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on the significance of science and art-第16章

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render their lives more agreeable; it is requisite to preserve that
life itself; while my refusal to share in the struggle; my monopoly
of the labors of others; is equivalent to annihilation of the lives
of others。  And; therefore; it is not rational to serve the lives of
men by annihilating the lives of men; and it is impossible to say
that I am serving men; when; by my life; I am obviously injuring

A man's obligation to struggle with nature for the acquisition of
the means of livelihood will always be the first and most
unquestionable of all obligations; because this obligation is a law
of life; departure from which entails the inevitable punishment of
either bodily or mental annihilation of the life of man。  If a man
living alone excuses himself from the obligation of struggling with
nature; he is immediately punished; in that his body perishes。  But
if a man excuses himself from this obligation by making other people
fulfil it for him; then also he is immediately punished by the
annihilation of his mental life; that is to say; of the life which
possesses rational thought。

In this one act; man receivesif the two things are to be
separatedfull satisfaction of the bodily and spiritual demands of
his nature。  The feeding; clothing; and taking care of himself and
his family; constitute the satisfaction of the bodily demands and
requirements; and doing the same for other people; constitutes the
satisfaction of his spiritual requirements。  Every other employment
of man is only legal when it is directed to the satisfaction of this
very first duty of man; for the fulfilment of this duty constitutes
the whole life of man。

I had been so turned about by my previous life; this first and
indubitable law of God or of nature is so concealed in our sphere of
society; that the fulfilment of this law seemed to me strange;
terrible; even shameful; as though the fulfilment of an eternal;
unquestionable law; and not the departure from it; can be terrible;
strange; and shameful。

At first it seemed to me that the fulfilment of this matter required
some preparation; arrangement or community of men; holding similar
views;the consent of one's family; life in the country; it seemed
to me disgraceful to make a show of myself before people; to
undertake a thing so improper in our conditions of existence; as
bodily toil; and I did not know how to set about it。  But it was
only necessary for me to understand that this is no exclusive
occupation which requires to be invented and arranged for; but that
this employment was merely a return from the false position in which
I found myself; to a natural one; was only a rectification of that
lie in which I was living。  I had only to recognize this fact; and
all these difficulties vanished。  It was not in the least necessary
to make preparations and arrangements; and to await the consent of
others; for; no matter in what position I had found myself; there
had always been people who had fed; clothed and warmed me; in
addition to themselves; and everywhere; under all conditions; I
could do the same for myself and for them; if I had the time and the
strength。  Neither could I experience false shame in an unwonted
occupation; no matter how surprising it might be to people; because;
through not doing it; I had already experienced not false but real

And when I had reached this confession and the practical deduction
from it; I was fully rewarded for not having quailed before the
deductions of reason; and for following whither they led me。  On
arriving at this practical deduction; I was amazed at the ease and
simplicity with which all the problems which had previously seemed
to me so difficult and so complicated; were solved。

To the question; 〃What is it necessary to do?〃 the most indubitable
answer presented itself:  first of all; that which it was necessary
for me to do was; to attend to my own samovar; my own stove; my own
water; my own clothing; to every thing that I could do for myself。
To the question; 〃Will it not seem strange to people if you do
this?〃 it appeared that this strangeness lasted only a week; and
after the lapse of that week; it would have seemed strange had I
returned to my former conditions of life。  With regard to the
question; 〃Is it necessary to organize this physical labor; to
institute an association in the country; on my land?〃 it appeared
that nothing of the sort was necessary; that labor; if it does not
aim at the acquisition of all possible leisure; and the enjoyment of
the labor of others;like the labor of people bent on accumulating
money;but if it have for its object the satisfaction of
requirements; will itself be drawn from the city to the country; to
the land; where this labor is the most fruitful and cheerful。  But
it is not requisite to institute any association; because the man
who labors; naturally and of himself; attaches himself to the
existing association of laboring men。

To the question; whether this labor would not monopolize all my
time; and deprive me of those intellectual pursuits which I love; to
which I am accustomed; and which; in my moments of self…conceit; I
regard as not useless to others? I received a most unexpected reply。
The energy of my intellectual activity increased; and increased in
exact proportion with bodily application; while freeing itself from
every thing superfluous。  It appeared that by dedicating to physical
toil eight hours; that half of the day which I had formerly passed
in the oppressive state of a struggle with ennui; eight hours
remained to me; of which only five of intellectual activity;
according to my terms; were necessary to me。  For it appeared; that
if I; a very voluminous writer; who had done nothing for nearly
forty years except write; and who had written three hundred printed
sheets;if I had worked during all those forty years at ordinary
labor with the working…people; then; not reckoning winter evenings
and leisure days; if I had read and studied for five hours every
day; and had written a couple of pages only on holidays (and I have
been in the habit of writing at the rate of one printed sheet a
day); then I should have written those three hundred sheets in
fourteen years。  The fact seemed startling:  yet it is the most
simple arithmetical calculation; which can be made by a seven…year…
old boy; but which I had not been able to make up to this time。
There are twenty…four hours in the day; if we take away eight hours;
sixteen remain。  If any man engaged in intellectual occupations
devote five hours every day to his occupation; he will accomplish a
fearful amount。  And what is to be done with the remaining eleven

It proved that physical labor not only does not exclude the
possibility of mental activity; but that it improves its quality;
and encourages it。

In answer to the question; whether this physical toil does not
deprive me of many innocent pleasures peculiar to man; such as the
enjoyment of the arts; the acquisition of learning; intercourse with
people; and the delights of life in general; it turned out exactly
the reverse:  the more intense the labor; the more nearly it
approached wh
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