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around the world in 80 days(环游世界80天)-第18章

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Aouda pathetically thanked her deliverers; rather with tears than words; her fine eyes interpreted her gratitude better than her lips。 Then; as her thoughts strayed back to the scene of the sacrifice; and recalled the dangers which still menaced her; she shuddered with terror。 
Phileas Fogg understood what was passing in Aouda's mind; and offered; in order to reassure her; to escort her to Hong Kong; where she might remain safely until the affair was hushed up … an offer which she eagerly and gratefully accepted。 She had; it seems; a Parsee relation; who was one of the principal merchants of Hong Kong; which is wholly an English city; though on an island on the Chinese coast。 
At half…past twelve the train stopped at Benares。 The Brahmin legends assert that this city is built on the site of the ancient Casi; which; like Mahomet's tomb; was once suspended between heaven and earth; though the Benares of to…day; which the Orientalists call the Athens of India; stands quite unpoetically on the solid earth。 Passepartout caught glimpses of its brick houses and clay huts; giving an aspect of desolation to the place; as the train entered it。 
Benares was Sir Francis Cromarty's destination; the troops he was rejoining being encamped some miles northward of the city。 He bade adieu to Phileas Fogg; wishing him all success; and expressing the hope that he would come that way again in a less original but more profitable fashion。 Mr Fogg lightly pressed him by the hand。 The parting of Aouda; who did not forget what she owed to Sir Francis; betrayed more warmth; and; as for Passepartout; he received a hearty shake of the hand from the gallant general。 
The railway; on leaving Benares; passed for a while along the valley of the Ganges。 Through the windows of their carriage the travellers had glimpses of the diversified landscape of Behar; with its mountains clothed in verdure; its fields of barley; wheat; and corn; its jungles peopled with green alligators; its neat villages; and its still thickly…leaved forests。 Elephants were bathing in the waters of the sacred river; and groups of Indians; despite the advanced season and chilly air; were performing solemnly their pious ablutions。 These were fervent Brahmins; the bitterest foes of Buddhism; their deities being Vishnu; the solar god; Shiva; the divine impersonation of natural forces; and Brahma; the supreme ruler of priests and legislators。 What would these divinities think of India; anglicized as it is to…day; with steamers whistling and scudding along the Ganges; frightening the gulls which float upon its surface; the turtles swarming along its banks; and the faithful dwelling upon its borders? 
The panorama passed before their eyes like a flash; save when the steam concealed it fitfully from the view; the travellers could scarcely discern the fort of Chupenie; twenty miles south…westward from Benares; the ancient stronghold of the rajahs of Behar; or Ghazipur and its famous rose…water factories; or the tomb of Lord Cornwallis; rising on the left bank of the Ganges; the fortified town of Buxar; or Patna; a large manufacturing and trading place; where is held the principal opium market of India; or Monghir; a more than European town; for it is as English as Manchester or Birmingham; with its iron foundries; edge…tool factories; and high chimneys puffing clouds of black smoke heavenward。 
Night came on; the train passed on at full speed; in the midst of the roaring of tigers; bears; and wolves which fled before the locomotive; and the marvels of Bengal; Golconda; ruined Gour; Murshedabad; the ancient capital; Burdwan; Hugly; and the French town of Chandernagor; where Passepartout would have been proud to see his country's flag flying; were hidden from their view in the darkness。 
Calcutta was reached at seven in the morning; and the packet left for Hong Kong at noon; so that Phileas Fogg had five hours before him。 
According to his journal; he was due at Calcutta on the 25th of October; and that was the exact date of his actual arrival。 He was therefore neither behind…hand nor ahead of time。 The two days gained between London and Bombay had been lost; as has been seen; in the journey across India。 But it is not to be supposed that Phileas Fogg regretted them。 


The train entered the station; and Passepartout; jumping out first; was followed by Mr Fogg; who assisted his fair companion to descend。 Phileas Fogg intended to proceed at once to the Hong Kong steamer; in order to get Aouda comfortably settled for the voyage。 He was unwilling to leave her while they were still on dangerous ground。 
Just as lie was leaving the station a policeman came up to him; and said; ‘Mr Phileas Fogg?' 
‘I am he。' 
‘Is this man your servant?' added the policeman; pointing to Passepartout。 
‘Be so good; both of you; as to follow me。' 
Mr Fogg betrayed no surprise whatever。 The policeman was a representative of the law; and law is sacred to an Englishman。 Passepartout tried to reason about the matter; but the policeman tapped him with his stick; and Mr Fogg made him a signal to obey。 
‘May this young lady go with us?' asked he。 ‘She may;' replied the policeman。 
Mr Fogg; Aouda and Passepartout were conducted to a ‘palki…gari'; a sort of four…wheeled carriage; drawn by two horses; in which they took their places and were driven away。 No one spoke during the twenty minutes which elapsed before they reached their destination。 They first passed through the ‘black town'; with its narrow streets; its miserable; dirty huts; and squalid population; then through the ‘European town'; which presented a relief in its bright brick mansions; shaded by coconut…trees and bristling with masts; where; although it was early morning; elegantly dressed horsemen and handsome equipages were passing back and forth。 
The carriage stopped before a modest…looking house; which; however; did not have the appearance of a private mansion。 The policeman having requested his prisoners … for so; truly; they might be called … to descend; conducted them into a room with barred windows; and said: ‘You will appear before Judge Obadiah at half…past eight。' 
He then retired; and closed the door。 
‘Why; we are prisoners!' exclaimed Passepartout; falling into a chair。 
Aouda; with an emotion she tried to conceal; said to Mr Fogg: ‘Sir; you must leave me to my fate! It is on my account that you receive this treatment; it is for having saved me!' 
Phileas Fogg contented himself with saying that it was impossible。 It was quite unlikely that he should be arrested for preventing a suttee。 The complainants would not dare present themselves with such a charge。 There was some mistake。 Moreover; he would not in any event abandon Aouda; but would escort her to Hong Kong。 
‘But the steamer leaves at noon!' observed Passepartout; nervously。 
‘We shall be on board by noon;' replied his master; placidly。 
It was said so positively; that Passepartout could not help muttering to himself; ‘Parbleu; that's certain! Before noon we shall be on board。' But he was by no means reassured。 
At half…past eight the door opened; the policeman appeared; and; request
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