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wells; and made continual forays to capture the digging tools; because
the wells were frequently used as the starting places for tunnels。
Professor Jones lays special stress on this tunnel feature in his
testimony; which I have introduced in a previous chapter。

The great majority of the prisoners who went to the Creek for water; went
as near as possible to the Dead Line on the West Side; where the Creek
entered the Stockade; that they might get water with as little filth in
it as possible。  In the crowds struggling there for their turn to take a
dip; some one nearly every day got so close to the Dead Line as to arouse
a suspicion in the guard's mind that he was touching it。  The suspicion
was the unfortunate one's death warrant; and also its execution。  As the
sluggish brain of the guard conceived it he leveled his gun; the distance
to his victim was not over one hundred feet; he never failed his aim; the
first warning the wretched prisoner got that he was suspected of
transgressing a prison…rule was the charge of 〃ball…and…buck〃 that tore
through his body。  It was lucky if he was; the only one of the group
killed。  More wicked and unjustifiable murders never were committed than
these almost daily assassinations at the Creek。

One morning the camp was astonished beyond measure to discover that
during the night a large; bold spring had burst out on the North Side;
about midway between the Swamp and the summit of the hill。  It poured out
its grateful flood of pure; sweet water in an apparently exhaustless
quantity。  To the many who looked in wonder upon it; it seemed as truly a
heaven…wrought miracle as when Moses's enchanted rod smote the parched
rock in Sinai's desert waste; and the living waters gushed forth。

The police took charge of the spring; and every one was compelled to take
his regular turn in filling his vessel。  This was kept up during our
whole stay in Andersonville; and every morning; shortly after daybreak;
a thousand men could be seen standing in line; waiting their turns to
fill their cans and cups with the precious liquid。

I am told by comrades who have revisited the Stockade of recent years;
that the spring is yet running as when we left; and is held in most pious
veneration by the negros of that vicinity; who still preserve the
tradition of its miraculous origin; and ascribe to its water wonderful
grace giving and healing properties; similar to those which pious
Catholics believe exist in the holy water of the fountain at Lourdes。

I must confess that I do not think they are so very far from right。
If I could believe that any water was sacred and thaumaturgic; it would
be of that fountain which appeared so opportunely for the benefit of the
perishing thousands of Andersonville。  And when I hear of people bringing
water for baptismal purposes from the Jordan; I say in my heart; 〃How
much more would I value for myself and friends the administration of the
chrismal sacrament with the diviner flow from that low sand…hill in
Western Georgia。



Every morning after roll…call; thousands of sick gathered at the South
Gate; where the doctors made some pretense of affording medical relief。
The scene there reminded me of the illustrations in my Sunday…School
lessons of that time when 〃great multitudes came unto Him;〃 by the shores
of the Sea of Galilee; 〃having with them those that were lame; blind;
dumb; maimed; and many others。〃  Had the crowds worn the flouting robes
of the East; the picture would have lacked nothing but the presence of
the Son of Man to make it complete。  Here were the burning sands and
parching sun; hither came scores of groups of three or four comrades;
laboriously staggering under the weight of a blanket in which they had
carried a disabled and dying friend from some distant part of the
Stockade。  Beside them hobbled the scorbutics with swollen and distorted
limbs; each more loathsome and nearer death than the lepers whom Christ's
divine touch made whole。  Dozens; unable to walk; and having no comrades
to carry them; crawled painfully along; with frequent stops; on their
hands and knees。  Every; form of intense physical suffering that it is
possible for disease to induce in the human frame was visible at these
daily parades of the sick of the prison。  As over three thousand (three
thousand and seventy…six) died in August; there were probably twelve
thousand dangerously sick at any given time daring the month; and a large
part of these collected at the South Gate every morning。

Measurably…calloused as we had become by the daily sights of horror
around us; we encountered spectacles in these gatherings which no amount
of visible misery could accustom us to。  I remember one especially that
burned itself deeply into my memory。  It was of a young man not over
twenty…five; who a few weeks agohis clothes looked comparatively new
had evidently been the picture of manly beauty and youthful vigor。
He had had a well…knit; lithe form; dark curling hair fell over a
forehead which had once been fair; and his eyes still showed that they
had gleamed with a bold; adventurous spirit。  The red clover leaf on his
cap showed that he belonged to the First Division of the Second Corps;
the three chevrons on his arm that he was a Sergeant; and the stripe at
his cuff that he was a veteran。  Some kind…hearted boys had found him in
a miserable condition on the North Side; and carried him over in a
blanket to where the doctors could see him。  He had but little clothing
on; save his blouse and cap。  Ulcers of some kind had formed in his
abdomen; and these were now masses of squirming worms。  It was so much
worse than the usual forms of suffering; that quite a little crowd of
compassionate spectators gathered around and expressed their pity。
The sufferer turned to one who lay beside him with:

〃Comrade: If we were only under the old Stars and Stripes; we wouldn't
care a G…d dn for a few worms; would we?〃

This was not profane。  It was an utterance from the depths of a brave
man's heart; couched in the strongest language at his command。  It seemed
terrible that so gallant a soul should depart from earth in this
miserable fashion。  Some of us; much moved by the sight; went to the
doctors and put the case as strongly as possible; begging them to do
something to alleviate his suffering。  They declined to see the case;
but got rid of us by giving us a bottle of turpentine; with directions to
pour it upon the ulcers to kill the maggots。  We did so。  It must have
been cruel torture; and as absurd remedially as cruel; but our hero set
his teeth and endured; without a groan。  He was then carried out to the
hospital to die。

I said the doctors made a pretense of affording medical relief。  It was
hardly that; since about all the prescription for those inside 
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