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on the significance of science and art-第3章

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since humanity is an organism; the knowledge of what man is; and of
what should be his relations to the world; was possible only through
a knowledge of the features of this organism。  For the knowledge of
these qualities; man is enabled to take observations on other and
lower organisms; and to draw conclusions from their life。
Therefore; in the fist place; the true and only method; according to
Comte; is the inductive; and all science is only such when it has
experiment as its basis; in the second place; the goal and crown of
sciences is formed by that new science dealing with the imaginary
organism of humanity; or the super…organic being;humanity;and
this newly devised science is sociology。

And from this view of science it appears; that all previous
knowledge was deceitful; and that the whole story of humanity; in
the sense of self…knowledge; has been divided into three; actually
into two; periods:  the theological and metaphysical period;
extending from the beginning of the world to Comte; and the present
period;that of the only true science; positive science;beginning
with Comte。

All this was very well。  There was but one error; and that was
this;that the whole edifice was erected on the sand; on the
arbitrary and false assertion that humanity is an organism。  This
assertion was arbitrary; because we have just as much right to admit
the existence of a human organism; not subject to observation; as we
have to admit the existence of any other invisible; fantastic being。
This assertion was erroneous; because for the understanding of
humanity; i。e。; of men; the definition of an organism was
incorrectly constructed; while in humanity itself all actual signs
of organism;the centre of feeling or consciousness; are lacking。

But; in spite of the arbitrariness and incorrectness of the
fundamental assumption of positive philosophy; it was accepted by
the so…called cultivated world with the greatest sympathy。  In this
connection; one thing is worthy of note:  that out of the works of
Comte; consisting of two parts; of positive philosophy and of
positive politics; only the first was adopted by the learned world;…
…that part which justifieth; on new promises; the existent evil of
human societies; but the second part; treating of the moral
obligations of altruism; arising from the recognition of mankind as
an organism; was regarded as not only of no importance; but as
trivial and unscientific。  It was a repetition of the same thing
that had happened in the case of Kant's works。  The 〃Critique of
Pure Reason〃 was adopted by the scientific crowd; but the 〃Critique
of Applied Reason;〃 that part which contains the gist of moral
doctrine; was repudiated。  In Kant's doctrine; that was accepted as
scientific which subserved the existent evil。  But the positive
philosophy; which was accepted by the crowd; was founded on an
arbitrary and erroneous basis; was in itself too unfounded; and
therefore unsteady; and could not support itself alone。  And so;
amid all the multitude of the idle plays of thought of the men
professing the so…called science; there presents itself an assertion
equally devoid of novelty; and equally arbitrary and erroneous; to
the effect that living beings; i。e。; organisms; have had their rise
in each other;not only one organism from another; but one from
many; i。e。; that in a very long interval of time (in a million of
years; for instance); not only could a duck and a fish proceed from
one ancestor; but that one animal might result from a whole hive of
bees。  And this arbitrary and erroneous assumption was accepted by
the learned world with still greater and more universal sympathy。
This assumption was arbitrary; because no one has ever seen how one
organism is made from another; and therefore the hypothesis as to
the origin of species will always remain an hypothesis; and not an
experimental fact。   And this hypothesis was also erroneous; because
the decision of the question as to the origin of speciesthat they
have originated; in consequence of the law of heredity and fitness;
in the course of an interminably long timeis no solution at all;
but merely a re…statement of the problem in a new form。

According to Moses' solution of the question (in the dispute with
whom the entire significance of this theory lies); it appears that
the diversity of the species of living creatures proceeded according
to the will of God; and according to His almighty power; but
according to the theory of evolution; it appears that the difference
between living creatures arose by chance; and on account of varying
conditions of heredity and surroundings; through an endless period
of time。  The theory of evolution; to speak in simple language;
merely asserts; that by chance; in an incalculably long period of
time; out of any thing you like; any thing else that you like may

This is no answer to the problem。  And the same problem is
differently expressed:  instead of will; chance is offered; and the
co…efficient of the eternal is transposed from the power to the
time。  But this fresh assertion strengthened Comte's assertion。
And; moreover; according to the ingenuous confession of the founder
of Darwin's theory himself; his idea was aroused in him by the law
of Malthus; and he therefore propounded the theory of the struggle
of living creatures and people for existence; as the fundamental law
of every living thing。  And lo! only this was needed by the throng
of idle people for their justification。

Two insecure theories; incapable of sustaining themselves on their
feet; upheld each other; and acquired the semblance of stability。
Both theories bore with them that idea which is precious to the
crowd; that in the existent evil of human societies; men are not to
blame; and that the existing order of things is that which should
prevail; and the new theory was adopted by the throng with entire
faith and unheard…of enthusiasm。  And behold; on the strength of
these two arbitrary and erroneous hypotheses; accepted as dogmas of
belief; the new scientific doctrine was ratified。

Spencer; for example; in one of his first works; expresses this
doctrine thus:…

〃Societies and organisms;〃 he says; 〃are alike in the following

〃1。  In that; beginning as tiny aggregates; they imperceptibly grow
in mass; so that some of them attain to the size of ten thousand
times their original bulk。

〃2。  In that while they were; in the beginning; of such simple
structure; that they can be regarded as destitute of all structure;
they acquire during the period of their growth a constantly
increasing complication of structure。

〃3。  In that although in their early; undeveloped period; there
exists between them hardly any interdependence of parts; their parts
gradually acquire an interdependence; which eventually becomes so
strong; that the life and activity of each part becomes possible
only on condition of the life and activity of the remaining parts。

〃4。  In that life and the development of society are independent;
and more protracted than the life and development of any one of the
units constituting it; which are born; grow; act; reproduce
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