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of whip…poor…wills in the woods around us began their usual dismal cry;
which had never seemed so unearthly and full of dreadful presages as now。

It was; now quite dark; and we stole noiselessly down to the Creek and
reconnoitered。  We listened。  The guard was not pacing his beat; as we
could not hear his footsteps。  A large; ill…shapen lump against the trunk
of one of the trees on the bank showed that he was leaning there resting
himself。  We watched him for several minutes; but he did not move; and
the thought shot into our minds that he might be asleep; but it seemed
impossible: it was too early in the evening。

Now; if ever; was the opportunity。  Harney squeezed my hand; stepped
noiselessly into the Creek; laid himself gently down into the filthy
water; and while my heart was beating so that I was certain it could be
heard some distance from me; began making toward the fence。  He passed
under easily; and I raised my eyes toward the guard; while on my strained
ear fell the soft plashing made by Harvey as he pulled himself cautiously
forward。  It seemed as if the sentinel must hear this; he could not help
it; and every second I expected to see the black lump address itself to
motion; and the musket flash out fiendishly。  But he did not; the lump
remained motionless; the musket silent。

When I thought that Harvey had gained a sufficient distance I followed。
It seemed as if the disgusting water would smother me as I laid myself
down into it; and such was my agitation that it appeared almost
impossible that I should escape making such a noise as would attract the
guard's notice。  Catching hold of the roots and limbs at the side of the
stream; I pulled myself slowly along; and as noiselessly as possible。

I passed under the fence without difficulty; and was outside; and within
fifteen feet of the guard。  I had lain down into the creek upon my right
side; that my face might be toward the guard; and I could watch him
closely all the time。

As I came under the fence he was still leaning motionless against the
tree; but to my heated imagination he appeared to have turned and be
watching me。  I hardly breathed; the filthy water rippling past me seemed
to roar to attract the guard's attention; I reached my hand out
cautiously to grasp a root to pull myself along by; and caught instead a
dry branch; which broke with a loud crack。  My heart absolutely stood
still。  The guard evidently heard the noise。  The black lump separated
itself from the tree; and a straight line which I knew to be his musket
separated itself from the lump。  In a brief instant I lived a year of
mortal apprehension。  So certain was I that he had discovered me; and was
leveling his piece to fire; that I could scarcely restrain myself from
springing up and dashing away to avoid the shot。  Then I heard him take a
step; and to my unutterable surprise and relief; he walked off farther
from the Creek; evidently to speak to the man whose beat joined his。

I pulled away more swiftly; but still with the greatest caution; until
after half…an…hour's painful effort I had gotten fully one hundred and
fifty yards away from the Hospital fence; and found Harney crouched on a
cypress knee; close to the water's edge; watching for me。

We waited there a few minutes; until I could rest; and calm my perturbed
nerves down to something nearer their normal equilibrium; and then
started on。  We hoped that if we were as lucky in our next step as in the
first one we would reach the Flint River by daylight; and have a good
long start before the morning roll…call revealed our absence。  We could
hear the hounds still baying in the distance; but this sound was too
customary to give us any uneasiness。

But our progress was terribly slow。  Every step hurt fearfully。  The
Creek bed was full of roots and snags; and briers; and vines trailed
across it。  These caught and tore our bare feet and legs; rendered
abnormally tender by the scurvy。  It seemed as if every step was marked
with blood。  The vines tripped us; and we frequently fell headlong。  We
struggled on determinedly for nearly an hour; and were perhaps a mile
from the Hospital。

The moon came up; and its light showed that the creek continued its
course through a dense jungle like that we had been traversing; while on
the high ground to our left were the open pine woods I have previously

We stopped and debated for a few minutes。  We recalled our promise to
keep in the Creek; the experience of other boys who had tried to escape
and been caught by the hounds。  If we staid in the Creek we were sure the
hounds would not find our trail; but it was equally certain that at this
rate we would be exhausted and starved before we got out of sight of the
prison。  It seemed that we had gone far enough to be out of reach of the
packs patrolling immediately around the Stockade; and there could be but
little risk in trying a short walk on the dry ground。  We concluded to
take the chances; and; ascending the bank; we walked and ran as fast as
we could for about two miles further。

All at once it struck me that with all our progress the hounds sounded as
near as when we started。  I shivered at the thought; and though nearly
ready to drop with fatigue; urged myself and Harney on。

An instant later their baying rang out on the still night air right
behind us; and with fearful distinctness。  There was no mistake now; they
had found our trail; and were running us down。  The change from fearful
apprehension to the crushing reality stopped us stock…still in our

At the next breath the hounds came bursting through the woods in plain
sight; and in full cry。  We obeyed our first impulse; rushed back into
the swamp; forced our way for a few yards through the flesh…tearing
impediments; until we gained a large cypress; upon whose great knees we
climbedthoroughly exhaustedjust as the yelping pack reached the edge
of the water; and stopped there and bayed at us。  It was a physical
impossibility for us to go another step。

In a moment the low…browed villain who had charge of the hounds came
galloping up on his mule; tooting signals to his dogs as he came; on the
cow…horn slung from his shoulders。

He immediately discovered us; covered us with his revolver; and yelled

〃Come ashore; there; quick: you   s!〃

There was no help for it。  We climbed down off the knees and started
towards the land。  As we neared it; the hounds became almost frantic;
and it seemed as if we would be torn to pieces the moment they could
reach us。  But the master dismounted and drove them back。  He was surly…
even savageto us; but seemed in too much hurry to get back to waste any
time annoying us with the dogs。  He ordered us to get around in front of
the mule; and start back to camp。  We moved as rapidly as our fatigue and
our lacerated feet would allow us; and before midnight were again in the
hospital; fatigued; filthy; torn; bruised and wretched beyond description
or conception。

The next morning we were turned back into the Stockade as punishment。


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