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as plaintive as the distant cooing of the dove in lowering; weather。
He played or rather tooted away in his 〃blues〃inducing strain hour after
hour; despite our energetic protests; and occasionally flinging a club at
him。  There was no more stop to him than to a man with a hand…organ; and
to this day the low; sad notes of a flute are the swiftest reminder to me
of those sorrowful; death…laden days。

I had an illustration one morning of how far decomposition would progress
in a man's body before he died。  My chum and I found a treasure…trove in
the streets; in the shape of the body of a man who died during the night。
The value of this 〃find〃 was that if we took it to the gate; we would be
allowed to carry it outside to the deadhouse; and on our way back have an
opportunity to pick up a chunk of wood; to use in cooking。  While
discussing our good luck another party came up and claimed the body。
A verbal dispute led to one of blows; in which we came off victorious;
and I hastily caught hold of the arm near the elbow to help bear the body
away。  The skin gave way under my hand; and slipped with it down to the
wrist; like a torn sleeve。  It was sickening; but I clung to my prize;
and secured a very good chunk of wood while outside with it。  The wood
was very much needed by my mess; as our squad had then had none for more
than a week。



Naturally; we had a consuming hunger for news of what was being
accomplished by our armies toward crushing the Rebellion。  Now; more than
ever; had we reason to ardently wish for the destruction of the Rebel
power。  Before capture we had love of country and a natural desire for
the triumph of her flag to animate us。  Now we had a hatred of the Rebels
that passed expression; and a fierce longing to see those who daily
tortured and insulted us trampled down in the dust of humiliation。

The daily arrival of prisoners kept us tolerably well informed as to the
general progress of the campaign; and we added to the information thus
obtained by gettingalmost dailyin some manner or anothera copy of a
Rebel paper。  Most frequently these were Atlanta papers; or an issue of
the 〃Memphis…Corinth…Jackson…Grenada…Chattanooga…Resacca…Marietta…Atlanta
Appeal;〃 as they used to facetiously term a Memphis paper that left that
City when it was taken in 1862; and for two years fell back from place to
place; as Sherman's Army advanced; until at last it gave up the struggle
in September; 1864; in a little Town south of Atlanta; after about two
thousand miles of weary retreat from an indefatigable pursuer。  The
papers were brought in by 〃fresh fish;〃 purchased from the guards at from
fifty cents to one dollar apiece; or occasionally thrown in to us when
they had some specially disagreeable intelligence; like the defeat of
Banks; or Sturgis; or Bunter; to exult over。  I was particularly
fortunate in getting hold of these。  Becoming installed as general reader
for a neighborhood of several thousand men; everything of this kind was
immediately brought to me; to be read aloud for the benefit of everybody。
All the older prisoners knew me by the nick…name of 〃Illinoy〃
a designation arising from my wearing on my cap; when I entered prison;
a neat little white metal badge of 〃ILLS。〃  When any reading matter was
brought into our neighborhood; there would be a general cry of:

〃Take it up to 'Illinoy;'〃 and then hundreds would mass around my
quarters to bear the news read。

The Rebel papers usually had very meager reports of the operations of the
armies; and these were greatly distorted; but they were still very
interesting; and as we always started in to read with the expectation
that the whole statement was a mass of perversions and lies; where truth
was an infrequent accident; we were not likely to be much impressed with

There was a marled difference in the tone of the reports brought in from
the different armies。  Sherman's men were always sanguine。  They had no
doubt that they were pushing the enemy straight to the wall; and that
every day brought the Southern Confederacy much nearer its downfall。
Those from the Army of the Potomac were never so hopeful。  They would
admit that Grant was pounding Lee terribly; but the shadow of the
frequent defeats of the Army of the Potomac seemed to hang depressingly
over them。

There came a day; however; when our sanguine hopes as to Sherman were
checked by a possibility that he had failed; that his long campaign
towards Atlanta had culminated in such a reverse under the very walls of
the City as would compel an abandonment of the enterprise; and possibly a
humiliating retreat。  We knew that Jeff。 Davis and his Government were
strongly dissatisfied with the Fabian policy of Joe Johnston。  The papers
had told us of the Rebel President's visit to Atlanta; of his bitter
comments on Johnston's tactics; of his going so far as to sneer about the
necessity of providing pontoons at Key West; so that Johnston might
continue his retreat even to Cuba。  Then came the news of Johnston's
Supersession by Hood; and the papers were full of the exulting
predictions of what would now be accomplished 〃when that gallant young
soldier is once fairly in the saddle。〃

All this meant one supreme effort to arrest the onward course of Sherman。
It indicated a resolve to stake the fate of Atlanta; and the fortunes of
the Confederacy in the West; upon the hazard of one desperate fight。
We watched the summoning up of every Rebel energy for the blow with
apprehension。  We dreaded another Chickamauga。

The blow fell on the 22d of July。  It was well planned。  The Army of the
Tennessee; the left of Sherman's forces; was the part struck。  On the
night of the 21st Hood marched a heavy force around its left flank and
gained its rear。  On the 22d this force fell on the rear with the
impetuous violence of a cyclone; while the Rebels in the works
immediately around Atlanta attacked furiously in front。

It was an ordeal that no other army ever passed through successfully。
The steadiest troops in Europe would think it foolhardiness to attempt to
withstand an assault in force in front and rear at the same time。
The finest legions that follow any flag to…day must almost inevitably
succumb to such a mode of attack。  But the seasoned veterans of the Army
of the Tennessee encountered the shock with an obstinacy which showed
that the finest material for soldiery this planet holds was that in which
undaunted hearts beat beneath blue blouses。  Springing over the front of
their breastworks; they drove back with a withering fire the force
assailing them in the rear。  This beaten off; they jumped back to their
proper places; and repulsed the assault in front。  This was the way the
battle was waged until night compelled a cessation of operations。  Our
boys were alternately behind the breastworks firing at Rebels advancing
upon the front; and in front of the works firing upon those coming up in
the rear。  Sometimes part of our line would be on one side 
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