
the solution of the problems of life withdraw from them; and the
more and more do they become accustomed; not so much to investigate;
as to believe in the assertions of other investigators (to believe
in cells; in protoplasm; in the fourth condition of bodies; and so
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