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on the significance of science and art-第1章

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On the Significance of Science and Art

by Leo Tolstoy

Translated by Isabel F。 Hapgood


。 。 。 {1} The justification of all persons who have freed themselves
from toil is now founded on experimental; positive science。  The
scientific theory is as follows:…

〃For the study of the laws of life of human societies; there exists
but one indubitable method;the positive; experimental; critical

〃Only sociology; founded on biology; founded on all the positive
sciences; can give us the laws of humanity。  Humanity; or human
communities; are the organisms already prepared; or still in process
of formation; and which are subservient to all the laws of the
evolution of organisms。

〃One of the chief of these laws is the variation of destination
among the portions of the organs。  Some people command; others obey。
If some have in superabundance; and others in want; this arises not
from the will of God; not because the empire is a form of
manifestation of personality; but because in societies; as in
organisms; division of labor becomes indispensable for life as a
whole。  Some people perform the muscular labor in societies; others;
the mental labor。〃

Upon this doctrine is founded the prevailing justification of our

Not long ago; their reigned in the learned; cultivated world; a
moral philosophy; according to which it appeared that every thing
which exists is reasonable; that there is no such thing as evil or
good; and that it is unnecessary for man to war against evil; but
that it is only necessary for him to display intelligence;one man
in the military service; another in the judicial; another on the
violin。  There have been many and varied expressions of human
wisdom; and these phenomena were known to the men of the nineteenth
century。  The wisdom of Rousseau and of Lessing; and Spinoza and
Bruno; and all the wisdom of antiquity; but no one man's wisdom
overrode the crowd。  It was impossible to say even this;that
Hegel's success was the result of the symmetry of this theory。
There were other equally symmetrical theories;those of Descartes;
Leibnitz; Fichte; Schopenhauer。  There was but one reason why this
doctrine won for itself; for a season; the belief of the whole
world; and this reason was; that the deductions of that philosophy
winked at people's weaknesses。  These deductions were summed up in
this;that every thing was reasonable; every thing good; and that
no one was to blame。

When I began my career; Hegelianism was the foundation of every
thing。  It was floating in the air; it was expressed in newspaper
and periodical articles; in historical and judicial lectures; in
novels; in treatises; in art; in sermons; in conversation。  The man
who was not acquainted with Hegal had no right to speak。  Any one
who desired to understand the truth studied Hegel。  Every thing
rested on him。  And all at once the forties passed; and there was
nothing left of him。  There was not even a hint of him; any more
than if he had never existed。  And the most amazing thing of all
was; that Hegelianism did not fall because some one overthrew it or
destroyed it。  No!  It was the same then as now; but all at once it
appeared that it was of no use whatever to the learned and
cultivated world。

There was a time when the Hegelian wise men triumphantly instructed
the masses; and the crowd; understanding nothing; blindly believed
in every thing; finding confirmation in the fact that it was on
hand; and they believed that what seemed to them muddy and
contradictory there on the heights of philosophy was all as clear as
the day。  But that time has gone by。  That theory is worn out:  a
new theory has presented itself in its stead。  The old one has
become useless; and the crowd has looked into the secret sanctuaries
of the high priests; and has seen that there is nothing there; and
that there has been nothing there; save very obscure and senseless
words。  This has taken place within my memory。

〃But this arises;〃 people of the present science will say; 〃from the
fact that all that was the raving of the theological and
metaphysical period; but now there exists positive; critical
science; which does not deceive; since it is all founded on
induction and experiment。  Now our erections are not shaky; as they
formerly were; and only in our path lies the solution of all the
problems of humanity。〃

But the old teachers said precisely the same; and they were no
fools; and we know that there were people of great intelligence
among them。  And precisely thus; within my memory; and with no less
confidence; with no less recognition on the part of the crowd of so…
called cultivated people; spoke the Hegelians。  And neither were our
Herzens; our Stankevitches; or our Byelinskys fools。  But whence
arose that marvellous manifestation; that sensible people should
preach with the greatest assurance; and that the crowd should accept
with devotion; such unfounded and unsupportable teachings?  There is
but one reason;that the teachings thus inculcated justified people
in their evil life。

A very poor English writer; whose works are all forgotten; and
recognized as the most insignificant of the insignificant; writes a
treatise on population; in which he devises a fictitious law
concerning the increase of population disproportionate to the means
of subsistence。  This fictitious law; this writer encompasses with
mathematical formulae founded on nothing whatever; and then he
launches it on the world。  From the frivolity and the stupidity of
this hypothesis; one would suppose that it would not attract the
attention of any one; and that it would sink into oblivion; like all
the works of the same author which followed it; but it turned out
quite otherwise。  The hack…writer who penned this treatise instantly
becomes a scientific authority; and maintains himself upon that
height for nearly half a century。  Malthus!  The Malthusian theory;…
…the law of the increase of the population in geometrical; and of
the means of subsistence in arithmetical proportion; and the wise
and natural means of restricting the population;all these have
become scientific; indubitable truths; which have not been
confirmed; but which have been employed as axioms; for the erection
of false theories。  In this manner have learned and cultivated
people proceeded; and among the herd of idle persons; there sprung
up a pious trust in the great laws expounded by Malthus。  How did
this come to pass?  It would seem as though they were scientific
deductions; which had nothing in common with the instincts of the
masses。  But this can only appear so for the man who believes that
science; like the Church; is something self…contained; liable to no
errors; and not simply the imaginings of weak and erring folk; who
merely substitute the imposing word 〃science;〃 in place of the
thoughts and words of the people; for the sake of impressiveness。

All that was necessary was to make practical deductions from the
theory of Malthus; in order to perceive that this theory was of the
most human sort; with the best defined of objects。  The deductions
directly arising from this th
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