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over the teacups-第13章

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with it。  Number Seven passes for a natural healer。  He is looked

upon as a kind of wizard; and is lucky in living in the nineteenth

century instead of the sixteenth or earlier。  How much confidence he

feels in himself as the possessor of half…supernatural gifts I cannot

say。  I think his peculiar birthright gives him a certain confidence

in his whims and fancies which but for that he would hardly feel。

After this explanation; when I speak of Number Five or Number Seven;

you will know to whom I refer。

The company are very frank in their criticisms of each other。  〃I did

not like that expression of yours; planetary foundlings;〃 said the

Mistress。  〃It seems to me that it is too like atheism for a good

Christian like you to use。〃

Ah; my dear madam; I answered; I was thinking of the elements and the

natural forces to which man was born an almost helpless subject in

the rudimentary stages of his existence; and from which he has only

partially got free after ages upon ages of warfare with their

tyranny。  Think what hunger forced the caveman to do!  Think of the

surly indifference of the storms that swept the forest and the

waters; the earthquake chasms that engulfed him; the inundations that

drowned him out of his miserable hiding…places; the pestilences that

lay in wait for him; the unequal strife with ferocious animals!

I need not sum up all the wretchedness that goes to constitute the

〃martyrdom of man。〃  When our forefathers came to this wilderness as

it then was; and found everywhere the bones of the poor natives who

had perished in the great plague (which our Doctor there thinks was

probably the small…pox); they considered this destructive malady as a

special mark of providential favor for them。  How about the miserable

Indians?  Were they anything but planetary foundlings?  No!

Civilization is a great foundling hospital; and fortunate are all

those who get safely into the creche before the frost or the malaria

has killed them; the wild beasts or the venomous reptiles worked out

their deadly appetites and instincts upon them。  The very idea of

humanity seems to be that it shall take care of itself and develop

its powers in the 〃struggle for life。〃  Whether we approve it or not;

if we can judge by the material record; man was born a foundling; and

fought his way as he best might to that kind of existence which we

call civilized;one which a considerable part of the inhabitants of

our planet have reached。

If you do not like the expression planetary foundlings; I have no

objection to your considering the race as put out to nurse。  And what

a nurse Nature is!  She gives her charge a hole in the rocks to live

in; ice for his pillow and snow for his blanket; in one part of the

world; the jungle for his bedroom in another; with the tiger for his

watch…dog; and the cobra as his playfellow。

Well; I said; there may be other parts of the universe where there

are no tigers and no cobras。  It is not quite certain that such

realms of creation are better off; on the whole; than this earthly

residence of ours; which has fought its way up to the development of

such centres of civilization as Athens and Rome; to such

personalities as Socrates; as Washington。

〃One of our company has been on an excursion among the celestial

bodies of our system; I understand;〃 said the Professor。

Number Five colored。  〃Nothing but a dream;〃 she said。  〃The truth

is; I had taken ether in the evening for a touch of neuralgia; and it

set my imagination at work in a way quite unusual with me。  I had

been reading a number of books about an ideal condition of society;

Sir Thomas Mores 'Utopia;' Lord Bacon's 'New Atlantis;' and another

of more recent date。  I went to bed with my brain a good deal

excited; and fell into a deep slumber; in which I passed through some

experiences so singular that; on awaking; I put them down on paper。

I don't know that there is anything very original about the

experiences I have recorded; but I thought them worth preserving。

Perhaps you would not agree with me in that belief。〃

〃If Number Five will give us a chance to form our own judgment about

her dream or vision; I think we shall enjoy it;〃 said the Mistress。

〃She knows what will please The Teacups in the way of reading as well

as I do how many lumps of sugar the Professor wants in his tea and

how many I want in mine。〃

The company was so urgent that Number Five sent up…stairs for her


Number Five reads the story of her dream。

It cost me a great effort to set down the words of the manuscript

from which I am reading。  My dreams for the most part fade away so

soon after their occurrence that I cannot recall them at all。  But in

this case my ideas held together with remarkable tenacity。  By

keeping my mind steadily upon the work; I gradually unfolded the

narrative which follows; as the famous Italian antiquary opened one

of those fragile carbonized manuscripts found in the ruins of

Herculaneum or Pompeii。

The first thing I remember about it is that I was floating upward;

without any sense of effort on my part。  The feeling was that of

flying; which I have often had in dreams; as have many other persons。

It was the most natural thing in the world;a semi…materialized

volition; if I may use such an expression。

At the first moment of my new consciousness;for I seemed to have

just emerged from a deep slumber; I was aware that there was a

companion at my side。  Nothing could be more gracious than the way in

which this being accosted me。  I will speak of it as she; because

there was a delicacy; a sweetness; a divine purity; about its aspect

that recalled my ideal of the loveliest womanhood。

〃I am your companion and your guide;〃 this being made me understand;

as she looked at me。  Some faculty of which I had never before been

conscious had awakened in me; and I needed no interpreter to explain

the unspoken language of my celestial attendant。

〃You are not yet outside of space and time;〃 she said; 〃and I am

going with you through some parts of the phenomenal or apparent

universe;what you call the material world。  We have plenty of what

you call time before us; and we will take our voyage leisurely;

looking at such objects of interest as may attract our attention as

we pass。  The first thing you will naturally wish to look at will be

the earth you have just left。  This is about the right distance;〃 she

said; and we paused in our flight。

The great globe we had left was rolling beneath us。  No eye of one in

the flesh could see it as I saw or seemed to see it。  No ear of any

mortal being could bear the sounds that came from it as I heard or

seemed to hear them。  The broad oceans unrolled themselves before me。

I could recognize the calm Pacific and the stormy Atlantic;the

ships that dotted them; the white lines where the waves broke on the

shore; frills on the robes of the continents; so they looked to

my woman's perceptio
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