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respite; for the squad would return reinforced; and make short work of
them。  Besides; the prisoners generally were beginning to understand and
approve of the Regulators' movement; and were disposed to give all the
assistance needed。

Myself and 〃Egypt;〃 my taciturn Lieutenant of the sinewy left arm; were
sent with our company to arrest Pete Donnelly; a notorious character; and
leader of; a bad crowd。  He was more 〃knocker〃 than Raider; however。
He was an old Pemberton building acquaintance; and as we marched up to
where he was standing at the head of his gathering clan; he recognized me
and said:

〃Hello; Illinoy;〃 (the name by which I was generally known in prison)
〃what do you want here?〃

I replied; 〃Pete; Key has sent me for you。  I want you to go to

〃What the  does Key want with me?〃

〃I don't know; I'm sure; he only said to bring you。〃

〃But I haven't had anything to do with them other snoozers you have been
a…having trouble with。〃

〃I don't know anything about that; you can talk to Key as to that。
I only know that we are sent for you。〃

〃Well; you don't think you can take me unless I choose to go?  You haint
got anybody in that crowd big enough to make it worth while for him to
waste his time trying it。〃

I replied diffidently that one never knew whathe could do till he
tried; that while none of us were very big; we were as willing a lot of
little fellows as he ever saw; and if it were all the same to him; we
would undertake to waste a little time getting him to headquarters。

The conversation seemed unnecessarily long to 〃Egypt;〃 who stood by my
side; about a half step in advance。  Pete was becoming angrier and more
defiant every minute。  His followers were crowding up to us; club in
hand。  Finally Pete thrust his fist in my face; and roared out:

〃By …; I ain't a going with ye; and ye can't take me;
you    〃

This was 〃 Egypt's〃 cue。  His long left arm uncoupled like the loosening
of the weight of a pile…driver。  It caught Mr。 Donnelly under the chin;
fairly lifted him from his feet; and dropped him on his back among his
followers。  It seemed to me that the predominating expression in his face
as he went; over was that of profound wonder as to where that blow could
have come from; and why he did not see it in time to dodge or ward it

As Pete dropped; the rest of us stepped forward with our clubs; to engage
his followers; while 〃Egypt〃 and one or two others tied his hands and
otherwise secured him。  But his henchmen made no effort to rescue him;
and we carried him over to headquarters without molestation。

The work of arresting increased in interest and excitement until it
developed into the furore of a hunt; with thousands eagerly engaged in
it。  The Raiders' tents were torn down and pillaged。  Blankets; tent
poles; and cooking utensils were carried off as spoils; and the ground
was dug over for secreted property。  A large quantity of watches; chains;
knives; rings; gold pens; etc。; etc。the booty of many a raidwas
found; and helped to give impetus to the hunt。  Even the Rebel
Quartermaster; with the characteristic keen scent of the Rebels for
spoils; smelled from the outside the opportunity for gaining plunder;
and came in with a squad of Rebels equipped with spades; to dig for
buried treasures。  How successful he was I know not; as I took no part m
any of the operations of that nature。

It was claimed that several skeletons of victims of the Raiders were
found buried beneath the tent。  I cannot speak with any certainty as to
this; though my impression is that at least one was found。

By evening Key had perhaps one hundred and twenty…five of the most noted
Raiders in his hands。  Wirz had allowed him the use of the small stockade
forming the entrance to the North Gate to confine them in。

The next thing was the judgment and punishment of the arrested ones。
For this purpose Key organized a court martial composed of thirteen
Sergeants; chosen from the; latest arrivals of prisoners; that they might
have no prejudice against the Raiders。  I believe that a man named Dick
McCullough; belonging to the Third Missouri Cavalry; was the President of
the Court。  The trial was carefully conducted; with all the formality of
a legal procedure that the Court and those managing the matter could
remember as applicable to the crimes with which the accused were charged。
Each of these confronted by the witnesses who testified against him; and
allowed to cross…examine them to any extent he desired。
The defense was managed by one of their crowd; the foul…tongued Tombs
shyster; Pete Bradley; of whom I have before spoken。  Such was the fear
of the vengeance of the Raiders and their friends that many who had been
badly abused dared not testify against them; dreading midnight
assassination if they did。  Others would not go before the Court except
at night。  But for all this there was no lack of evidence; there were
thousands who had been robbed and maltreated; or who had seen these
outrages committed on others; and the boldness of the leaders in their
bight of power rendered their identification a matter of no difficulty

The trial lasted several days; and concluded with sentencing quite a
large number to run the gauntlet; a smaller number to wear balls and
chains; and the following six to be hanged:

John Sarsfield; One Hundred and Forty…Fourth New York。
William Collins; alias 〃Mosby;〃 Company D; Eighty…Eighth Pennsylvania;
Charles Curtis; Company A; Fifth Rhode Island Artillery。
Patrick Delaney; Company E; Eighty…Third Pennsylvania。
A。 Muir; United States Navy。
Terence Sullivan; Seventy…Second New York。

These names and regiments are of little consequence; however; as I
believe all the rascals were professional bounty…jumpers; and did not
belong to any regiment longer than they could find an opportunity to
desert and join another。

Those sentenced to ball…and…chain were brought in immediately; and had
the irons fitted to them that had been worn by some of our men as a
punishment for trying to escape。

It was not yet determined how punishment should be meted out to the
remainder; but circumstances themselves decided the matter。  Wirz became
tired of guarding so large a number as Key had arrested; and he informed
Key that he should turn them back into the Stockade immediately。  Key
begged for little farther time to consider the disposition of the cases;
but Wirz refused it; and ordered the Officer of the Guard to return all
arrested; save those sentenced to death; to the Stockade。  In the
meantime the news had spread through the prison that the Raiders were to
be sent in again unpunished; and an angry mob; numbering some thousands;
and mostly composed of men who had suffered injuries at the hands of the
marauders; gathered at the South Gate; clubs in hand; to get such
satisfaction as they could out of the rascals。  They formed in two long;
parallel lines; facing inward; and grimly awaited the incoming of the
objects of their vengeance。

The Officer of the Guard opened the wicket in the gate; and began forcing
the Raiders through itone at a timeat the point of the bayonet; and
each a
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