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on the significance of science and art-第14章

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be castes; but there are none among us。〃  But what does it mean;
that some people and their children toil; while other people and
their children do not toil?

Bring hither an Indian ignorant of our language; and show him
European life; and our life; for several generations; and he will
recognize the same leading; well…defined castesof laborers and
non…laborersas there are in his own country。  And as in his land;
so in ours; the right of refusing to labor is conferred by a
peculiar consecration; which we call science and art; or; in general
terms; culture。  It is this culture; and all the distortions of
sense connected with it; which have brought us to that marvellous
madness; in consequence of which we do not see that which is so
clear and indubitable。


Then; what is to be done?  What are we to do?

This question; which includes within itself both an admission that
our life is evil and wrong; and in connection with this;as though
it were an exercise for it;that it is impossible; nevertheless; to
change it; this question I have heard; and I continue to hear; on
all sides。  I have described my own sufferings; my own gropings; and
my own solution of this question。  I am the same kind of a man as
everybody else; and if I am in any wise distinguished from the
average man of our circle; it is chiefly in this respect; that I;
more than the average man; have served and winked at the false
doctrine of our world; I have received more approbation from men
professing the prevailing doctrine:  and therefore; more than
others; have I become depraved; and wandered from the path。  And
therefore I think that the solution of the problem; which I have
found in my own case; will be applicable to all sincere people who
are propounding the same question to themselves。

First of all; in answer to the question; 〃What is to be done?〃 I
told myself:  〃I must lie neither to other people nor to myself。  I
must not fear the truth; whithersoever it may lead me。〃

We all know what it means to lie to other people; but we are not
afraid to lie to ourselves; yet the very worst downright lie; to
other people; is not to be compared in its consequences with the lie
to ourselves; upon which we base our whole life。

This is the lie of which we must not be guilty if we are to be in a
position to answer the question:  〃What is to be done?〃  And; in
fact; how am I to answer the question; 〃What is to be done?〃 when
every thing that I do; when my whole life; is founded on a lie; and
when I carefully parade this lie as the truth before others and
before myself?  Not to lie; in this sense; means not to fear the
truth; not to devise subterfuges; and not to accept the subterfuges
devised by others for the purpose of hiding from myself the
deductions of my reason and my conscience; not to fear to part
company with all those who surround me; and to remain alone in
company with reason and conscience; not to fear that position to
which the truth shall lead me; being firmly convinced that that
position to which truth and conscience shall conduct me; however
singular it may be; cannot be worse than the one which is founded on
a lie。  Not to lie; in our position of privileged persons of mental
labor; means; not to be afraid to reckon one's self up wrongly。  It
is possible that you are already so deeply indebted that you cannot
take stock of yourself; but to whatever extent this may be the case;
however long may be the account; however far you have strayed from
the path; it is still better than to continue therein。  A lie to
other people is not alone unprofitable; every matter is settled more
directly and more speedily by the truth than by a lie。  A lie to
others only entangles matters; and delays the settlement; but a lie
to one's self; set forth as the truth; ruins a man's whole life。  If
a man; having entered on the wrong path; assumes that it is the true
one; then every step that he takes on that path removes him farther
from his goal。  If a man who has long been travelling on this false
path divines for himself; or is informed by some one; that his
course is a mistaken one; but grows alarmed at the idea that he has
wandered very far astray and tries to convince himself that he may;
possibly; still strike into the right road; then he never will get
into it。  If a man quails before the truth; and; on perceiving it;
does not accept it; but does accept a lie for the truth; then he
never will learn what he ought to do。  We; the not only wealthy; but
privileged and so…called cultivated persons; have advanced so far on
the wrong road; that a great deal of determination; or a very great
deal of suffering on the wrong road; is required; in order to bring
us to our senses and to the acknowledgment of the lie in which we
are living。  I have perceived the lie of our lives; thanks to the
sufferings which the false path entailed upon me; and; having
recognized the falseness of this path on which I stood; I have had
the boldness to go at first in thought onlywhither reason and
conscience led me; without reflecting where they would bring me out。
And I have been rewarded for this boldness。

All the complicated; broken; tangled; and incoherent phenomena of
life surrounding me; have suddenly become clear; and my position in
the midst of these phenomena; which was formerly strange and
burdensome; has become; all at once; natural; and easy to bear。

In this new position; my activity was defined with perfect accuracy;
not at all as it had previously presented itself to me; but as a new
and much more peaceful; loving; and joyous activity。  The very thing
which had formerly terrified me; now began to attract me。  Hence I
think; that the man who will honestly put to himself the question;
〃What is to be done?〃 and; replying to this query; will not lie to
himself; but will go whither his reason leads; has already solved
the problem。

There is only one thing that can hinder him in his search for an
issue;an erroneously lofty idea of himself and of his position。
This was the case with me; and then another; arising from the first
answer to the question:  〃What is to be done?〃 consisted for me in
this; that it was necessary for me to repent; in the full sense of
that word;i。e。; to entirely alter my conception of my position and
my activity; to confess the hurtfulness and emptiness of my
activity; instead of its utility and gravity; to confess my own
ignorance instead of culture; to confess my immorality and harshness
in the place of my kindness and morality; instead of my elevation;
to acknowledge my lowliness。  I say; that in addition to not lying
to myself; I had to repent; because; although the one flows from the
other; a false conception of my lofty importance had so grown up
with me; that; until I sincerely repented and cut myself free from
that false estimate which I had formed of myself; I did not perceive
the greater part of the lie of which I had been guilty to myself。
Only when I had repented; that is to say; when I had ceased to look
upon myself as a regular man; and had begun to regard myself as a
man exactly like every one else;only then did my path become c
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