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around the world in 80 days(环游世界80天)-第6章

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l public; made heavy wagers for or against Phileas Fogg; who was set down in the betting books as if he were a race…horse。 Bonds were issued; and made their appearance on 'Change; ‘Phileas Fogg bonds' were offered at par or at a premium; and a great business was done in them。 But five days after the article in the bulletin of the Geographical Society appeared; the demand began to subside: ‘Phileas Fogg' declined。 They were offered by packages; at first of five; then of ten; until at last nobody would take less than twenty; fifty; a hundred! 
Lord Albermarle; an elderly paralytic gentleman; was now the only advocate of Phileas Fogg left。 This noble lord; who was fastened to his chair; would have given his fortune to be able to make the tour of the world; if it took ten years; and bet five thousand pounds on Phileas Fogg。 When the folly as well as the uselessness of the adventure was pointed out to him; he contented himself with replying; ‘If the thing is feasible; the first to do it ought to be an Englishman。' 
The Fogg party dwindled more and more; everybody was going against him; and the bets stood a hundred and fifty and two hundred to one; and a week after his departure an incident occurred which deprived him of backers at any price。 
The commissioner of police was sitting in his office at nine o'clock one evening; when the following telegraphic despatch was put into his hands: 
I've found the bank robber; Phileas Fogg。 Send without delay warrant of arrest to Bombay。 
FIX; Detective。
The effect of this despatch was instantaneous。 The polished gentleman disappeared to give place to the bank robber。 His photograph; which was hung with those of the rest of the members at the Reform Club; was minutely examined; and it betrayed; feature by feature; the description of the robber which had been provided to the police。 The mysterious habits of Phileas Fogg were recalled; his solitary ways; his sudden departure; and it seemed clear that; in undertaking a tour round the world on the pretext of a wager; he had had no other end in view than to elude the detectives; and throw them off his track。 


The circumstances under which this telegraphic despatch about Phileas Fogg was sent were as follows: 
The steamer ‘Mongolia'; belonging to the Peninsular and Oriental Company; built of iron; of two thousand eight hundred tons burden; and five hundred horse … power; was due at eleven o'clock a。m。 on Wednesday; the 9th of October; at Suez。 The ‘Mongolia' plied regularly between Brindisi and Bombay via the Suez Canal; and was one of the fastest steamers belonging to the company; always making more than ten knots an hour between Brindisi and Suez; and nine and a half between Suez and Bombay。 
Two men were promenading up and down the wharves; among the crowd of natives and strangers who were sojourning at this once straggling village … now; thanks to the enterprise of M。 Lesseps; a fast…growing town。 One was the British consul at Suez; who; despite the prophecies of the English Government; and the unfavourable predictions of Stephenson; was in the habit of seeing; from his office window; English ships daily passing to and fro on the great canal; by which the old roundabout route from England to India by the Cape of Good Hope was abridged by at least a half。 The other was a small; slight…built personage; with a nervous; intelligent face; and bright eyes peering out from under eyebrows which he was incessantly twitching。 He was just now manifesting unmistakable signs of impatience; nervously pacing up and down; and unable to stand still for a moment。 This was Fix; one of the detectives who had been despatched from England in search of the bank robber; it was his task to narrowly watch every passenger who arrived at Suez; and to follow up all who seemed to be suspicious characters; or bore a resemblance to the description of the criminal; which he had received two days before from the police headquarters at London。 The detective was evidently inspired by the hope of obtaining the splendid reward which would be the prize of success; and awaited with a feverish impatience; easy to understand; the arrival of the steamer ‘Mongolia'。 
‘So you say; consul;' asked he for the twentieth time; ‘that this steamer is never behind time?' 
‘No; Mr Fix;' replied the consul。 ‘She was bespoken yesterday at Port Said; and the rest of the way is of no account to such a craft。 I repeat that the ‘Mongolia' has been in advance of the time required by the company's regulations; and gained the prize awarded for excess of speed。' 
‘Does she come directly from Brindisi?' 
‘Directly from Brindisi; she takes on the Indian mails there; and she left there Saturday at five p。m。 Have patience; Mr Fix; she will not be late。 But really I don't see how; frthe description you have; you will be able to recognize your man; even if he is on board the 〃Mongolia〃。' 
‘A man rather feels the presence of these fellows; consul; than recognizes them。 You must have a scent for them; and a scent is like a sixth sense which combines hearing; seeing and smelling。 I've arrested more than one of these gentlemen in my time; and if my thief is on board; I'll answer for it; he'll not slip through my fingers。' 
‘I hope so; Mr Fix; for it was a heavy robbery。' 
‘A magnificent robbery; consul; fifty…five thousand pounds! We don't often have such windfalls。 Burglars are getting to be so contemptible nowadays! A fellow gets hung for a handful of shillings!' 
‘Mr Fix;' said the consul; ‘I like your way of talking; and hope you'll succeed; but I fear you will find it far from easy。 Don't you see; the description which you have there has a singular resemblance to an honest man?' 
‘Consul;' remarked the detective; dogmatically; great robbers always resemble honest folks。 Fellows who have rascally faces have only one course to take; and that is to remain honest; otherwise they would be arrested off…hand。 The artistic thing is; to unmask honest countenances; it's no light task; I admit; but a real art。' 
Mr Fix evidently was not wanting in a tinge of self…conceit。 
Little by little the scene on the quay became more animated; sailors of various nations; merchants; shipbrokers; porters; fellahs; bustled to and fro as if the steamer were immediately expected。 The weather was clear; and slightly chilly。 The minarets of the town loomed above the houses in the pale rays of the sun。 A jetty pier; some two thousand yards along; extended into the roadstead。 A number of fishing…smacks and coasting boats; some retaining the fantastic fashion of ancient galleys; were discernible on the Red Sea。 
As he passed among the busy crowd; Fix; according to habit; scrutinized the passers…by with a keen; rapid glance。 
It was now half…past ten。 
‘The steamer doesn't come!' he exclaimed; as the port clock struck。 
‘She can't be far off now;' returned his companion。 
‘How long will she stop at Suez?' 
‘Four hours; long enough to get in her coal。 It is thirteen hundred and ten miles from Suez to Aden; at the other end of the Red Sea; and she has to take in a fresh coal supply。' 
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