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over the teacups-第30章

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you a prescription。〃  Which he did; and told me to call again in a

fortnight。  At the end of three months I had called six times; and

each time got a new recipe; and detected no difference in the course

of my 〃alopecia。〃  After I had got through my treatment; I showed my

recipes to my family physician; and we found that three of them were

the same he had used; familiar; old…fashioned remedies; and the

others were taken from a list of new and little…tried prescriptions

mentioned in one of the last medical journals; which was lying on the

old doctor's table。  I might as well have got no better under his

charge; and should have got off much cheaper。

〃The next trouble I had was a little redness of the eyes; for which

my doctor gave me a wash; but my wife would have it that I must see

an oculist。  So I made four visits to an oculist; and at the last

visit the redness was nearly gone;as it ought to have been by that

time。  The specialist called my complaint conjunctivitis; but that

did not make it feel any better nor get well any quicker。  If I had

had a cataract or any grave disease of the eye; requiring a nice

operation on that delicate organ; of course I should have properly

sought the aid of an expert; whose eye; hand; and judgment were

trained to that special business; but in this case I don't doubt that

my family doctor would have done just as well as the expert。

However; I had to obey orders; and my wife would have it that I

should entrust my precious person only to the most skilful specialist

in each department of medical practice。

〃In the course of the year I experienced a variety of slight

indispositions。  For these I was auriscoped by an aurist;

laryngoscoped by a laryngologist; ausculted by a stethoscopist; and

so on; until a complete inventory of my organs was made out; and I

found that if I believed all these searching inquirers professed to

have detected in my unfortunate person; I could repeat with too

literal truth the words of the General Confession; 〃And there is no

health in us。〃  I never heard so many hard names in all my life。  I

proved to be the subject of a long catalogue of diseases; and what

maladies I was not manifestly guilty of I was at least suspected of

harboring。  I was handed along all the way from alopecia; which used

to be called baldness; to zoster; which used to be known as shingles。

I was the patient of more than a dozen specialists。  Very pleasant

persons; many of them; but what a fuss they made about my trifling

incommodities!  Please look at that photograph。  See if there is a

minute elevation under one eye。'

〃'On which side?' I asked him; for I could not be sure there was

anything different on one side from what I saw on the other。

〃'Under the left eye。  I called it a pimple; the specialist called it

acne。  Now look at this photograph。  It was taken after my acne had

been three months under treatment。  It shows a little more distinctly

than in the first photograph; does n't it?'

〃'I think it does;' I answered。  'It does n't seem to me that you

gained a great deal by leaving your customary adviser for the


〃'Well;' my friend continued; 'following my wife's urgent counsel; I

kept on; as I told you; for a whole year with my specialists; going

from head to foot; and tapering off with a chiropodist。  I got a deal

of amusement out of their contrivances and experiments。  Some of them

lighted up my internal surfaces with electrical or other illuminating

apparatus。  Thermometers; dynamometers; exploring…tubes; little

mirrors that went half…way down to my stomach; tuning…forks;

ophthalmoscopes; percussion…hammers; single and double stethoscopes;

speculums; sphygmometers;such a battery of detective instruments I

had never imagined。  All useful; I don't doubt; but at the end of the

year I began to question whether I should n't have done about as well

to stick to my long tried practitioner。  When the bills for

〃professional services〃 came in; and the new carpet had to be given

up; and the old bonnet trimmed over again; and the sealskin sack

remained a vision; we both agreed; my wife and I; that we would try

to get along without consulting specialists; except in such cases as

our family physician considered to be beyond his skill。'〃

The Counsellor's story of his friend's experiences seemed to please

the young Doctor very much。  It 〃stirred him up;〃 but in an agreeable

way; for; as he said; he meant to devote himself to family practice;

and not to adopt any limited class of cases as a specialty。  I liked

his views so well that I should have been ready to adopt them as my

own; if they had been challenged。

               The young Doctor discourses。

〃I am very glad;〃 he said; 〃that we have a number of practitioners

among us who confine themselves to the care of single organs and

their functions。  I want to be able to consult an oculist who has

done nothing but attend to eyes long enough to know all that is known

about their diseases and their treatment;skilful enough to be

trusted with the manipulation of that delicate and most precious

organ。  I want an aurist who knows all about the ear and what can be

done for its disorders。  The maladies of the larynx are very ticklish

things to handle; and nobody should be trusted to go behind the

epiglottis who has not the tactus eruditus。  And so of certain other

particular classes of complaints。  A great city must have a limited

number of experts; each a final authority; to be appealed to in cases

where the family physician finds himself in doubt。  There are

operations which no surgeon should be willing to undertake unless he

has paid a particular; if not an exclusive; attention to the cases

demanding such operations。  All this I willingly grant。

〃But it must not be supposed that we can return to the methods of the

old Egyptianswho; if my memory serves me correctly; had a special

physician for every part of the bodywithout falling into certain

errors and incurring certain liabilities。

〃The specialist is much like other people engaged in lucrative

business。  He is apt to magnify his calling; to make much of any

symptom which will bring a patient within range of his battery of

remedies。  I found a case in one of our medical journals; a couple of

years ago; which illustrates what I mean。  Dr。 ___________  of

Philadelphia; had a female patient with a crooked nose;deviated

septum; if our young scholars like that better。  She was suffering

from what the doctor called reflex headache。  She had been to an

oculist; who found that the trouble was in her eyes。  She went from

him to a gynecologist; who considered her headache as owing to causes

for which his specialty had the remedies。  How many more specialists

would have appropriated her; if she had gone the rounds of them all;

I dare not guess; but you remember the old story of the siege; in

which each artisan proposed means of defence which be himself was

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