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around the world in 80 days(环游世界80天)-第5章

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 who wanted to remain quiet!' 
He mechanically set about making the preparations for departure。 Around the world in eighty days! Was his master a fool? No。 Was this a joke; then? They were going to Dover; good。 To Calais; good again。 After all; Passepartout; who had been away from France five years; would not be sorry to set foot on his native soil again。 Perhaps they would go as far as Paris; and it would do his eyes good to see Paris once more。 But surely a gentleman so chary of his steps would stop there; no doubt; … but; then; it was none the less true that he was going away; this so domestic person hitherto! 
By eight o'clock Passepartout had packed the modest carpet…bag; containing the wardrobes of his master and himself; then; still troubled in mind; he carefully shut the door of his room; and descended to Mr Fogg。 
Mr Fogg was quite ready。 Under his arm might have been observed a red…bound copy of ‘Bradshaw's Continental Railway Steam Transit and General Guide;' with its time…tables showing the arrival and departure of steamers and railways。 He took the carpet…bag; opened it; and slipped into it a goodly roll of Bank of England notes; which would pass wherever he might go。 
‘You have forgotten nothing?' asked he。 
‘Nothing; monsieur。' 
‘My mackintosh and cloak?' 
‘Here they are。' 
‘Good。 Take this carpet…bag;' handing it to Passepartout。 ‘Take good care of it; for there are twenty thousand pounds in it。' 
Passepartout nearly dropped the bag; as if the twenty thousand pounds were in gold; and weighted him down。 
Master and man then descended; the street…door was double…locked; and at the end of Saville Row they took a cab and drove rapidly to Charing Cross。 The cab stopped before the railway station at twenty minutes past eight。 Passepartout jumped off the box and followed his master; who; after paying the cabman; was about to enter the station; when a poor beggar…woman; with a child in her arms; her naked feet smeared with mud; her head covered with a wretched bonnet; from which hung a tattered feather; and her shoulders shrouded in a ragged shawl; approached; and mournfully asked for alms。 
Mr Fogg took out the twenty guineas he had just won at whist; and handed them to the beggar; saying; ‘Here; my good woman。 I'm glad that I met you'; and passed on。 
Passepartout had a moist sensation about the eyes; his masters action touched his susceptible heart。 
Two first…class tickets for Paris having been speedily purchased; Mr Fogg was crossing the station to the train; when he perceived his five friends of the Reform。 
‘Well; gentlemen;' said he; ‘I'm off; you see; and if you will examine my passport when I get back; you will be able to judge whether I have accomplished the journey agreed upon。' 
‘Oh; that would be quite unnecessary; Mr Fogg;' said Ralph politely。 ‘We will trust your word; as a gentleman of honour。' 
‘You do not forget when you are due in London again?' asked Stuart。 
‘In eighty days; on Saturday; the 21st of December; 1872; at a quarter before nine p。m。 Good…bye; gentlemen。 
Phileas Fogg and his servant seated themselves in a first…class carriage at twenty minutes before nine; five minutes later the whistle screamed; and the train slowly glided out of the Station。 
The night was dark; and a fine; steady rain was falling。 Phileas Fogg; snugly ensconced in his corner; did not open his lips。 Passepartout; not yet recovered from his stupefaction; clung mechanically to the carpet…bag; with its enormous treasure。 
Just as the train was whirling through Sydenham; Passepartout suddenly uttered a cry of despair。 
‘What's the matter?' asked Mr Fogg。 
‘Alas! In my hurry … I … I forgot' 
‘To turn off the gas in my room!' 
‘Very well; young man;' returned Mr Fogg; coolly; ‘it will burn … at your expense。' 


Phileas Fogg rightly suspected that his departure from London would create a lively sensation at the West End。 The news of the bet spread through the Reform Club; and afforded an exciting topic of conversation to its members。 From the Club it soon got into the papers throughout England。 The boasted ‘tour of the world' was talked about; disputed; argued with as much warmth as if the subject were another Alabama claim。 Some took sides with Phileas Fogg; but the large majority shook their heads and declared against him; it was absurd; impossible; they declared; that the tour of the world could be made; except theoretically and on paper; in this minimum of time; and with the existing means of travelling。 The Times; Standard; Morning Post; and Daily New; and twenty other highly respectable newspapers scouted Mr Fogg's project as madness; the Daily Telegraph alone hesitatingly supported him。 People in general thought him a lunatic; and blamed his Reform Club friends for having accepted a wager which betrayed the mental aberration of its proposer。 
Articles no less passionate than logical appeared on the question; for geography is one of the pet subjects of the English; and the columns devoted to Phileas Fogg's venture were eagerly devoured by all classes of readers。 At first some rash individuals; principally of the gentler sex; espoused his cause; which became still more popular when the Illustrated London News came out with his portrait; copied from a photograph in the Reform Club。 A few readers of the Daily Telegraph even dared to say; ‘Why not; after all? Stranger things have come to pass。' 
At last a long article appeared; on the 7th of October; in the bulletin of the Royal Geographical Society; which treated the question from every point of view; and demonstrated the utter folly of the enterprise。 
Everything; it said; was against the travellers; every obstacle imposed alike by man and by nature。 A miraculous agreement of the times of departure and arrival; which was impossible; was absolutely necessary to his success。 He might; perhaps; reckon on the arrival of trains at the designated hours; in Europe; where the distances were relatively moderate; but when he calculated upon crosSing India in three days; and the United States in seven; could he rely beyond misgiving upon accomplishing his task? There were accidents to machinery; the liability of trains to run off the line; collisions; bad weather; the blocking up by snow; … were not all these against Phileas Fogg? Would he not find himself; when travelling by steamer in winter; at the merry of the winds and fogs? Is it uncommon for the best ocean steamers to be two or three days behind time? But a single delay would suffice to fatally break the chain of communication; should Phileas Fogg once miss; even by an hour; a steamer; he would have to wait for the next; and that would irrevocably render his attempt vain。 
This article made a great deal of noise; and being copied into all the papers; seriously depressed the advocates of the rash tourist。 
Everybody knows that England is the world of betting men; who are of a higher class than mere gamblers; to bet is in the English temperament。 Not only the members of the Reform; but the general public; made heavy wagers for or against Phileas Fogg; who was set down in the betting books as if
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