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scientists claim; a purely artificial want; one thing is certain; and
that is; that either the habit of countless generations or some other
cause; has so deeply ingrained it into our common nature; that it has
come to be nearly as essential as food itself; and no amount of
deprivation can accustom us to its absence。  Rather; it seemed that the
longer we did without it the more overpowering became our craving。
I could get along to…day and to…morrow; perhaps the whole week; without
salt in my food; since the lack would be supplied from the excess I had
already swallowed; but at the end of that time Nature would begin to
demand that I renew the supply of saline constituent of my tissues; and
she would become more clamorous with every day that I neglected her
bidding; and finally summon Nausea to aid Longing。

The light artillery of the garrison of Savannahfour batteries; twenty…
four pieceswas stationed around three sides of the prison; the guns
unlimbered; planted at convenient distance; and trained upon us; ready
for instant use。  We could see all the grinning mouths through the cracks
in the fence。  There were enough of them to send us as high as the
traditional kite flown by Gilderoy。  The having at his beck this array of
frowning metal lent Lieutenant Davis such an importance in his own eyes
that his demeanor swelled to the grandiose。  It became very amusing to
see him puff up and vaunt over it; as he did on every possible occasion。
For instance; finding a crowd of several hundred lounging around the
gate; he would throw open the wicket; stalk in with the air of a Jove
threatening a rebellious world with the dread thunders of heaven; and

〃W…h…a…a y…e…e!  Prisoners; I give you jist two minutes to cleah away
from this gate; aw I'll open on ye wid de ahtillery!〃

One of the buglers of the artillery was a superb musicianevidently some
old 〃regular〃 whom the Confederacy had seduced into its service; and his
instrument was so sweet toned that we imagined that it was made of
silver。  The calls he played were nearly the same as we used in the
cavalry; and for the first few days we became bitterly homesick every
time he sent ringing out the old familiar signals; that to us were so
closely associated with what now seemed the bright and happy days when we
were in the field with our battalion。  If we were only back in the
valleys of Tennessee with what alacrity we would respond to that
〃assembly;〃 no Orderly's patience would be worn out in getting laggards
and lazy ones to 〃fall in for roll…call;〃 how eagerly we would attend to
〃stable duty;〃 how gladly mount our faithful horses and ride away to
〃water;〃 and what bareback races ride; going and coming。  We would be
even glad to hear 〃guard 〃 and 〃drill〃 sounded; and there would be music
in the disconsolate 〃surgeon's call:〃

     〃Come…get…your…q…n…i…n…i…n…e; come; get your quinine; It'll make you
     sad: It'll make you sick。  Come; come。〃

O; if we were only back; what admirable soldiers we would be!
One morning; about three or four o'clock; we were awakened by the ground
shaking and a series of heavy; dull thumps sounding oft seaward。
Our silver…voiced bugler seemed to be awakened; too。  He set the echoes
ringing with a vigorously played 〃reveille;〃 a minute later came an
equally earnest 〃assembly;〃 and when 〃boots and saddles〃 followed; we
knew that all was not well in Denmark; the thumping and shaking now had
a significance。  It meant heavy Yankee guns somewhere near。  We heard the
gunners hitching up; the bugle signal 〃forward;〃 the wheels roll off;
and for a half hour afterwards we caught the receding sound of the bugle
commanding 〃right turn;〃 〃left turn;〃 etc。; as the batteries marched
away。  Of course; we became considerably wrought up over the matter;
as we fancied that; knowing we were in Savannah; our vessels were trying
to pass up to the City and take it。  The thumping and shaking continued
until late in the afternoon。

We subsequently learned that some of our blockaders; finding time banging
heavy upon their hands; had essayed a little diversion by knocking Forts
Jackson and Bledsoetwo small forts defending the passage of the
Savannahabout their defenders' ears。  After capturing the forts our
folks desisted and came no farther。

Quite a number of the old Raider crowd had come with us from
Andersonville。  Among these was the shyster; Peter Bradley。  They kept up
their old tactics of hanging around the gates; and currying favor with
the Rebels in every possible way; in hopes to get paroles outside or
other favors。  The great mass of the prisoners were so bitter against the
Rebels as to feel that they would rather die than ask or accept a favor
from their hands; and they had little else than contempt for these
trucklers。  The raider crowd's favorite theme of conversation with the
Rebels was the strong discontent of the boys with the manner of their
treatment by our Government。  The assertion that there was any such
widespread feeling was utterly false。  We all had confidenceas we
continue to have to this daythat our Government would do everything for
us possible; consistent with its honor; and the success of military
operations; and outside of the little squad of which I speak; not an
admission could be extracted from anybody that blame could be attached to
any one; except the Rebels。  It was regarded as unmanly and unsoldier…
like to the last degree; as well as senseless; to revile our Government
for the crimes committed by its foes。

But the Rebels were led to believe that we were ripe for revolt against
our flag; and to side with them。  Imagine; if possible; the stupidity
that would mistake our bitter hatred of those who were our deadly
enemies; for any feeling that would lead us to join hands with those
enemies。  One day we were surprised to see the carpenters erect a rude
stand in the center of the camp。  When it was finished; Bradley appeared
upon it; in company with some Rebel officers and guards。  We gathered
around in curiosity; and Bradley began making a speech。

He said that it had now become apparent to all of us that our Government
had abandoned us; that it cared little or nothing for us; since it could
hire as many more quite readily; by offering a bounty equal to the pay
which would be due us now; that it cost only a few hundred dollars to
bring over a shipload of Irish; 〃Dutch;〃 and French; who were only too
glad to agree to fight or do anything else to get to this country。  'The
peculiar impudence of this consisted in Bradley himself being a
foreigner; and one who had only come out under one of the later calls;
and the influence of a big bounty。'

Continuing in this strain he repeated and dwelt upon the old lie; always
in the mouths of his crowd; that Secretary Stanton and General Halleck
had positively refused to enter upon negotiations for exchange; because
those in prison were 〃only a miserable lot of 'coffee…boilers' and
'blackberry pickers;' whom the Army was better off without。〃

The terms 〃coffee…boiler;〃 and 〃blackberry…pickers〃 were considered the
worst terms of opprobrium we had in prison。  They were applied to that
class of stra
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