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A gross overestimate of our numbers had caused the sending of so large
a force on this errand; and the rough treatment we gave the two columns
that attacked us first confirmed the Rebel General's ideas of our
strength; and led him to adopt cautious tactics; instead of crushing us
out speedily; by a determined advance of all parts of his encircling

The lull in the fight did not last long。  A portion of the Rebel line on
the east rushed forward to gain a more commanding position。
We concentrated in that direction and drove it back; the Rodman assisting
with a couple of well…aimed shells。 This was followed by a similar but
more successful attempt by another part of the Rebel line; and so it went
on all daythe Rebels rushing up first on this side; and then on that;
and we; hastily collecting at the exposed points; seeking to drive them
back。  We were frequently successful; we were on the inside; and had the
advantage of the short interior lines; so that our few men and our
breech…loaders told to a good purpose。

There were frequent crises in the struggle; that at some times gave
encouragement; but never hope。  Once a determined onset was made from the
East; and was met by the equally determined resistance of nearly our
whole force。  Our fire was so galling that a large number of our foes
crowded into a house on a knoll; and making loopholes in its walls; began
replying to us pretty sharply。  We sent word to our faithful
artillerists; who trained the gun upon the house。  The first shell
screamed over the roof; and burst harmlessly beyond。  We suspended fire
to watch the next。  It crashed through the side; for an instant all was
deathly still; we thought it had gone on through。  Then came a roar and a
crash; the clapboards flew off the roof; and smoke poured out; panic…
stricken Rebels rushed from the doors and sprang from the windows…like
bees from a disturbed hive; the shell had burst among the confined mass
of men inside!  We afterwards heard that twenty…five were killed there。

At another time a considerable force of rebels gained the cover of a
fence in easy range of our main force。  Companies L and K were ordered to
charge forward on foot and dislodge them。  Away we went; under a fire
that seemed to drop a man at every step。  A hundred yards in front of the
Rebels was a little cover; and behind this our men lay down as if by one
impulse。  Then came a close; desperate duel at short range。  It was a
question between Northern pluck and Southern courage; as to which could
stand the most punishment。  Lying as flat as possible on the crusted
snow; only raising the head or body enough to load and aim; the men on
both sides; with their teeth set; their glaring eyes fastened on the foe;
their nerves as tense as tightly…drawn steel wires; rained shot on each
other as fast as excited hands could crowd cartridges into the guns and
discharge them。

Not a word was said。

The shallower enthusiasm that expresses itself in oaths and shouts had
given way to the deep; voiceless rage of men in a death grapple。  The
Rebel line was a rolling torrent of flame; their bullets shrieked angrily
as they flew past; they struck the snow in front of us; and threw its
cold flakes in faces that were white with the fires of consuming hate;
they buried themselves with a dull thud in the quivering bodies of the
enraged combatants。

Minutes passed; they seemed hours。

Would the villains; scoundrels; hell…hounds; sons of vipers never go?

At length a few Rebels sprang up and tried to fly。  They were shot down

Then the whole line rose and ran!

The relief was so great that we jumped to our feet and cheered wildly;
forgetting in our excitement to make use of our victory by shooting down
our flying enemies。

Nor was an element of fun lacking。  A Second Lieutenant was ordered to
take a party of skirmishers to the top of a hill and engage those of the
Rebels stationed on another hill…top across a ravine。  He had but lately
joined us from the Regular Army; where he was a Drill Sergeant。
Naturally; he was very methodical in his way; and scorned to do otherwise
under fire than he would upon the parade ground。  He moved his little
command to the hill…top; in close order; and faced them to the front。
The Johnnies received them with a yell and a volley; whereat the boys
winced a little; much to the Lieutenant's disgust; who swore at them;
then had them count off with great deliberation; and deployed them as
coolly as if them was not ;an enemy within a hundred miles。  After the
line deployed; he 〃dressed〃 it; commanded 〃Front!〃 and 〃Begin; firing!〃
his attention was called another way for an instant; and when he looked
back again; there was not a man of his nicely formed skirmish line
visible。  The logs and stones had evidently been put there for the use of
skirmishers; the boys thought; and in an instant they availed themselves
of their shelter。

Never was there an angrier man than that Second Lieutenant; he brandished
his saber and swore; he seemed to feel that all his soldierly reputation
was gone; but the boys stuck to their shelter for all that; informing him
that when the Rebels would stand out in the open field and take their
fire; they would d likewise。

Despite all our efforts; the Rebel line crawled up closer an closer to
us; we were driven back from knoll to knoll; and from one fence after
another。  We had maintained the unequal struggle for eight hours; over
one…fourth of our number were stretched upon the snow; killed or badly
wounded。  Our cartridges were nearly all gone; the cannon had fired its
last shot long ago; and having a blank cartridge left; had shot the
rammer at a gathering party of the enemy。

Just as the Winter sun was going down upon a day of gloom the bugle
called us all up on the hillside。  Then the Rebels saw for the first time
how few there were; and began an almost simultaneous charge all along the
line。  The Major raised piece of a shelter tent upon a pole。  The line
halted。  An officer rode out from it; followed by two privates。

Approaching the Major; he said; 〃Who is in command this force?〃

The Major replied: 〃I am。〃

〃Then; Sir; I demand your sword。〃

〃What is your rank; Sir!〃

〃I am Adjutant of the Sixty…fourth Virginia。〃

The punctillious soul of the old 〃Regular〃for such the Major was
swelled up instantly; and he answered:

〃By …; sir; I will never surrender to my inferior in rank!〃

The Adjutant reined his horse back。  His two followers leveled their
pieces at the Major and waited orders to fire。  They were covered by a
dozen carbines in the hands of our men。  The Adjutant ordered his men to
〃recover arms;〃 and rode away with them。  He presently returned with a
Colonel; and to him the Major handed his saber。

As the men realized what was being done; the first thought of many of
them was to snatch out the cylinder's of their revolvers; and the slides
of their carbines; and throw them away; so as to make the arms useless。

We were overcome with rage and humiliation at being compelled to yield to
an enemy whom we had hated so bitterly。  As we stood there on the bleak
mountain…side; the bi
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